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Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health
Together for more healthy years
Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health


'Lawsuit against tobacco industry is low-hanging fruit'
Posted on:02 July 2024

Would it be possible to sue the tobacco industry for violating human rights, as Milieudefensie did with Shell in 2019? Brigit Toebes, full professor of Health Law and scientific director of the Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health, believes so. In this interview, she talks about the 'guiding role' of law to promote health, the importance of prevention and the right balance in regulation. 'We need to put human values and dignity above economic benefits.'

“Refugee children need to find their place within a school”
Posted on:27 June 2024

Students with refugee backgrounds often struggle with social interactions with their teacher and peers. PhD student Yol Nakanishi is going to conduct research on these interactions of young refugees in the classroom through an M20 grant. “Through collaboration of different disciplines, we have obtained an innovative perspective to develop a practice-based intervention that is actually needed.

A mismatch between city and individual
Posted on:24 June 2024

For many people, taking a walk around the block is something they hardly think about, but for people with physical disabilities it is not nearly as straightforward. A new M20 study examines the mismatch between the city and the individual. “There are a lot of barriers for people with physical disabilities that are not being considered,” says professor of health geography Louise Meijering.

The underexposed side of the menopause
Posted on:18 June 2024

Reports about menopause are often negative; they are often about getting older, the loss of femininity or the symptoms that come paired with it. Many women are therefore anxious about this period. According to PhD student Hanneke de Boer, it is quite possible that this negative view of the menopause makes the symptoms worse for many women; She will investigate this in a new M20 study.

Staatscommissie MDMA ziet mogelijkheden voor therapeutische toepassing MDMA
Posted on:06 June 2024

Het kabinet moet voortvarend handelen om de therapeutische toepassing van MDMA mogelijk te maken. Daarnaast kan er van regulering voor de recreatieve markt geen sprake zijn zolang er geen zekerheid is over terugdringen van de criminaliteit en de mogelijkheden van regulering nog niet concreet zijn uitgewerkt. Dat zijn de belangrijkste conclusies van de Staatscommissie MDMA.

‘Onderliggende problemen op gebied van gezondheid niet geadresseerd’
Posted on:30 May 2024

Reactie Aletta Jacobs School op hoofdlijnenakkoord

Het akkoord op hoofdlijnen van de partijen PVV, VVD, NSC en BBB is op 16 mei officieel gepresenteerd. Drie experts van de Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health (AJSPH) maken zich zorgen over de plannen. Volgens hen is er nauwelijks aandacht voor een gezonde leefomgeving en mentale gezondheid van jongeren.

European Researchers' Night: 'It gives you a lot of positive energy'
Posted on:27 May 2024

The four Schools for Science & Society of the University of Groningen will again host the European Researchers' Night in Forum Groningen in 2024. The Forum will be transformed into a science hotspot on 27 September, bringing science closer to the public. Three researchers look back on last year's edition. 'The audience was very involved and active.'

Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health and the Faculty of Laws at the University of Groningen awarded Zonmw grant for research on alcohol regulation
Posted on:14 May 2024

Prof. Brigit Toebes and Dr Michelle Bruijn have been awarded a grant from funding organization Zonmw, with the help of which they will fund the research project ‘Alcohol regulation: navigating between allowing and prohibiting’ for four years. The American prohibition has not worked, and the Dutch rather liberal approach is not necessarily a success either. So what is optimal?

Samen bouwen aan een interdisciplinaire leergemeenschap
Posted on:07 May 2024

PhD/i, de leergemeenschap voor interfacultaire promotietrajecten aan de RUG, wordt vanaf mei ondergebracht bij de Schools for Science & Society. Volgens wetenschappelijk directeur Konstantin Mierau is het de gedroomde plek. ‘Binnen de Schools kunnen we verder werken aan de positieve zichtbaarheid van interfacultaire en interdisciplinaire PhD’s en hun begeleiders.’

Explore the possibilities of citizen science together
Posted on:26 April 2024

The Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health and the Centre of Expertise Social Sciences Health and Well-being are jointly organizing an event on citizen science at the House of Connections in Groningen on May 14th from 12:00 to 17:00. According to Lisette van der Meer, director of the centre of expertise, citizen science can offer new opportunities in the social sciences.

Aletta’s Talent Network is looking for a new steering committee
Posted on:26 April 2024

Are you an early career researcher in the field of public health? Would you like to broaden your network, increase your visibility, further develop yourself professionally, and organize inspiring events? Then join Aletta’s Talent Network steering committee!

Summer school: different perspectives for health equity
Posted on:25 April 2024

The Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health is organizing a summer school on health equity from July 1 to 5. Growing older leads to more health problems, that's natural, but even within the same age groups, health is not equal. According to Marije Bosch and Erik Buskens, the coordinators of the summer school, that's a big problem. ''We need to create an environment where people are empowered to engage in healthy behaviors, thus preventing unwanted and unfair inequality.''

Aletta Health Centres Meet & Greet
Posted on:11 April 2024

On April 2nd, the Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health organized a meet and greet with the health centers. During this short but content-packed event, presenters from the UMCG, NHL Stenden, Hanze and the RUG gave us insight into their perspectives on health and healthcare.

Learn to Creatively Care at the Arts in Health Summer School
Posted on:25 March 2024

Arts in Health summerschool

Aletta Dive ‘ sex matters’ - and the right of women to equal access to health
Posted on:14 February 2024

Aletta Dive - Sex Matters

European Researchers' Night returns to Groningen
Posted on:13 February 2024


Art can help humanize healthcare
Posted on:13 February 2024

Arts in Health

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