Aletta's Talent Network

Aletta's Talent Network (ATN) verbindt jonge onderzoekers in de volksgezondheid en faciliteert hen in hun loopbaan. Als onderdeel van de Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health richt de ATN zich op het slaan van bruggen tussen de verschillende faculteiten, afdelingen en organisaties binnen en buiten Aletta. Via deze verbanden kunnen jonge onderzoekers inzicht ontwikkelen in nieuwe onderzoeksmethoden. Ze leren daarnaast hun eigen project te situeren binnen het bredere denken over volksgezondheid. We bieden jonge onderzoekers de mogelijkheid om te leren van ervaren deskundigen en andere jonge onderzoekers, kennis en ervaringen uit te wisselen, en hun vaardigheden als onderzoeker op het gebied op volksgezondheid te verbreden.
Socializen en netwerken
Leden van het Aletta’s Talent Network hebben de mogelijkheid om te socializen tijdens informele activiteiten, potentiële werkgevers te ontmoeten, en banen in de volksgezondheid en/of beleid te ontdekken. Ten slotte biedt de Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health jonge onderzoekers de mogelijkheid om deel te nemen aan onderzoeksopdrachten en vraagstukken van externe partijen.
Samengevat, dit is wat Aletta's Talent Network te bieden heeft:
• Uitwisseling van kennis en ervaring.
• Op de hoogte blijven van elkaars onderzoeks- en databronnen.
• Mogelijkheden om te netwerken buiten je peergroup.
• Werken aan je carrière.
• Mogelijkheden voor gezamenlijk onderzoek.
• Betrokken worden bij de Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health en zo toegang krijgen tot professionele ondersteuning.
• De mogelijkheid om bij te dragen aan onderzoeksopdrachten voor en vraagstukken van externe partijen.
- 18 december 2024 - Public Engagement in Public Health: How to kickstart your engagement skills
- 14 februari 2025 - Save the date: Career event in public health
- 24 april 2025 - Save the date: Junior Research Meetup
Aletta Talent Network Committee

Aniek Kolen
Co-chair at the Aletta Talent Network, PhD candidate at the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, UMCG
Aniek has a background in dietetics and human movement sciences. Currently, she is finishing up her PhD on the role of nutrition during (p)rehabilitation in people with a major dysvascular lower limb amputation.

Monique van Cauwenberghe
Co-chair at the Aletta Talent Network, legal researcher and teacher at the RUG, coordinator of the Groningen Centre for Health Law (GCHL) and Global Scientific Network on Law and Tobacco (GSNLT)
Monique has a social sciences, health and legal background. Currently, she is researching health and human rights arguments in climate litigation relating to displacement. She is also in the process of turning her LLM thesis into a PhD project focusing on human rights and mental health and gender-based violence amongst climate-disaster internal displaced persons.

Josephine Bokermann
Treasurer at the Aletta Talent Network, PhD candidate at the Health Sciences Department, UMCG
Josephine's background in Health Sciences and Epidemiology has guided her career in promoting health for both students and employees. Currently, in her PhD research, she is focused on improving the reintegration of long-term sick-listed employees in the Netherlands, particularly in the construction and elderly care sectors, by providing targeted support across key areas of the process.

Maryory Galvis Pedraza
PhD candidate, Campus Fryslân - MCL
Background in health sciences, especially in Bacteriology and Laboratory Medicine. Master degree in Epidemiology. Her interdisciplinary research focuses on analyzing the relationship between biological markers and outcomes in patients discharged from intensive care.

Núria Pujol Furelos
General Committee Member, PhD candidate at the Department of Department of (Early Modern) History & Department of Sustainable Health (Campus Fryslân)
Núria is an interdisciplinary PhD candidate with a background in Biomedical Sciences and History of Science. Her current research is at the intersection of History of Medicine and Public health. She is currently studying the history of public health during the Spanish Enlightenment in tandem with her research on the social determinants of health.

Taichi Ochi
General Committee Member. Research Fellow. Pillar Lead
Taichi is investigating the utilisation of genetic biomarkers and social determinants of health to optimise treatment outcomes in patients with major depressive disorders and type II diabetes. He is also part of the Open Science Program, focusing on addressing challenges faced in establishing and growing communities in the discipline.

Trishnika Chakraborty
Content Manager, PhD in the Department of Health Sciences
Trishnika is an Endodontist working in the topic of oral epidemiology, health literacy and global oral health. She is working on development of patient centered communication training for dental students. She has diverse experience in blogging, social media content creation to promote medical information to the general public.

Windson Lin
PhD candidate, Faculty of Arts
Windson Lin is a PhD candidate specializing in History of Medicine. He studies the translation of medical concepts between Chinese Medicine and American psychiatry. His research explores how medical knowledge travels across cultural, geographical and epistemic boundaries within the framework of Science and Technology Studies.

Hadi Hasan
PhD candidate, Faculty of Law - Rug. Researcher at ELSA Lab
Hadi Hasan is a PhD candidate specializing in Refugee Health and Human Rights. His research focuses on healthcare access barriers faced by refugees and asylum seekers in the Netherlands, exploring the role of AI in improving communication within healthcare settings. Through interdisciplinary frameworks, Hadi examines how legal, social, and technological factors intersect to impact healthcare equity for vulnerable populations.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 12 december 2024 15:31 |