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Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health
Together for more healthy years
Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health Research

Aletta Health Grant


Through consultancy earnings, AJSPH has reserved a budget to stimulate small and short term activities within the UMCG, UG, Hanze and NHL Stenden that are linked to the Public Health theme. 

Why do we finance smaller activities?
  • To assist junior researchers in further developing AJSPH related themes.
  • To stimulate working on societal challenges and issues.
  • To positively brand the UG, NHL Stenden UAS, Hanze UAS and the UMCG in terms of their AJSPH activities.

Ideas for small grants could be:
  • (Contribution to) organizing workshops and small conferences

  • Outreach activities as promotion material

  • A booklet to communicate research findings to societal partners

  • A form of visualization of research

  • Small data collections

  • Other…


Because of transparency and a legitimate decision-making process, we composed a set of conditions and criteria for grant eligibility:

  • The proposal fits in one of the four Aletta themes:

    1. Future-proof health systems

    2. Technology for Public Health

    3. Planetary Health

    4. Healthy living environment

  • The proposal supports activities of (a) junior researcher(s), PhD students, or post-docs.

  • The proposal is interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary in nature and transcends disciplinary borders of faculties and/or institutes. Involvement of societal partners or citizens is a plus.

  • The proposal is submitted by two or more academics from different disciplines/professions.

  • When granted, applicants are obliged to mention AJSPH in any related activities (by for example showing the AJSPH logo).

  • Everybody can only be a main applicant once per year and in the distribution of the grants we take into account spread across institutes, faculties and disciplines.

  • The activity can be expected to have a positive impact on (public) health, however big or small and in the broadest sense of the word.

  • The grant ‘makes a difference’: there are no sources for its funding in regular faculty-/academy-/university-level resources.

  • The grant does not exceed € 2.500,-. If it is intended to be part of a bigger activity budget, the applicants need to clearly state how and why the AHG is essential for the activity. 

  • Amounts up to 500 euros are not submitted to the committee. If the application meets the criteria the decision will be made by the scientific director of AJSPH and communicated afterwards to the committee.

The deadline for submitting a proposal is 1st of February, 2025.

Last modified:06 January 2025 09.27 a.m.