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Society/business Center for Information Technology News


TitlePosted on
Virtual Kindergarten wins Dutch Education Prize 202427 June 2024
Nolda Tipping new director Center for Information Technology18 June 2024
Figures construction of new houses 2024 available in RUG Construction-monitor (‘Nieuwbouwmonitior’)10 June 2024
Geodienst digitaliseert gipskaart van Groningen uit 182723 May 2024
XR HUB May 23: The Virtual Seaport Designer and the virtual classroom manager13 May 2024
New blog: Data autonomy: A student’s perspective of the future23 April 2024
Learn to manage students in secondary education with VR glasses28 March 2024
DCC Event Recap - FAIR Research Software: from policy to practice27 March 2024
Interview with Tommaso Caselli on the DALC (Dutch Abusive Language Corpus) dataset21 March 2024
Good practices for FAIR data management - an interview with Kasper Meijer12 March 2024
PhD students explore the world of GIS08 March 2024
XR HUB March 14: spatial design in 3D and the virtual judge01 March 2024
Looking back on successful workshop Storymapping26 February 2024
Encryption for research: safeguarding sensitive data15 February 2024
New blog: Data Autonomy and Academic Freedom14 February 2024
How to use Stable Diffusion in research and teaching?18 January 2024
XR HUB January 18: using VR in classroom management secondary education and body image in anorexia nervosa08 January 2024
New blog! (Critical) Data Autonomy: digital archiving for an uncertain future20 December 2023
New IT courses January - April 202414 December 2023
Join the 'Language and AI' community11 December 2023
Inspiring workshop on Story Mapping: 'The craft of telling a story'07 December 2023
Celebrating 10 years of empowering research: a decade of data management services at the UG30 November 2023
The UG Digital Competence Centre (UG DCC) receives two NWO grants to enhance its services02 November 2023
New blog: GÉANT and its contribution to Data Autonomy31 October 2023
The CIT joins global initiative to support research software sustainability23 October 2023
New blog on Data Autonomy: Open-source versus SaaS: Educational applications at the University of Groningen12 October 2023
XR HUB 2 November: saving patients via XR and virtually visiting the Proton Therapy Center10 October 2023
UG project Data Autonomy at Beyond Data Protection Conference 202322 September 2023
New blog on Data Autonomy: Take back control of research communication, embrace Mastodon14 September 2023
New blog on Data Autonomy: Overpaid bankers? Think again. Scientific publishers top the charts31 August 2023
New blog: Data Autonomy and Open Source: a match for transparency15 August 2023
New blog: Data Autonomy and Data Privacy Workshop at Noorderzon Festival10 August 2023
New IT-courses 2023-202431 July 2023
New blog on Data Autonomy: National developments towards more Data Autonomy (1)27 July 2023
Euclid has been launched!14 July 2023
Het gebruik van XR in het onderwijs in beeld12 July 2023
New blog on Data Autonomy: Data as the lifeblood of our online lives11 July 2023
Active Learning Classrooms 2023: Sharing experiences and ideas07 July 2023
UG project Data Autonomy at PublicSpaces Conference 202304 July 2023
New blog on Data Autonomy: 'Let's do it!' – A review of the Launch Event28 June 2023
Successful launch of Data Autonomy - 'Let's do it'!26 June 2023
New blog on Data Autonomy: Feeling seen, heard and respected at a digital university21 June 2023
Hábrók and CoDEX HPC cluster officially inaugurated19 June 2023
New blog on Data Autonomy: Countering There is No Alternative (TINA) with a collective skepticism16 June 2023
Experts UG work on Data Autonomy definition14 June 2023
Launch event Data Autonomy 22 June: Let's do it!05 June 2023
New blog on Data Autonomy: The Google Rubicon26 May 2023
Studenten University College Groningen maken kennis met VR-toepassingen25 May 2023
Roadmap to more Data Autonomy: we are on our way!15 May 2023
Nieuwe versie PleitVRij in gebruik12 May 2023
ICT Innovation Fund sponsors 'Jantina Tammes School Early Career Researcher Prize' with 300 hours of technical support02 May 2023
Interactieve kaarten Tweede Kamer geven meer inzicht in regionale politieke onvrede19 April 2023
Een blik op de toekomst van Midden-Limburg11 April 2023
Volle zaal voor Workshop Storymapping voor PhD’ers!29 March 2023
RUG werkt mee aan de-identificatie van onderzoeksdata voor wetenschappelijk onderzoek28 March 2023
Towards more Data Autonomy15 March 2023
XR HUB 6 April: XR in Human Movement Sciences and stress management10 March 2023
Improved compute cluster Hábrók in production at the end of March 202313 February 2023
Polish lecturers trained by UG06 February 2023
Introductiecursus GIS voor PhD’ers smaakt naar meer02 February 2023
5Groningen programme continues with new Connected Solutions Innovation Centre10 January 2023
TIP students in Rotterdam introduced to geo-data09 December 2022
Nieuwbouwmonitor Geodienst ingezet voor uitzending Pointer14 October 2022
Innovation Lab Geo 15 November: Making sense of a changing world13 October 2022
Virtual job interview maps stress19 September 2022
XR HUB 22 September: Linked Data in 3D and Stress resistant with 3D01 September 2022
Improved Hábrók computing cluster increases computing powers of researchers13 July 2022
Evaluatie Nederlandse promovendi-trajecten30 May 2022
Activity report CIT Research 2021 online13 May 2022
CIT annual report 2021 online06 May 2022
12 May 2022: XR HUB meets SURF-XR-on-Tour08 April 2022
Pionieren op het Rekencentrum31 March 2022
Synthetic data speed up yeast research23 February 2022
How the Deen takeover is changing the supermarket map - an analysis by the Geodienst20 December 2021
Name of UG's new data center refers to 'Source of knowledge'16 December 2021
Terugblik event 'Maak werk van 5G'02 November 2021
RUG HPC Datacenter on Zernike Campus Groningen completed20 September 2021
Come to the public day 'Make work of 5G' during the Science Weekend17 September 2021
Meeting XR Hub on October 7: return of the European bison in the Netherlands and Virtual Practicals in practice16 September 2021
Advance notice Call for Proposals 2021-202216 July 2021
Studenten leren virtueel pleiten met PleitVRij02 July 2021
CIT annual report 2020 online21 June 2021
Meeting XR Hub on July 1: virtual brothers and imaging lightning04 June 2021
New edition TechTalks050, June 1: Beneath the southern ring road17 May 2021
SURF innovation project grant Feedback Go17 May 2021
CIT opent deuren voor meisjes tijdens Girlsday 202115 April 2021
Grant Visualization projects 202125 March 2021
Photo update Datacenter: facade cladding with gold lining05 March 2021
Groningen Digital Competence Centre receives NWO start-up grant25 January 2021
Call for proposals Virtual Reality and 3D technology in research and education 2020-202104 January 2021
Using artificial intelligence to accelerate research into the cell cycle of yeast cells07 December 2020
Data Science: Frisian is not a standard language30 November 2020
Studententeam winnaars 5G Student Battle met slim veiligheidsvest voor politieagenten16 November 2020
Bouwwerkzaamheden nieuw datacenter van start18 September 2020
Revisiting the philosophical canon using Artificial Intelligence07 September 2020
CIT in de media: Dit wordt de nieuwe rekenhal van de RUG op de Zernike Campus (OOG TV)24 August 2020
UG builds new data centre at Zernike Campus19 August 2020
Call for Proposals Data Science 202018 August 2020
The solution to filter bubbles? Artificial Intelligence!22 June 2020
Comenius Teaching Fellow grant for project 'Keeping order in a Virtual Kindergarten Classroom'19 May 2020
Will you win the Dutch Data Prize 2020?12 May 2020
5G Student Battle - Hoe gaat het nu met Team 5G en Veiligheid30 April 2020
Online courses CIT Academy02 April 2020
SURF Magazine: 20 miljoen extra voor digitalisering in de wetenschap19 March 2020
RTV Noord: Hoogleraren RUG krijgen les in lesgeven via internet: 'Ook in het buitenland'18 March 2020
Announcement for students of CIT courses: some courses online13 March 2020
RUG start met project Tijdelijke Extra Onderwijsruimtes (TEO)25 February 2020
Third Annual Peregrine User Group Meeting19 February 2020
Next edition TechTalks050, March 16 - The digital world in the classroom11 February 2020
First UTQ certificates for Polish University Teachers14 January 2020
5G Student Battle – 14 and 15 March 202013 December 2019
Next edition TechTalks050, January 13 - Eurosonic Noorderslag special12 December 2019
Next edition TechTalks050, November 25: Digital business - How to digitally transform your business06 November 2019
The success of MOOCs and online teaching05 November 2019
Meet the CIT: Lustrum Infomarket 5 November 201921 October 2019
5G Masterclass about frequency spectrum on 15 October08 October 2019
Next edition TechTalks050, October 28: Energy transition – is hydrogen the future?08 October 2019
Vacature: CIT zoekt Manager Infrastructuur01 October 2019
Nieuw: de Bibliotheekapp wijst de weg24 September 2019
Third edition TechTalks050, September 30: AI and law – Robotization in the courtroom07 September 2019
Second VR valley meet-up05 September 2019
Call for Proposals Data Science 2019: deadline 15 September!04 September 2019
5G Masterclass: IoT in practice03 September 2019
Vacature Projectmanager information security (0,8 fte) (219103)27 August 2019
Vacature Werkplekspecialist met user data storage expertise (1,0 fte) (219315H)22 August 2019
RUG Magazine: de frisse wind van data science voor fysica, genetica en geschiedenis19 August 2019
Green plastics thanks to Artificial Intelligence17 July 2019
De laatste Pictogram on line!15 July 2019
Data Science: a fresh wind through genomics, physics and history12 July 2019
Photo report: the map magician22 May 2019
Studievoorschotmiddelen symposium: 'Enhancing Education - Discover what's possible' June 11th 201908 May 2019
Visualisatieteam CIT maakt software voor project Virtuele practica02 May 2019
CIT opent deuren voor meisjes tijdens Girlsday 201911 April 2019
Geodienst verzorgt datamanagement Science-publicatie RUG-wetenschapper01 April 2019
Sprekende 5G-bril voor blinden en slechtzienden winnende idee 5G Student Battle25 March 2019
5G Masterclass over IBM Watson IoT op 4 april22 March 2019
Launch of Virtual Research Workspace13 March 2019
UG starts new tech initiative: TechTalks05013 March 2019
CIT gaat data scientists voor overheid opleiden11 March 2019
Finale 5G Student Battle 24 maart11 March 2019
5G Masterclass: OpenStack and 5G (by VMware)08 March 2019
Upgrade voor Reality Center CIT07 March 2019
RUG start met TechTalks05026 February 2019
Hackathon 1 and 2 March: 'Hack the Gap - Equal educational opportunities'08 February 2019
Presentaties Masterclass Design Thinking in het onderwijs30 January 2019
5G Masterclass 14 februari: Hardcore 5G23 January 2019
CIT Academy: computer courses22 January 2019
Masterclass Design Thinking in Education by Julie Schell en Tamie Glass18 January 2019
SCOOP-IT: An RDM Journey of Two Universities11 January 2019
CIT Traineeship (5.0 FTE)11 January 2019
Pictogram 3: Digitalisering is overal in de universiteit aanwezig!18 December 2018
Waarom PAN de Nederlandse dataprijs 2018 won07 December 2018
PAN winnaar Nederlandse Dataprijs 201803 December 2018
2nd Annual Peregrine User Group Meeting29 November 2018
5G Student Battle – 23 en 24 maart 2019: de inschrijving is geopend!22 November 2018
Grants awarded call Data Science 201806 November 2018
Support4Research Masterclass - een bijdrage vanuit Groningen23 October 2018
Denk mee over ontwikkeling van Serious Gaming voor gebruik in eigen onderwijs18 October 2018
Data Wise: Data Science in Society05 October 2018
Peregrine helps with research into social influence in networks04 October 2018
Innovation@CIT: HPC, AI and 24/7 mission critical workloads all together on one platform with vGPU01 October 2018
AVG MOOC “Understanding the GPDR” meest succesvolle MOOC van FutureLearn28 September 2018
CIT Academy computer courses19 September 2018
Campus Trail 2018: rennend door de Smitsborg07 September 2018
Hoe zit het met de verkeersveiligheid bij scholen?07 September 2018
Cursusoverzicht CIT Academy najaar 201830 August 2018
5G Masterclasses weer van start23 August 2018
Data scientists CIT dragen bij aan onderzoek naar Spotify16 July 2018
Pictogram 2: De Data Federation Hub voor beter onderzoek met betere data!13 July 2018
UG presents plans for expanding Aletta Jacobs Hall at Zernike10 July 2018
CIT in het nieuws: 'Magie met virtual reality' in de Universiteitskrant21 June 2018
Data: het nieuwe goud en de toekomst is federatief06 June 2018
Call for Proposals Data Science 2018 open30 May 2018
CIT Academy | Workshop Virtual and Augmented Reality, 3D and GEO | 14 June 201824 May 2018
NPO Radio 1: Nederlandse Virtual reality-rechtbank moet voor betere juristen zorgen03 May 2018
PleitVRij uses Virtual Reality to improve the teaching of legal skills26 April 2018
IT presents: Pictures in Word23 April 2018
14 May: Opening VR Lab interfacultair V/AR hub11 April 2018
CIT opent deuren voor meisjes tijdens Girlsday10 April 2018
Millions for new Groningen Target programme06 April 2018
Pictogram 1: Bedrijfsvoering van de RUG wordt vernieuwd23 March 2018
Groningen Digital Business Centre (GDBC) gaat samenwerken met het Centrum voor Informatie Technologie (CIT)23 February 2018
Volkskrant: nep is niet meer wat het geweest is met virtual reality12 February 2018 wijst kiezers de weg naar dichtstbijzijnde stembureau07 February 2018
UG joins iRODS Consortium31 January 2018
Terugblik #ONING-bijeenkomst 25 januari30 January 2018
CIT Academy Spring 201829 January 2018
Laat je niet HACK maken23 January 2018
In de media: Geodienst scoort met knipperende vuurtorens16 January 2018
In beeld: research support bij de RUG en het UMCG11 January 2018
Pictogram 04: de UB is er ook voor de wetenschapper20 December 2017
Eerste bijeenkomst CIT studentenpanel 'Digital Students'15 December 2017
#PanoramaRomantica: Virtual Reality in het Groninger Museum11 December 2017
Toekenningen Data Science-projecten 201701 December 2017
First meet up Data Federation Hub22 November 2017
Stemwegwijzer Geodienst RUG voor gemeenteraadsverkiezingen Fryslân17 November 2017
Geodienst RUG levert data voor speciale Bosatlas16 November 2017
Studentassessor Teunis Dokter in Pictogram03 November 2017
Reality Center zorgt voor virtuele Romantiek in het Noorden23 October 2017
Nieuwe activiteiten in 3D-filmtheater DOT10 October 2017
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