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New blog on Data Autonomy: Countering There is No Alternative (TINA) with a collective skepticism

16 juni 2023
Malcolm Campell-Verduyn
Malcolm Campell-Verduyn

The proponents of using open source software emphasize benefits in terms of data management and privacy. Yet, a Big Tech solution is often chosen, for example, because of its user-friendliness. What are the lessons for Data Autonomy in universities in the Netherlands and beyond?

As universities and as citizens we must not simply resign ourselves to ‘lock-in’ by Big Tech services. At the same time, we must remain critical of alternatives. The Open-Source community appears genuinely committed to the protection of privacy. But we cannot just assume that openness ensures or even guarantees autonomy. In our drive for Data Autonomy we need to be cognisant of the costs and skeptical of the skeptics.

Malcolm Campbell-Verduyn is senior lecturer in International Political Economy at the Department of International Relations and International Organization, Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen, as well as Associate Research. He is also an ambassador of the Data Autonomy initiative.

Roadmap to Data Autonomy

The CIT has started the discussion to investigate the possibilities of how the University of Groningen can gain more autonomy over its data in the future. Together with various representatives from across the University, we are working on a roadmap to promote data autonomy and a strategy that will enable the UG to respect, protect and promote academic freedom in the digital age.

Laatst gewijzigd:04 oktober 2024 12:17

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