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Zernike News Archive
Shirin Faraji chair of the chemistry board of the Lorentz Center
Dina Maniar joins our team as Assistant Professor with an education profile on Polymer-based composite materials
Prof. Jasper Knoester Knight in the Order of the Netherlands Lion
Katja Loos elected President of the European Polymer Federation
High Speed AFM reveals membrane transporter dynamics
Antonija Grubišić-Čabo joins our team as assistant professor
Molecular Biophysics PhD student Pedro Buzón receives Rubicon grant
ERC Advanced Grants for Maria Antonietta Loi and Bart van Wees
KHMW "For Women in Science" honorable mention for Dr. Carmem Maia Gilardoni
Four FSE researchers, including Zernike Institute post-doc Adéla Melcrova, receive NWO XS grant
Article on "Fullerene derivatives with oligoethylebe-glycol side chains" included in Journal of Materials Chemistry C collection of 50 most popular papers 2021
Dr. Georgian Nedelcu joins Zernike Office as Funding Officer
21.5 million Euro for gravity program QuMAT: Materials for the Quantum Age
Marcos Guimaraes receives 2D Materials: 2021 Outstanding Reviewer Award
KNAW appoints Maria Antonietta Loi as member
University of Groningen joins ARCNL partnership
"Bert de Boer Poster Prize" for Chris van Ewijk
Recent publication of the Faraji group selected as 2022 hot PCCP article
Moniek Tromp guest at In Science Podcast
Magnetoelectric crankshaft - highlight publication from Mostovoy & collaborators
Rubicon grant for Carmem Maia Gilardoni
Open Competition Science-M grant for Rifka Vlijm
Bauer, Guimaraes, and van Wees partner in consortium receiving an NWO XL grant
NWO XS grant for Wouter Roos
Wouter Roos and Rifka Vlijm partner in consortium receiving an NWO XL grant
Jennifer Hong wins poster prize at NWO CHAINS
A fresh look at metals reveals a ‘strange’ similarity
1st Zernike Institute PhD colloquium symposium
Giant magnon spin wave conductance in ultrathin insulators surprises researchers
Start-up Bioprex Medical makes medical implants safer
Caspar van der Wal hands over directorship
Quantum dots form ordered material
Recyclable plastics for a sustainable future
Moniek Tromp new scientific director of the Zernike Institute
Light-driven molecular motors light up
NWO XS grant for Andrea Giuntoli
ERC Starting Grant awarded to Marcos Guimaraes
Maria Antonietta Loi elected member of the European Academy of Sciences
Katja Loos wins NWO Team Science Award with HyBRit research group
Wearable electronics from starch to prevent e-waste
Pascal Freyer interviewed by NRC
Physical virology shows the dynamics of virus reproduction
EU infrastructure grant awarded to Molecular Biophysics consortium
Petra Rudolf appointed as Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Institute of Bologna
New insight into protein structures that could treat Huntington’s disease
Shirin Faraji elected to the board of KNCV division Computational and Theoretical Chemistry
Recyclable bioplastic membrane to clear oil spills from water
Loredana Protesescu wins Nanomaterials 2020 Young Investigator Award
‘Designer’ pore shows selective traffic to and from the cell nucleus
Publication News: Multiple Contributions to ERCIM News 125 - "Brain-inspired Computing"
National Growth Fund awards NanoLabNL €150 million
Oxygen migration enables ferroelectricity on nanoscale
Stöhr group provides overview on transfer of 2D materials and electronic properties of graphene nanoribbons in two reviews
Richard Hildner receives NWO KLEIN funding through Science domain
Tamalika Banerjee Associate Investigator in FLEET
New material could create ‘neurons’ and ‘synapses’ for new computers
Towards 2D memory technology by magnetic graphene
Top Master Nanoscience student Rebecca Rodrigues de Miranda nominated for GUF 100 award
University of Groningen scientists design superfast molecular motor
Petra Rudolf elected member of Academia Europaea
Tamalika Banerjee Nanoscience teacher of the year 2020-2021
How an unfolding protein can induce programmed cell death
Tamalika Banerjee in Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde (NTvN)
New assistant professor in our team - Andrea Giuntoli
Marcos Guimaraes wins IOP Materials Emerging Leaders Twitter poster competition
Annemarie Maan wins KNCV Spotlight Prize
The secret of ultralight but stiff sandwich nanotubes
Loredana Protesescu elected to the Early Career Board of Nano Letters
Biomembrane to clear up oil spills wins KIJK People’s Choice Award
Open Technology Programme Grant for Wouter Roos and Ben Feringa
Contact formation at the nanoscale: How do viral proteins reach out to start self-assembly?
Lyes Khacef has received the first thesis prize from the STIC doctoral school d'Université Côte d’Azur!
DESY scientist Sadia Bari becomes professor at the University of Groningen
Artem Shulga wins GEC Thesis prize 2020
First view of hydrogen at the metal-to-metal hydride interface
Starting up in academia: The entrepreneurial journey of Artem Shulga, founder and CEO of QDI Systems
Silver sawtooth creates valley-coherent light for nanophotonics
In focus - Shirin Faraji
In focus - Katja Loos
Voetgangers in Zuidhorn testen computer van de toekomst
Modified clay can remove herbicide from water
Reaching out and spreading the chemistry - PhD student Jim Ottele in focus
Annemarie Maan elected KNAW/De Jonge Academie Faces of Science
In focus - George Palasantzas
Rifka Vlijm one of the winners of FameLab Groningen
Polymer scientists cooperate with industry to create smart materials
NWO KLEIN awarded to George Palasantzas
X-rays reveal in situ crystal growth of lead-free perovskite solar panel materials
Prof. dr. Richard Hildner won the 'Teacher of the Year' Award 2018-2019 for the Top Master Nanoscience
Transporting energy through a single molecular nanowire
Prof. Onck partner in ENW-GROOT project of EUR 2.7 million
New Dean of Graduate Studies
New model helps to describe defects and errors in quantum computers
Simple explanation suffices for conduction in nickelates
Annemarie Maan's Faces of Science introductory video online
Remco Havenith Nanoscience Teacher of the Year
Finding the missing mirror in spintronic nanodevices
The two sides of hydrogen production - a focus on the research of Wesley Browne
Redox flow is the way to go - Focus on Edwin Otten's research
Herman Duim Graduate Student Award recipient for the 2020 MRS Spring Meeting
ENW klein Grant for Maxim Pchenitchnikov and Thomas Jansen
Spider Silk inspires a new class of synthetic ion-conducting polymers for future energy applications
Filming viral assembly in real-time
New assistant professor in our team - Jagoda Sławińska
Detailed model important step towards understanding Huntington’s
Prof. Bart Kooi installed as Education Director of the Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials
NEVAC prize for Brian Baker of the Stöhr group
Similarities Emerging from Disorder
New High Speed AFM results featured as Spotlight in JACS
JACS Spotlight on self-assembled monolayers of Chiechi and Rudolf
Elisabetta Chicca new professor Bio-inspired Circuits & Systems
When going in circles helps you stay put: how spin-orbit coupling leads to stable spins in color centers in materials
Moniek Tromp elected vice-chair of the Young Academy of Europe
Combining incipient ferroelectrics and graphene leads to new insights into memristive devices
Turning heat into power with efficient organic thermoelectric material
Ubbo Emmius Fund of the UG receives large donation from alumnus
Shirin Faraji Young Academy of Groningen board member
AI reduces computational time required to study fate of molecules exposed to light
KNG Juryprize for Björn Kriete
CogniGron is two years along the path towards ‘human’ computers
Moniek Tromp interviewed as a role model for an EU project
Bart van Wees featured in Physical Review B 50th Anniversary Milestones
Tromp: "Diversity pays off"
Live coverage of "Jeff 40+"
Tromp joins NWO ENW board
New research lines 2019
Tromp elected to Young Academy Europe
Using waves to move droplets
Kick-off meeting of new virtual research center on Soft Advanced Materials
Two NWO Veni grants for Zernike Researchers
Towards all-electrical two-dimensional spintronic applications
Interview with Moniek Tromp in C2W
Optical tweezers reveal virus self-assembly process
Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Degree in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling (TCCM) is awarded >4MEuro EU support
New microscope shows the atomic structure of materials in stunning detail
Double layer of graphene helps to control spin currents
Rifka Vlijm joins our team as Assitant Professor Molecular & Cellular Scale Biophysics
New members installed into the Young Academy Groningen
Suspended layers make a special superconductor
Hot electrons harvested without tricks
Master's student Hans Beukers wins Shell Graduation Award for Physics
Materials NL Challenges grant awarded to Prof. Loi
Professor Katja Loos wins Research Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
EU ITN granted to MANIC
Fellowship for Innovation of Teaching for Katja Loos
Katja Loos has been admitted as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
Moniek Tromp appointed as new Professor of Materials Chemistry at the Zernike Institute of Advanced Materials
Shedding light on the mystery of the superconducting dome
Professor Maria Antonietta Loi receives Physics Prize 2018
Creating a 2D platinum magnet
Top Master Nanoscience student wins Audience Award at FameLab NL
Quantum effects observed in photosynthesis
First superconducting transistor at practical voltage and temperature
NanoLabNL key partner in new initiative EuroNanoLab | Zernike Nanolab Groningen
Shirin Faraji receives NWO Vidi grant
Jan-Anton Koster awarded as best PhD supervisor 2018
Efficient injection and detection of spins
Top Master in Nanoscience student Elisabeth Duijnstee wins Avril McDonald Award
Petra Rudolf elected Honorary Member of the Italian Physical Society
Prof. Bart van Wees appointed Knight of the Order of the Netherlands Lion
Patrick van der Wel - Expert in solid-state NMR spectroscopy joins Zernike Institute
Organic Photovoltaics pioneer Christoph Brabec joins Zernike Institute as Honorary Professor High-throughput engineering of adaptive semiconducting material composites
Graphene bilayer provides efficient transport and control of spins
Green ink for 3D prints in filmed article
Marleen Kamperman - expert in bio-inspired functional polymers starts as new Professor of Polymer Science
Work of Thomas Schlathölter and his team featured on PCCP cover
Eric de Vries wins NWO Physics Valorisation Chapter Prize
Understanding the building blocks for an electronic brain
New generation of smart computers inspired by our brains
Richard Hildner - appointed as Professor Optical Spectroscopy of Functional Nanosystems
Nanosized ferroelectrics become a reality
Defects promise quantum communication through standard optical fiber
Marleen Kamperman receives KNCV public award
Anouk Goossens receives Shell Award for researching building blocks of the electronic brain
NWO TOP Grant for consortium of Thomas La Cour Jansen
Towards brightly luminescent organic crystals: the self-doping concept
New metal-semiconductor interface for brain-inspired computing
Loi group: Slow 'hot electrons' could improve solar cell efficiency
Maria Antonietta Loi receives NWO Mat4Sus (Sustainable Materials) grant
Professor Maria Antonietta Loi wins Physica Prize 2018
NWO Rubicon grant for Machteld Kamminga
EPS Council 2018: Petra Rudolf is the next EPS President-elect
NWO-Vici grant for Meike Stöhr
Practical spin wave transistor one step closer
van Wees Lab: New measurements show spin transistor is within reach
Van Wees Lab Video: Spinning electrons unleash microelectronics revolution
A closer look at the communication packages of cells
A closer look at the Huntington-protein
50 years of polymer chemistry at the University of Groningen
Ronnie Hoekstra elected American Physical Society "Outstanding Referee" 2017
Daniel Balazs wins "Young Scientist Presentation Award" of the Japanese Society for Applied Physics
Manuel Bibes receives Descartes-Huygens Prize to start collaboration with Center for Cognitive Systems and Materials
Royal decoration for Ria Broer-Braam
Vincent Voet wins Challa Polymer Award
Arijit Das wins Best Presentation Award at 6th International Symposium on Integrated Functionalities (ISIF) in Delhi
Erik van der Giessen wins 2018 Solid Mechanics Prize
Shirin Faraji started as new Professor in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
Andreas Herrmann and collaborators developed a synthetic tongue that can discriminate age, brand and taste of whisky
Congratulations! Jeff De Hosson - 40 years Professor at the University of Groningen
Three highlights within three weeks for Maria Antonietta Loi
Loi group cover feature: Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells over a Broad Temperature Window
Maria Loi's Carbon nanotubes self-assemble into tiny transistors
Katja Loos member of delegation promoting Dutch chemistry in China
Katja Loos in Trouw: Recycling of plastic and green alternatives for the future
Sourav Maity from the Molecular Biophysics group wins JMR Young investigator award
Prof. Maxim Mostovoy elected Fellow of the American Physical Society for "seminal contributions to the understanding of ferroelectric magnets as well as topological defects in multiferroics."
Smart Molecules Modify Nanotube Morphology
Katja Loos' Industrial Partnership Program 'Nanofun' featured in C2W
Letter to the editor: ‘Help the Netherlands to keep its leading position in nanotechnology'
Van Wees lab: Direct evidence of induced spin-valley coupling in Graphene
Generating energy while walking to the bus
NWO kent startimpuls toe aan de ‘Oorsprong van het leven’ route van de Nationale Wetenschapsagenda
Justin Ye's group: Dichalcogenide Gets Two Faces
Organized but intermittent: a liquid mimicking disordered proteins
Five in a row: Nanoscience again among best university Master's degree programmes
Reality check for 'wonder material'
Atomically thin layers bring spintronics closer to applications
Work of Bart van Wees’ group featured in Times Higher Education Special “What are the hot research areas that might spark the next big bang?”
On tour with the team: impressions from the 2017 Vlieland meeting
The 2017/2018 Zernike Colloquium Series started with Prof. Ivan Schuller and a full house
The 2017 Zernike Labretreat - Scientists in a bubble
More light under the microscope
Maria Antonietta Loi installed as M2i cluster leader "Functional Materials"
Rubicon Fellowship for dr. Roel Tempelaar
Petra Rudolf elected member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts
Watching excitons move
Zernike Institute's computational design center becomes "Berendsen Center for Multiscale Modeling and Material Design"
NWO Building Blocks of Life for Onck and colleagues
Katja Loos' Chemical Industrial Partnership Program (CHIPP) “Nanostructured self-assembled functional materials” (‘NanoFun’) granted by NWO-CW
19 PhD positions for joint research on novel antimicrobials – call now open
Prof. Jeff Th. M. De Hosson elected member 'Academia Europaea'
Scientific output of Detsi resulting from his work at the University of Groningen
Former Zernike BSc, Msc, and PhD student Eric Detsi becomes “Stephenson Term Chair Assistant Professor in Materials Science and Engineering” at University of Pennsylvania
Science LinX: Serendipitous observation may lead to more efficient solar cells and new gas sensors
Breaking News: Nobel Prize for Ben Feringa
EU awards FET-Proactive grant to Wouter Roos and seven other European groups
Three Zernike researchers receive funding from "FOM-projectruimte"
FOM awards 1.6 M€ to Skyrmion programme of Maxim Mostovoy
KNAW agenda large scale facilities includes the free-electron laser FEL-NL
Interview with Maria Loi on Perovskite Solar Cells in NRC
NanoLabs: hightech facilities stimulating interaction between industry, research and young talents
Gratis gebruik faciliteiten nanotechnologische labs - Deadline 1 juni
A new director for the Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials
Beatriz Noheda & Guus Rijnders (U Twente) receive TOP-PUNT grant for "Searching for the 'Silicon' of Piezoelectrics: Morphotrophic Quartz"
Thom Palstra appointed as Rector Magnificus of the University of Twente
Looking Inside Organic Solar Cells
One makes two: collecting triplet excitons in organic solar cells
Rubicon grant for Pavlo Gordiichuk
Petra Rudolf elected member Acatech - National Academy of Science and Engineering (Germany)
Impressions of the reception in honour of Spinoza Laureate Bart van Wees
Bart van Wees receives Spinoza Award during ceremony in The Hague
Bart van Wees - Laureate NWO Spinoza Prize 2016
Bioinspired Materials - Stavenga reveals intricate photonic system of spider colours
Nanoscience again best university Master's degree programme
NWO-Veni grant for Dr. Saeedeh Farokhipoor
Spintronics/ Spin Caloritronics pioneer Gerrit Bauer is Zernike Chair 2016
Maria Antonietta Loi's Field-Effect Transistors highlighted on Advanced Electronic Materials Cover
Tamalika Banerjee and colleagues demonstrated the ability to manipulate the spin state in an oxide semiconductor in their latest publication in Physical Review Letters
Young scientists explore their entrepreneurial spirit
Better steel through nanotechnology: Bart Kooi receives High Tech Materials (HTM) grant
Justin Ye scores Science publication with his discovery of Ising superconductivity in a MoS2 field effect transistor
Article of Blake and Loi on Hybrid Perovskites featured on cover of "Advanced Functional Materials"
Herrmann's results on 3D printed teeth now also featured in The Guardian
High Tech Systems and Materials (HTSM) Honours Master won one of the 2015 Teaching Excellence Fellowships of the University of Groningen
Bert Meijer accepted Zernike Chair 2015
Program announcement: Zernike Chair Masterclass | 24-28 August 2015
ZIAM publication in Nature: Thin film produces new chemistry in ‘nanoreactor’
Prof. Bart van Wees elected Fellow of the American Physical Society "for pioneering research in charge and spin-based quantum transport in mesoscopic systems."
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