KNG Juryprize for Björn Kriete
Dr. Björn Kriete won the Juryprize of the Koninklijk Natuurkundig Genootschap for the best Dutch summary and the 2nd prize in the Van Swinderen Prize competition on December 15th, 2020. Congratulations, Björn!
Dr. Kriete did his PhD research in the group of Optical Condensed Matter Physics (Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials). He graduated cum laude on 8 May 2020 on a thesis entitled “Exciton Dynamics in Self-Assembled Molecular Nanotubes”. Presently, he has a position at ASML, the Netherlands.
The Van Swinderen prize ( is annually awarded by the Royal Natural-Sciences Society (KNG) in Groningen to the best PhD thesis within the Faculty of Science and Engineering and the Faculty of Medical Sciences. All cum laude promotions within these faculties enter this competition, after which 4 candidates are selected for the finals. The 2nd prize received €1000, whereas the winner of the competition, Dr. Tom Buurke, received €2500. There is a special Jury Prize, worth € 1,000, for the best Dutch summary of the thesis, awarded to Björn Kriete.
Last modified: | 16 December 2020 4.12 p.m. |
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