Vietnam as the next China?
Date: | 10 August 2016 |
The Economist uses data from the Penn World Table to illustrate how Vietnam's growth in GDP per capita over de past quarter century matches China's growth experience following its liberalizing reforms in the late 1970s.
Intangible capital and growth
Date: | 09 July 2016 |
On June 30, Wen Chen successfully defended his PhD thesis titled Intangible capital and economic growth. He continues his research career in Groningen as a postdoc on Marcel Timmer's Vici project.
Economic measurement
Date: | 09 July 2016 |
Marcel Timmer and Robert Inklaar presented their research at the 2016 conference of the Society for Economic Measurement. Marcel Timmer presented a framework for measuring productivity when production is fragmented across borders and prices are imperfectly...
Input-output conference training
Date: | 02 July 2016 |
Author: | Robert Inklaar |
Bart Los and Erik Dietzenbacher are teaching a module on Structural Decomposition Analysis as part of the International School of Input-Output Analysis on Monday July 4, ahead of the International Input-Output Conference in Seoul, Korea.
Guardian: Brexit would divide Britain
Date: | 22 June 2016 |
Author: | Robert Inklaar |
The Guardian has written about the report by Bart Los and others on regional support for Brexit and dependence on the EU.
Brexit and EU dependence
Date: | 14 June 2016 |
Author: | Robert Inklaar |
Ahead of Britain's referendum on EU membership, Bart Los has co-authored a study with Philip McCann, John Springford, and Mark Thissen.
PWT 9.0 has been released
Date: | 09 June 2016 |
Author: | Robert Inklaar |
A new version of the Penn World Table, 9.0, has been released and is available here.
High-tech manufacturing?
Date: | 08 June 2016 |
Can we still classify an entire industry as technology intensive? At a workshop of the US National Science Foundation, Bart Los argued that this is an outdated perspective in a time when electronics manufacturing in one country may involve the development...
NBER international comparisons conference
Date: | 30 May 2016 |
Author: | Robert Inklaar |
Robert Inklaar and Marcel Timmer presented at a conference at MIT on International Comparisons of Income, Prices, and Production, on the upcoming update to version 9 of the Penn World Table. Participants included Nobel laureate Angus Deaton (Princeton),...
Robert Inklaar wins WF Duisenberg Fellowship Prize
Date: | 27 May 2016 |
Robert Inklaar has won the WF Duisenberg Fellowship Prize, awarded every two years to the best young applied macroeconomist in the Netherlands. The jury praised his publication record and contribution to policy debates. On receiving the prize, he discussed...