WorldKLEMS Initiative

The World KLEMS initiative has been set up to promote and facilitate the analysis of growth and productivity patterns around the world, based on a growth accounting framework. At the heart of the initiative is the gradually building up of new databases on output, inputs and productivity at a detailed industry level. Through harmonising concepts, common standards and classifications, the data is comparable across countries. By sharing information and knowledge, amongst others through conferences and workshops ,the World KLEMS consortium is committed to bring this work forward and help it to establish a firm grounding in the (inter)national statistical systems.
The WORLD KLEMS Consortium was formally launched in a two day conference at Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, on August 19-20, 2010. The organizing committee includes Dale Jorgenson of Harvard, Marcel Timmer of Groningen University and Bart van Ark of the Conference Board and Groningen University.
Last modified: | 02 December 2021 11.52 a.m. |