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Groningen Growth and Development Centre
Faculty of Economics and Business
Groningen Growth and Development Centre Events

Events News

8th World KLEMS Conference

Call for papers: 8th World KLEMS Conference in Tokyo

Date:08 July 2024

The 8th World KLEMS Conference will be held on March 27-28, 2025 in Tokyo. This is the second World KLEMS Conference in Tokyo, with the first one held in 2014. This conference is organized by Gakushuin University, Hitotsubashi University, and Research...

Douglas Gollin

2024 Maddison Lecture by Douglas Gollin

Date:16 May 2024

On May 30,  Douglas Gollin  of Tufts and Oxford University will give the 2024 Maddison Lecture. Gollin will speak on the topic of Structural Transformation and Growth. Economists have long recognised that for a country to develop, its economy should...


FEB-HIS Summer School: Financial, Economic and Business History

Date:18 January 2024

The Financial, Economic and Business History (FEB-HIS) Summer School for PhD students and Postdocs will take place in Groningen from Monday 24th June to Friday 28th June 2024. It is organised by the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of the University...

GGDC Conference 2024

Next GGDC Conference in May 2024

Date:21 July 2023

We are delighted to announce the upcoming GGDC conference on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, and Wednesday, May 29, 2024. The conference will take place at a convenient location in the city centre of Groningen. In the coming months, we will be sharing further...

Productivity and income levels—the effect of  including natural resources for resource-intensive countries

Robert Inklaar, Daan Freeman and Erwin Diewert win the 2021 Kendrick prize

Date:01 September 2022

Robert Inklaar, Daan Freeman and Erwin Diewert have won the 2021 Kendrick prize during the 37th IARIW General Conference held in August in Luxembourg. Their paper titled ‘Natural Resources and Missing Inputs in International Productivity Comparisons’ was...


European Historical Economics Society Conference, Groningen 17th and 18th June, 2022

Date:14 December 2021

The fourteenth conference of the European Historical Economics Society (EHES) will be held at the University of Groningen, Friday - Saturday, 17-18 June 2022.

Workshop on measurement for structural transformation

Date:07 September 2020

On September 10 and 11, you can join a workshop that is part of the STEG project and organised by Robert Inklaar and Akos Valentinyi. The workshop will focus on how improved data or economic measurement can help shed a light on the process of structural...

Robert Inklaar

Robert Inklaar new GGDC director

Date:01 September 2020

On September 1, Robert Inklaar has taken over as director of the Groningen Growth and Development Centre (GGDC) from Marcel Timmer.

Het Kasteel

Call for Papers – GGDC Conference 2020

Date:21 November 2019

The GGDC organizes a conference on June 15–17 2020 in Groningen, on the themes central to GGDC, namely long-run economic development, trade and technology. The conference will feature keynote speeches by Carol Graham (Brookings, Maryland), Branko Milanovic...

ERSA Conference

Brexit research at ERSA

Date:10 September 2018

At the latest conference of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA), Bart Los, together with Phillip McCann, Raquel Ortega-Argilés and Frank van Oort, organised a session on Brexit. The presentations focused on (e.g.) the regional disparities of...

IARIW 2018 General Conference

Income and Wealth conference activity

Date:10 September 2018

At the latest General Conference of the International Association of Research in Income and Wealth, GGDC researchers contributed substantially to the program:


Productivity and value chains at World KLEMS conference

Date:14 June 2018

Marcel Timmer, Robert Inklaar and Jop Woltjer were amongst the presenters at the Fifth World KLEMS conference, organised by Dale Jorgenson and others at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government on June 4–5. Presentations included discussion of the...

Thomas Piketty

Piketty gives Maddison lecture

Date:01 June 2018

On May 23, Thomas Piketty gave the Maddison lecture, on the topic of globalization and inequality. See here for some highlights and how Piketty's work relates to research of GGDC.


NBER-CRIW presentation on exports of value added

Date:09 March 2018

Today, Bart Los will present new research jointly with Marcel Timmer on Measuring Bilateral Exports of Value Added at a conference organised by the NBER and CRIW on the Challenges of Globalization in the Measurement of National Accounts, which brings...

Inaugural lecture Robert Inklaar

Beyond Growth? Robert Inklaar's inaugural lecture

Date:08 March 2018

On March 6, Robert Inklaar gave his inaugural lecture to officially accept his position of Professor in the Economics of Productivity and Welfare. In this lecture, he established how productivity growth in the 21st century has been low by historical...

European Commission

Competitiveness and Global Value Chains

Date:02 March 2018

On March 2, Bart Los gave a seminar at the European Commission, Directorate General of Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN) on the usefulness of the World Input-Output Database for tracking European competitiveness in a world characterised by global...

The UK in a Changing Europe

Economic consequences of Brexit

Date:02 November 2017

Phillip McCann (Sheffield) will today present joint research with Bart Los at a conference that is organized as part of The UK in a Changing Europe initiative. The presentation focuses on the regional exposure to Brexit of regions in the UK and in Europe, ...


Production networks and inclusive growth

Date:01 November 2017

Gaaitzen de Vries presented recent work with Sébastien Miroudot and Marcel Timmer on functional specialization in international trade at an UNCTAD expert meeting on October 26. The meeting included contributions from the minister of industry and...


Productivity slowdown & peak trade

Date:30 October 2017

Bart Los presents today at a workshop organised by IVIE in Valencia on the World Input Output Database and the research on 'peak trade', based on the paper An Anatomy of the Global Trade Slowdown based on the WIOD 2016 Release.

Regional losses of labour income

Regional Brexit exposure

Date:29 September 2017

Bart Los presented at the European Regional Science Association Congress held in the last week of August, in Groningen. Bart presented recent work on the "GDP exposure to Brexit" of regions on both sides of the Channel. The study, co-authored by Wen Chen...

MIT's Samberg Center

Sessions at SEM conference

Date:28 July 2017

Marcel Timmer and Robert Inklaar each organised a session at the 4th annual conference of the Society for Economic Measurement, at MIT, from July 26 to 28. The session by Marcel Timmer was on trade and global value chains and included presentations by Robe...

Peak trade

Peak trade @ HK

Date:02 June 2017

Marcel Timmer presents on 'International Production Fragmentation and the Global Trade Slowdown' at a conference at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Other presenters include Sam Kortum, Stephen Yeaple and Costas Arkolakis. This...

Princeton University Conference

Progress on new Maddison Project Database

Date:30 May 2017

Robert Inklaar presented joint work with Jutta Bolt, Jan Luiten van Zanden and Herman de Jong at the International Comparison Conference in Princeton on May 25. The presentation reported on progress towards a new version of the Maddison Project Database on...

Eurostat NTTS conference

Official statistics and global value chains

Date:17 March 2017

Bart Los is presenting today at the Eurostat conference on New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics 2017 on how the research on global value chains has used existing data and how official statistics could be improved to shed better light on...

London School of Economics

Inequality in Ghana

Date:16 March 2017

Jutta Bolt is presenting today in the Economic History Seminar at the London School of Economics (LSE) on project, jointly with PhD student Prince Young Aboagye on "Doing well while doing good? Long-term trends in income inequality in Ghana 1895-2015".


The returns to intangible capital in global value chains

Date:11 March 2017

Marcel Timmer today presents new research, jointly by Wen Chen and Bart Los, on measuring the returns to intangible capital in global value chains at a conference of the NBER's Conference on Research in Income and Wealth (CRIW) on Measuring and Accounting...

Gaaitzen de Vries

WTO lecture on job market polarization

Date:02 March 2017

Today, Gaaitzen de Vries will give a lecture in the World Trade Organization's Trade Dialogues Lectures. His contribution to this series, which has seen earlier contributions by David Dorn (U. of Zürich), Eric Verhoogen (Columbia) and others, focuses on...

CBS workshop

Using Employer-Employee data

Date:16 January 2017

On January 13, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) held a workshop on the opportunities for research using linked employer-employee data (LEED). This workshop was co-organized by Gaaitzen de Vries. One of the strengths of LEED is that it is possible to track...

Inequality and GDP lecture

Inequality lecture at EIB

Date:20 December 2016

Robert Inklaar lectures today at the European Investment Bank about Inequality and GDP. He will argue that our understanding of income differences across countries depends crucially on accurate and frequent comparisons of prices across countries as...

World Bank

Global value chains and economic development

Date:30 November 2016

Gaaitzen de Vries spoke last Monday at the World Bank conference on 'Making Global Value Chains work for Development'. This conference brought together experts discussing the measurement, trends and determinants of global value chains. Gaaitzen talked...

Het Kasteel

Call for papers – GGDC conference

Date:30 November 2016

On June 28–30, we organise a conference to celebrate the 25 year anniversary of the Groningen Growth and Development Centre (GGDC) in Het Kasteel in Groningen. The conference will feature many prominent speakers: Dale Jorgenson (Harvard) will give an...


Globalization statistics for inclusive growth

Date:17 November 2016

Marcel Timmer is due to speak at the Fourth IMF Statistical Forum, "Lifting the small boats: statistics for inclusive growth". This forum addresses current challenges faced by statisticians in capturing globalization, inequality, financial inclusion, and...


Regions in global value chains

Date:07 November 2016

Bart Los presents at the OECD's 31st Meeting of the Working Party on Territorial Indicators on new indicators of participation in global value chains at the regional level. These are based on regionally disaggregated World Input Output Tables that have...

Global trade peaked with the 2008 financial crisis

Peak trade?

Date:16 September 2016

Marcel Timmer gave a keynote lecture on this topic at a conference organised by the Bank of Lithuania, which also included speakers such as Richard Baldwin, Fabio Ghironi, and Laura Alfaro. The presented research, jointly by Timmer, Bart Los, Gaaitzen de...

Income and Wealth activities

Date:13 September 2016

GGDC researchers played several important roles at the recent General Conference of the International Association for Research in Income and Wealth (IARIW), in Dresden. This biennial conference brings together academic researchers and official...

Economic measurement

Date:09 July 2016

Marcel Timmer and Robert Inklaar presented their research at the 2016 conference of the Society for Economic Measurement. Marcel Timmer presented a framework for measuring productivity when production is fragmented across borders and prices are imperfectly...

Input-output conference training

Date:02 July 2016
Author:Robert Inklaar

Bart Los and Erik Dietzenbacher are teaching a module on Structural Decomposition Analysis as part of the International School of Input-Output Analysis on Monday July 4, ahead of the International Input-Output Conference in Seoul, Korea.

NBER international comparisons conference

Date:30 May 2016
Author:Robert Inklaar

Robert Inklaar and Marcel Timmer presented at a conference at MIT on International Comparisons of Income, Prices, and Production, on the upcoming update to version 9 of the Penn World Table. Participants included Nobel laureate Angus Deaton (Princeton),...

World KLEMS conference

Date:27 May 2016
Author:Robert Inklaar

Gaaitzen de Vries, Abdul Azeez Erumban and Marcel Timmer presented at the fourth World KLEMS conference in Madrid on May 23 and 24 on issues of productivity and global value chains

Peak trade?

Date:22 April 2016
Author:Robert Inklaar

Global trade has grown faster than global GDP for decades, but this pattern has recently reversed. Accounting for this slowdown is the aim of new research by that is presented today at a conference on "Productivity and External Balancing", jointly...

Job dynamics in Asia

Date:13 January 2016
Author:Robert Inklaar

Gaaitzen de Vries will present today at the Asian Develoment Bank's 'Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific 2016 Conference' on the topic of global value chains and job dynamics. This three-day conference has a number of other notable speakers, such as...

Man and machine

Date:11 December 2015
Author:Robert Inklaar

Herman de Jong and Marcel Timmer contributed to the KVS Preadviezen “De match tussen mens en machine” [The match between man and machine], edited by Bas ter Weel. They presented their contributions at the Behandeling van de KVS Preadviezen in The Hague.

Round table on the future of economic growth research

Date:10 December 2015

Marcel Timmer participated in a round table discussion on 'Future Trends in the Economics of Growth', where he talked about the need for more work on growth of welfare, rather than GDP; see his presentation. The round table was hosted by Mark Sanders of...

Maddison database: update in progress

Date:03 August 2015
Author:Robert Inklaar

Jutta Bolt presented a joint paper with Herman de Jong, Robert Inklaar and Jan Luiten van Zanden in the session ‘The Maddison project: measuring economic performance across time and space’ at the XVIIth World Economic History Congress, Kyoto. The paper...

WIOD course at IIOA conference

Date:22 June 2015
Author:Robert Inklaar

Erik Dietzenbacher and Bart Los taught a one-day course on the World Input-Output Database in the International School for Input-Output Analysis at the International Input-Output Conference in Mexico City.