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Groningen Growth and Development Centre
Faculty of Economics and Business
Groningen Growth and Development Centre
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Results for tag: Expert consulting

Economy of the Northern Netherlands

Date:19 May 2020

Together with UG-colleagues Thijs Broekhuizen, Sierdjan Koster and Arjen Edzes and several experts from non-academic circles, Bart Los wrote the first edition of De Staat van de Noord-Nederlandse Economie (The State of the Economy of the Northern...

Impact in Northern Netherlands

The impact of Brexit on the Northern Netherlands

Date:29 November 2018

The Socio-Economic Council of the Northern Netherlands, SER-NN, organized a meeting on November 26 about the possible impact of Brexit on three Northern provinces of The Netherlands. Bart Los gave a talk and participated in a panel with representatives...


Contributing to WIPO report on intangible assets

Date:17 March 2017

Wen Chen, Reitze Gouma and Marcel Timmer have prepared two reports as background for the upcoming World Intellectual Property Report 2017. The reports aim to measure the importance of intangible assets in global value chains. They were presented on March...

High-tech manufacturing?

Date:08 June 2016

Can we still classify an entire industry as technology intensive? At a workshop of the US National Science Foundation, Bart Los argued that this is an outdated perspective in a time when electronics manufacturing in one country may involve the development...

Mapping welfare

Date:26 April 2016
Author:Robert Inklaar

Marcel Timmer was an advisor to the temporary committee of the Dutch Parliament (Tweede Kamer) on the measurement of welfare. The report of commission, titled "Welvaart in Kaart" (Mapping Welfare), is available here.

GGDC at "The Day of Industry 2016"

Date:18 January 2016
Author:Robert Inklaar

On Wednesday January 20, VNO-NCW and MKB-Nederland have organized 'De dag van de Industrie 2016' (the day of industry 2016) at the Nieuwspoort in the Hague. During that day, Gaaitzen de Vries will present the main outcomes from a report he and Marcel...

Expert meeting on Global Value Chains

Date:30 November 2015
Author:Robert Inklaar

Gaaitzen de Vries participated in an expert meeting on the Dutch economy in Global Value Chains organized by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the recent report by De Vries and Timmer on the mutual dependence of manufacturing and services for...

Manufacturing and services need each other

Date:17 November 2015

Gaaitzen de Vries and Marcel Timmer finished a report for the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairsand VNO/NCW titled: “Dutch Manufacturing Competing in Global Value Chains”. The report stresses the mutual dependence of manufacturing and services for the...

Peer-review of new FAO Agricultural Database

Date:12 November 2015
Author:Robert Inklaar

Reitze Gouma gave a presentation on the occasion of the launch of the FAO's new agricultural productivity database, indicating how incorporating measurement lessons from EU KLEMS would be beneficial.

Alternative poverty measurement

Date:30 October 2015
Author:Robert Inklaar

Robert Inklaar presented research-in-progress with Jutta Bolt at a World Bank meeting. The main question is whether the World Bank's approach to measuring global poverty does adequate justice to cross-country differences and whether a new method for...

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