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Groningen Growth and Development Centre
Faculty of Economics and Business
Groningen Growth and Development Centre
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Results for tag: Press


FEB-HIS Summer School: Financial, Economic and Business History

Date:18 January 2024

The Financial, Economic and Business History (FEB-HIS) Summer School for PhD students and Postdocs will take place in Groningen from Monday 24th June to Friday 28th June 2024. It is organised by the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of the University...

GGDC Director Robert Inklaar

Interview with Robert Inklaar on achieving impact with open data

Date:20 October 2023

Last month GGDC director Robert Inklaar, gave an interview for the Open Science blog of the University of Groningen Library. Part of open science is that researchers make their data FAIR: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. But how to do...

Penn World Table

TPI blog on the Penn World Table

Date:18 July 2023

The Productivity Institute recently published a new blog introducing the Penn World Table (PWT). Authored by Ryan Marapin, Robert Inklaar and Reitze Gouma, this blog showcases two example analyses that illustrate the potential of the PWT data set, along...

 Graph based on the 2010 Maddison data

Maddison data in Biden-Harris Administration 2023 Economic Report

Date:30 March 2023

The Council of Economic Advisers, a component of the Executive Office of the President in the Biden-Harris Administration, has released the 2023 Economic Report of the President. This report starts with a reflection by President Biden about the...

Productivity and income levels—the effect of  including natural resources for resource-intensive countries

Robert Inklaar, Daan Freeman and Erwin Diewert win the 2021 Kendrick prize

Date:01 September 2022

Robert Inklaar, Daan Freeman and Erwin Diewert have won the 2021 Kendrick prize during the 37th IARIW General Conference held in August in Luxembourg. Their paper titled ‘Natural Resources and Missing Inputs in International Productivity Comparisons’ was...

Image by Vincent Killbride

The Economist: Britain’s productivity problem is long-standing and getting worse

Date:14 June 2022

On June 9th, The Economist featured research by John Fernald of INSEAD Business School and GGDC director Robert Inklaar. In their article 'The UK Productivity “Puzzle” in an International Comparative Perspective', they argue that most of Britain’s slowdown...

PWT 10.0 TFP growth China

The Economist: China is trying to protect its economy from Western pressure

Date:30 May 2022

On May 26 The Economist featured an article on China's attempts to mitigate its exposure to Western influence, using data from the Penn World Table version 10.0.

The Economist: Chasing Asia

The Economist: Manufacturing hope in Africa

Date:22 March 2021

On March 20th, The Economist featured research by the GGDC and UNU-WIDER on the manufacturing renaissance in Africa. A key finding is that the share of people working in manufacturing in sub-Saharan Africa has risen from 7.2% of the total in 2010 to 8.4%....

Two GGDC economists in ESB Top-40

Date:17 December 2020

Marcel Timmer and Robert Inklaar are both in the Dutch Economists Top 40, compiled annually by the journal ESB, on places 35 and 39. On the separate list of highest scoring economists in 2019, Robert Inklaar comes in at third place. The main ranking is...

The hydrogen economy and employment

Date:15 December 2020

In early December, several media outlets paid attention to a report written by Bart Los and Jouke van Dijk (UG, Faculty of Spatial Sciences), about the employment impact of the large NortH2 hydrogen project for the North of the Netherlands in general and...

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