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Groningen Growth and Development Centre
Faculty of Economics and Business
Groningen Growth and Development Centre
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Results for tag: Publication

Figure 1

Structural Transformation in Transition Economies: New Data and New Insights

Date:09 January 2024

The new Economic Transformation Database of Transition Economies [ETD-TE] allows for analysis of the inter-industry structural change performance of the countries of the former Soviet Union for the first time. In the period 1990-2019 - the three decades...

Value added prices across sectors

GGDC Releases Productivity Level Database 2023 Edition

Date:23 October 2023

Comparing productivity at the sectoral level requires estimates of relatives prices at the sectoral level. The 2023 edition of the Productivity Level Database provides the most comprehensive GGDC dataset to date, covering 84 countries and 12 sectors across...

Penn World Table

TPI blog on the Penn World Table

Date:18 July 2023

The Productivity Institute recently published a new blog introducing the Penn World Table (PWT). Authored by Ryan Marapin, Robert Inklaar and Reitze Gouma, this blog showcases two example analyses that illustrate the potential of the PWT data set, along...

The Economist

Paper Published in the IMF Economic Review

Date:13 September 2022

The paper “A manufacturing renaissance? Industrialization trends in the developing world” written by Hagen Kruse, Emmanuel Mensah, Kunal Sen, and Gaaitzen de Vries has been published in the IMF Economic Review.

Productivity and income levels—the effect of  including natural resources for resource-intensive countries

Robert Inklaar, Daan Freeman and Erwin Diewert win the 2021 Kendrick prize

Date:01 September 2022

Robert Inklaar, Daan Freeman and Erwin Diewert have won the 2021 Kendrick prize during the 37th IARIW General Conference held in August in Luxembourg. Their paper titled ‘Natural Resources and Missing Inputs in International Productivity Comparisons’ was...

 The World Bank Economic Review

Paper accepted in The World Bank Economic Review

Date:18 February 2022

The paper "Jobs and Productivity Growth in Global Value Chains: New Evidence for Twenty-five Low- and Middle-Income Countries", written by Stefan Pahl, Marcel Timmer, Reitze Gouma, and Pieter Woltjer, has been accepted for publication in the The World Bank...

Long-run WIOD

Long-run WIOD published

Date:15 December 2021

As part of Marcel Timmer's VICI-project, a long-run time series of World Input-Output Tables for the period 1965-2000 has been constructed.


Global Value Chain report published

Date:16 November 2021

The Asian Development bank (ADB), Research institute for Global Value Chains at the university of international business and economics (RI GVC), the World trade organization (WTO), the institute of Developing economies – Japan external trade organization...

Supply Chains and the Global Trade Elasticity

Date:13 April 2021

Last week, the IMF Economic Review published a new paper by GGDC researchers Marcel Timmer, Bart Los and Gaaitzen de Vries, co-authored with wiiw's Robert Stehrer. The paper proposes a new way to account for changes in the global trade elasticity, the...

The importance of Spain and Italy for the Dutch economy

Date:10 August 2020

Bart Los and Xianjia Ye published an article in ESB, the major Dutch magazine on economic policy. They provide indicators for the economic importance of Italy and Spain for the Dutch and German economies. Using methods for bilateral dependencies in...

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