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Groningen Growth and Development Centre
Faculty of Economics and Business
Groningen Growth and Development Centre
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Economy of the Northern Netherlands

Date:19 May 2020

Together with UG-colleagues Thijs Broekhuizen, Sierdjan Koster and Arjen Edzes and several experts from non-academic circles, Bart Los wrote the first edition of De Staat van de Noord-Nederlandse Economie (The State of the Economy of the Northern Netherlands), a report commissioned by de Economic Board Noord-Nederland. This organization aims at strengthening the economy of the Northern Netherlands, by bringing experts from corporations, public agencies and knowledge institutes together. The report discusses various characteristics of the Northern economy and external trends and proposes strategies to make it stronger and more resilient in the light of ongoing external developments. An addendum related to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic was covered by Dagblad van het Noorden.

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