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Groningen Growth and Development Centre
Faculty of Economics and Business
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European Commission

Competitiveness and Global Value Chains

Date:02 March 2018

On March 2, Bart Los gave a seminar at the European Commission, Directorate General of Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN) on the usefulness of the World Input-Output Database for tracking European competitiveness in a world characterised by global...

World Input-Output Database

Release of new WIOD Socio-Economic Accounts

Date:02 February 2018

Today the GGDC released the Socio-Economic Accounts (SEA), part of the WIOD 2016 release.

Real GDP per capita from 1870-2016

VoxEU column on Rebasing 'Maddison'

Date:25 January 2018

A new column on VoxEU is online, discussing the new version of the Maddison Project Database, which was released two weeks ago. The key innovation is to distinguish two series for real GDP per capita, one best suited for comparing income levels across...

Scotland's Place in Europe

Value chains and the Scottish economy

Date:17 January 2018

A recent report on the importance of trading links with Europe for the Scottish economy emphasises the importance of taking a global value chain perspective to analysing this topic. The report relies on the WIOD database to make these arguments.

Real GDP per capita from 1870-2016

Maddison Project Database 2018

Date:11 January 2018

A new version of the Maddison Project Database has been released today. This new version introduces a new measure of real GDP per capita that is based on both modern and historical comparisons of income levels, leading to a 'multiple benchmark' measure...

Top-40 of Dutch Economists

Strong GGDC showing in top-40

Date:21 December 2017

The annual top-40 of economists and business researchers in the Netherlands features both Marcel Timmer (24) and Robert Inklaar (32). This ranking, produced by the journal Economische and Statistische Berichten, is based on each researcher's 15 best...

The regional impact of Brexit

Press coverage: the regional impact of Brexit

Date:21 December 2017

The recent research by Wen Chen, Bart Los and others about how different regions in the UK and in Europe could be affected by Brexit has attracted substantial media attention, from The Guardian, the New Statesman, the Evening Standard, Metro, The...

US jobs and economic ties with the Netherlands

US jobs and economic ties with the Netherlands

Date:19 December 2017

How important is the trade relationship between the Netherlands and United States for American jobs? In a recent tweet, the Dutch Embassy in Washington DC claims that 740 000 American jobs depend on economies ties with the Netherlands: due to exports from...

Brexit impact across UK regions

The regional impact of Brexit

Date:19 December 2017

In a new paper in Papers in Regional Science and a column on VoxEU, Bart Los and Wen Chen – together with Phil McCann, Raquel Ortega-Argilés, Mark Thissen and Frank van Oort – show how the impact of Brexit on labour income varies across the different...

Brexit secretary David Davis

Sectoral impact assessment of Brexit

Date:12 December 2017

Where the UK government was not able to come up with a clear estimate of the impact of Brexit across sectors, Bart Los and Wen Chen, collaborating with Philip McCann (Sheffield) and Raquel Ortega-Argilés (Birmingham) have done so in a new policy briefing....