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Groningen Growth and Development Centre
Faculty of Economics and Business
Groningen Growth and Development Centre
Header image GGDC News


Marcel Timmer

Marcel Timmer to be appointed to the board of the CPB

Date:15 April 2019

Marcel Timmer, director of the Groningen Growth and Development Centre will be appointed as one of the three board members of the Netherlands Bureau of Economic Policy Analysis, CPB, starting September 1, 2019. In this position, he will jointly lead the...

Penn World Table

PWT 9.1 has been released

Date:11 April 2019

Today, version 9.1 of the Penn World Table has been released. The data can be downloaded from this page. This new version has the following features, described in more detail here:

Bart Los (foto: RTV Noord)

Bart Los on Brexit and the Northern Netherlands

Date:07 April 2019

Over the past few months, GGDC-researcher Bart Los has contributed a bi-weekly column about Brexit to the website of Groningen's regional public broadcaster RTV Noord. The columns focus on various potential impacts of Brexit on the Northern provinces of...

The regional impact of Brexit

NY Times covers GGDC Brexit research

Date:12 February 2019

On February 7, the New York Times published an article on regional implications of Brexit. It featured a map on regional economic Brexit risks in Europe, taken from the Papers in Regional Science article from 2018, co-authored by GGDC-members Wen Chen and...

Penn World Table

PWT 9.1: release delay

Date:23 January 2019

As many of you have noticed and noted, we have not managed to meet our goal for publishing PWT 9.1 in late 2018. Providing a high-quality data release that meets the ambitions set out last summer, especially with regard to improved capital measurement. We...

Share of UK inputs from abroad

Post-Brexit trade policy

Date:19 December 2018

Peter IJtsma, Bart Los and Marcel Timmer, joint with Peter Levell (IFS), published a paper in Fiscal Studies on the degree to which the UK participates in global value chains and what this implies for a post-Brexit trade policy. They argue that the UK will...

Functional specialization index in advanced countries

Functional specialization in trade

Date:30 November 2018

Marcel Timmer and Gaaitzen de Vries, together with the OECD's Sébastien Miroudot, have published a paper in the Journal of Economic Geography on functional specialization in trade. They propose a new measure that describes in what type of activities a...

Impact in Northern Netherlands

The impact of Brexit on the Northern Netherlands

Date:29 November 2018

The Socio-Economic Council of the Northern Netherlands, SER-NN, organized a meeting on November 26 about the possible impact of Brexit on three Northern provinces of The Netherlands. Bart Los gave a talk and participated in a panel with representatives...

Regional Studies

Prize for Brexit article

Date:29 November 2018

On November 15, Bart Los received the award for the best paper in the 2017 volume of the journal Regional Studies. He had co-authored the winning paper, The Mismatch between Local Voting and the Local Economic Consequences of Brexit, with Philip McCann...

The impact of distance on trade

Distance drives services trade too

Date:24 September 2018

Today, the Financial Times reports on new research by Jonathan Eaton (U. of Pennsylvania) and Samuel Kortum (Yale) using data from the World Input Output Database. Eaton and Kortum find that trade volumes in services is heavily affected by distance. So if,...

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