Substance Use
Michelle Bruijn
My name is Michelle Bruijn and I work at the Faculty of Law, Department of Legal Methods. My research focuses on the developments within the fields of drug and tobacco control. The research on drug control focuses on the underlying rationales for the policies on recreational cannabis in the Netherlands and Canada, the possibilities that international law provide to regulate recreational cannabis, the use of eviction – removing persons from premises – to fight drug-related activities, the legal protection against these drug-related evictions, and the influence of human rights in drug eviction cases. My research on tobacco control focuses on the legal aspects of smoke free policies in the Netherlands, specifically the municipality of Groningen and the municipality of Rotterdam.

Nynke Boonstra
Prof. Nynke Boonstra works as a Professor Care & Innovation in Psychiatry at NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences in Leeuwarden. Her researchgroup works on research topics ranging from student wellbeing to substance abuse and recovery of people with a severe mental illness. She also works as a Nurse Practitioner at the Early Intervention Service of KieN in Leeuwarden and as a Professor of Nursing in the mental health sector at UMC Utrecht. She conducts practice-based scientific research with students and colleagues where her focus is on strengthening the nursing profession in mental health care as well as increasing recovery and resilience of people with mental health problems.

Kor Spoelstra
Kor Spoelstra completed his medical degree at the University of Groningen and specialized in psychiatry. He pursued additional training in addiction psychiatry and earned his doctorate in the field of sexuality through an MD/PhD program. He is associated with the research department of Addiction Care North Netherlands as a researcher. Moreover, Spoelstra is an associate lecturer in Addiction and Lifestyle at NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences. His research focuses on various aspects of addiction and lifestyle, with a strong emphasis on subjects such as smoking cessation, alcohol consumption, addiction recovery, and lifestyle interventions for both staff and clients within the realm of addiction care.

Last modified: | 10 June 2024 12.52 p.m. |