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Groningen Growth and Development Centre
Faculty of Economics and Business
Groningen Growth and Development Centre
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Interview with Robert Inklaar on achieving impact with open data

Date:20 October 2023
GGDC Director Robert Inklaar
GGDC Director Robert Inklaar

Last month GGDC director Robert Inklaar, gave an interview for the Open Science blog of the University of Groningen Library. Part of open science is that researchers make their data FAIR: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. But how to do this? In this interview Robert explains how the GGDC brings together researchers interested in economic development and addresses how we can use a data-driven approach to improve our understanding, following the footsteps of GGDC founder Angus Maddison. He highlights the importance of FAIR data, the contributions of the datasets of the GGDC, and why he chose to be an Open Science ambassador for the Faculty of Economics and Business.

Read the interview

Tags: Press, Staff
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