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Groningen Growth and Development Centre
Faculty of Economics and Business
Header image GGDC News


Jutta Bolt

Grant for investigating long-term disease patterns in Africa between 1850 and 1960

Date:03 February 2022

Jutta Bolt has been awarded a Wallenberg Academy Fellows prolongation grant for five years to investigate historical disease patterns in Africa. The current pandemic is a forceful reminder of the global importance of good health for all. But at the same...

Long-run WIOD

Long-run WIOD published

Date:15 December 2021

As part of Marcel Timmer's VICI-project, a long-run time series of World Input-Output Tables for the period 1965-2000 has been constructed.

World Input-Output Database

WIOD migration and DataverseNL

Date:14 December 2021

The original website of the World Input-Output Database (WIOD), previously hosted at, has been migrated to the GGDC website. An archived version of the original website is still available, but will no longer be updated. All information and...


European Historical Economics Society Conference, Groningen 17th and 18th June, 2022

Date:14 December 2021

The fourteenth conference of the European Historical Economics Society (EHES) will be held at the University of Groningen, Friday - Saturday, 17-18 June 2022.

United Nations University UNU-WIDER

Request for Research Proposals ETD

Date:30 November 2021

Deadline for proposal submissions is 31 January 2022. United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER) is requesting research proposals on the Economic Transformation Database (ETD) project. This project aims to...


Global Value Chain report published

Date:16 November 2021

The Asian Development bank (ADB), Research institute for Global Value Chains at the university of international business and economics (RI GVC), the World trade organization (WTO), the institute of Developing economies – Japan external trade organization...

Maddison project, re: "Don't believe the Haiti/DR graph"

Date:24 September 2021
A recent post argues the data from Maddison and the Maddison project are wrong on the relative income levels of Haiti and the Dominican Republic and overstate Haiti's income level. Jan Luiten van Zanden and Jutta Bolt show that the problem is a lack of good historical income comparisons for these countries, not the specific choices made in the Maddison Project.

Grant for historical investigation into function of the Amsterdam Stock Exchange

Date:06 May 2021

Herman de Jong received a large NWO-OC grant funding a project to investigate the function of the Amsterdam stock exchange during the period 1870-1940. The aim of this project is to probe the stock exchange’s contribution to corporate finance and economic...

Supply Chains and the Global Trade Elasticity

Date:13 April 2021

Last week, the IMF Economic Review published a new paper by GGDC researchers Marcel Timmer, Bart Los and Gaaitzen de Vries, co-authored with wiiw's Robert Stehrer. The paper proposes a new way to account for changes in the global trade elasticity, the...

The Economist: Chasing Asia

The Economist: Manufacturing hope in Africa

Date:22 March 2021

On March 20th, The Economist featured research by the GGDC and UNU-WIDER on the manufacturing renaissance in Africa. A key finding is that the share of people working in manufacturing in sub-Saharan Africa has risen from 7.2% of the total in 2010 to 8.4%....