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Research Kapteyn Institute Events and News

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Latest Kapteyn news:

Exploring big data in astronomy: an interview with Gijs Verdoes Kleijn and Rees Williams11 June 2024
‘We could not have dreamed of this’06 June 2024
Eerste wetenschappelijke beelden Euclid-telescoop overtreffen alle verwachtingen23 May 2024
Scientists discover the largest stellar black hole of the Milky Way16 April 2024
Twinning partner in three EU collaborative projects20 March 2024
Kapteyn Astronomical Institute organiseert Grootste Europese lichtvervuilingsconferentie in Nederland - Rijksuniversiteit Groningen gastheer EURODARK12 March 2024
Landelijke Sterrenkijkdagen 202407 March 2024
Royal Astronomical Society Group Achievement Award for JWST-MIRI Team23 January 2024
Inga Kamp and Joost Adema in CampusTV talking about JWST and ALMA18 January 2024
Dutch astronomers prove last piece of gas feedback-feeding loop of black hole30 November 2023
Earth-like planets can even form under harsh conditions30 November 2023
Astronomers spot giant stream of stars between galaxies30 November 2023
Astronomers spot giant stream of stars between galaxies30 November 2023
ESA presents first razor-sharp Euclid images of the cosmos07 November 2023
We’re going to put a radio telescope on the back side of the Moon25 September 2023
Harish Vedantham and Casper van der Kooi nominated for 'Wetenschapstalent 2023'31 August 2023
Animation film J.C. Kapteyn now available to watch02 August 2023
MIRI op JWST vindt water in zone rond ster waar rotsachtige planeten kunnen vormen26 July 2023
Scott Trager new scientific director of NOVA18 July 2023
NWO grant for astrochemical research with Webb images18 July 2023
Euclid launch Saturday 1st July 202317 July 2023
MIRI instrument on JWST detects H-alpha emission during the Epoch of Reionization for the first time13 June 2023
Open Competition Science-M grant for Eline Tolstoy17 May 2023
Astronomers spot benzene in planet-forming disk around star for first time15 May 2023
NWO grant for design & construction of telescope that can film black holes in colour09 May 2023
Else Starkenburg receives Aspasia grant26 April 2023
Mariano Méndez receives European prize for astronomy education in developing countries05 April 2023
Dag van de aarde 2023: lespakket en een oproep aan basisscholieren 31 March 2023
ERC Advanced Grant for Filippo Fraternali30 March 2023
Algorithms illuminate lightning structures29 March 2023
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