Omvang van de gaswinningsproblematiek in kaart gebracht
Can binaural beats help you to focus and relax? These researchers are trying to find out
Amaranta de Haan appointed as Professor by Special Appointment of Strengthening the Pedagogical Foundation
Gaswinningsproblematiek leidt tot onzekerheid en stress bij ondernemers in Groningen
Nienke Jonker receives NWO-XS grant for research on intervention to promote healthy behaviour
New screening tool for the assessment of cognitive symptoms in patients with cancer
Klaske Glashouwer appointed as professor by special appointment of eating disorders
Gaswinningsproblemen raken ook Drenthe: schade en psychosociale impact voorbij de provinciegrens
Barry de Groot and Alexander Minnaert appointed members of Recognition Committee on Interventions of the Netherlands Youth Institue (NJi)
The climate anxiety compass: how should we deal with climate concerns?
Four Aletta Jacobs Professors appointed at the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences
The fear of eating
Steffie van der Steen receives NWO-XS grant for research on the use of a robotic dog in speech therapy treatment
Kirsten van den Bosch receives NWO-XS grant for research on auditory illusions and mental health
Do parents have any influence on whether their children wear 'pink' or 'grey' glasses?
Anke de Boer appointed as professor by special appointment of specialised and inclusive education
Laura Baams Receives VIDI Grant for Study on LGBTQ+ Adolescents
How can a 'digital twin' help us learn better?
Inaugural Lecture Anna Lichtwarck-Aschoff: “More Tailored Approach Needed in Youth Care”
How can we assess the experiences of people with attention disorders?
How can students better empathize with perspectives from the past?
Psychiatric assistance dogs often unavailable to young people
New team at the Science Shop for Education
Workshop: Decision-making in child protection and foster care
Trauma-sensitive education crucial for young refugee children
Picking the wrong one again and again
ZonMW Consortium Grant for suicide prevention research
People with psychosis often victims of violence
Segregation in the workplace is growing: Top earners are increasingly working together
New BSS dean Casper Albers: "I enjoy tackling complex problems”
Does an interactive consent procedure better inform participants?
How do scientists use statistics to draw conclusions?