Nieuwe publicaties: juni-augustus '19
GION onderwijs/onderzoek vindt het belangrijk om haar kennis te delen en ondersteunt het gebruik van open science. Om u te informeren over onze wetenschappelijke output vindt u daarom vanaf heden alle recente publicaties uit het afgelopen kwartaal in een handig overzicht. Het betreft publicaties waarbij GION-medewerkers als (co-)auteur betrokken zijn geweest.
Aarzel niet om de auteurs te contacteren indien u deze publicaties niet kosteloos kunt raadplegen.
- Mullender-Wijnsma, M. J. , Hartman, E., de Greeff, J. W., Doolaard, S. , Bosker, R. J. , & Visscher, C.(2019). Follow-Up Study Investigating the Effects of a Physically Active Academic Intervention. Early Childhood Education Journal . (Open Access).
- Langeloo, A. , Mascareño Lara, M. , Deunk, M. I. , Klitzing, N. , & Strijbos, J-W.(2019). A Systematic Review of Teacher–Child Interactions With Multilingual Young Children. Review of Educational Research , 89(4), 536-568. (Open Access).
- ter Beek, M., Opdenakker, M-C., Spijkerboer, A. W. , Brummer, L., Ozinga, H. W., & Strijbos, J-W.(2019). Scaffolding expository history text reading: Effects on adolescents' comprehension, self-regulation, and motivation. Learning and Individual Differences , 74, [101749]. (Open Access)
- Stadel, M., Daniels, J. K. , Warrens, M. J. , & Jeronimus, B. F.(2019). The gender-specific impact of emotional tears. Motivation and Emotion , 43(4), 696-704. (Open Access)
- Boevé, A. J., Meijer, R. R. , Beldhuis, H. J. A. , Bosker, R. J. , & Albers, C. J.(2019). On Natural Variation in Grades in Higher Education, and Its Implications for Assessing Effectiveness of Educational Innovations. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice .
- Dingyloudi, F., Strijbos, J-W., & de Laat, M. F. (2019). Value creation: What matters most in Communities of Learning Practice in higher education. Studies in Educational Evaluation , 62, 209-223.
- Dingyloudi, F., & Strijbos, J-W.(2019). Community Representations in Learning Communities. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research . (Open Access)
- ter Beek, M., Opdenakker, M-C., Deunk, M. , & Strijbos, J-W.(2019). Teaching reading strategies in history lessons: A micro-level analysis of professional development training and its practical challenges. Studies in Educational Evaluation , 63, 26-40.
- Hoekstra, R. , Vugteveen, J. , Warrens, M. J., & Kruyen, P. M. (2019). An empirical analysis of alleged misunderstandings of coefficient alpha. International Journal of Social Research Methodology , 22(4), 351-364. (Open Access)
- Korpershoek, H., King, R. B., McInerney, D., Nasser, R., Ganotice, F., & Watkins, D. A. (2019). Gender and cultural differences in school motivation. Research Papers in Education . (Open Access)
- Brouwer, J. , Jansen, E.P.W.A., Severiens, S.E., & Meeuwisse, M. (2019). Interaction and belongingness in two student-centered learning environments. International Journal of Educational Research, 97, 119-130.
- Veldman, M.A., Doolaard, S., Snijders, T.A.B., Bosker, R.J. (2019). Enhancing young students’ high-level talk by using cooperative learning within Success for All lessons. Pedagogische Studiën, 96(2), 82-97.
- Mouw, J.M., Saab, N., Pat-El, R.J., Van den Broek, P. (2019). Student- and Task-Related Predictors of Primary-School Students’ Perceptions of Cooperative Learning Activities. Pedagogische Studiën, 96(2), 98-122.
- Veldman, M.A. & Kostons, D.D.D.M. (2019). Cooperative and collaborative learning: considering four dimensions of learning in groups. Pedagogische Studiën, 96(2), 76-81.
- Kostons, D.D.D.M. (2019). Does Cooperative Use of Reading Strategies lead to Improved Text Comprehension? Pedagogische Studiën, 96(2), 123-135.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 10 augustus 2023 11:03 |
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