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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. J.W. (Jan-Willem) Strijbos


A meta-analysis of the effects of context, content, and task factors of digitally delivered instructional feedback on learning performance

Developing a Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) survey for university teachers

The impact of interpersonal perceptions on the process of dealing with errors while providing and processing peer-feedback on writing

A Systematic Review of Peer Assessment Design Elements

Conceptual review on scientific reasoning and scientific thinking

Doing quantitative research in the learning sciences and CSCL: current developments and applications

Exploring the Use of Teacher Third-Position Support of Multilingual and Monolingual Children: A Multiple Case Study in Kindergarten Classrooms

Feedback en schrijfvaardigheid

In the eye of the beholder: The relationship between perceived peer language skills, provided peer feedback and peer grading in secondary education

Dealing with errors while providing and processing peer-feedback on writing: A mixed-method approach


Onderwijsapps: honderdduizenden leerlingen gebruiken ze, maar wat schieten zij ermee op?