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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons J.K. (Judith) Daniels, Prof


Dissociative episodes and concurrent heart rate in patients with PTSD – An ecological momentary assessment

Can Listening to a Verbal Trauma Report Induce Intrusions? - Replication of a Randomized Trial

Childhood Maltreatment and Revictimization: A Systematic Literature Review

Data-driven approach to dynamic resting state functional connectivity in post-traumatic stress disorder: An ENIGMA-PGC PTSD study

Differential constellations of dissociative symptoms and their association with childhood trauma – a latent profile analysis

Examining the association between posttraumatic stress disorder and disruptions in cortical networks identified using data-driven methods

Exploring meaning in life as a potential target for early intervention–results from a randomized trauma analogue study

Is a Personal Trauma History a Risk Factor for the Development of Secondary Traumatization in EMDR Therapists?

Psychosocial predictors of distress in East and West Germans during the COVID-19 pandemic

Self-regulatory Sex Motives Scale in Online Dating: Exploratory Factor Analysis and Internal Consistency


Interview for

The suffering of the other - Are traumata contagious?

Secondary Traumatisation

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