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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons C. (Chris) Visscher


Growing up and reaching for the top: A longitudinal study on swim performance and its underlying characteristics in talented swimmers

Pacing behavior development in adolescent swimmers: A large-scale longitudinal data analysis

Technical skills in complex tennis situations: Dutch talented players U15 compared to players U17

Tracking performance and its underlying characteristics in talented swimmers: a longitudinal study during the junior-to-senior transition

Effects of aerobic versus cognitively demanding exercise interventions on brain structure and function in healthy children: Results from a cluster randomized controlled trial

Resting state networks mediate the association between both cardiovascular fitness and gross motor skills with neurocognitive functioning

Self-assessed tactical skills in tennis players: Psychometric evaluation of the Tactical Skills Questionnaire in Tennis

The importance of reflection and evaluation processes in daily training sessions for progression toward elite level swimming performance

Cardiovascular Fitness and Executive Functioning in Primary School-aged Children

Differential effects of long-term aerobic versus cognitively-engaging physical activity on children's visuospatial working memory related brain activation: A cluster RCT