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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. M.I. (Marjolein) Deunk


Bewust van je eigen blik: Het gebruik van Visual Thinking Strategies ter bevordering van interculturele sensitiviteit bij studenten van de Academische Opleiding Leraar Basisonderwijs


Learning Opportunities of Monolingual and Multilingual kindergarteners and their Early Literacy and Executive Functioning Development

A Systematic Review of Teacher–Child Interactions With Multilingual Young Children

The role of school boards and school leadership in small schools in the Netherlands

Teaching reading strategies in history lessons: A micro-level analysis of professional development training and its practical challenges

Stimulating teachers’ equity literacy through drama and theatre-based work forms: A systematic review

Beste toekomstige leerkracht

Effective Task Instruction in the First Year of School: What Teachers and Children Do

Exploring the Use of Teacher Third-Position Support of Multilingual and Monolingual Children: A Multiple Case Study in Kindergarten Classrooms

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