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Research GELIFES



T. Ausma (GREEN): Regulation of sulfate metabolism in C4 plants - A whole plant perspective (thesis)

Promotor: Prof. J.T.M. Elzenga; copromotores Dr L.J. de Kok, Dr C.J. van der Kooi


T.P.M. Bailly (EGDB/TRÊS): Life with others - Function and mechanisms of social modulation of behaviour and physiology in Drosophila melanogaster (thesis)

Promotores: Prof. J.C. Billeter, Prof. B. Wertheim, Prof. R.S. Etienne


Y.G. Bolsius (NeuBio): Hidden memories in the sleep-deprived brain - The consequences of sleep loss for hippocampal plasticity and memory (thesis)

Promotores: Prof. R. Havekes, Prof. M.J.H. Kas; copromotor: Dr P. Meerlo


P. Brinker (EGDB/GREEN): Complex interactions in a host-symbiont-microbiome triangle - The wasp Asobara japonica, the endosymbiont Wolbachia and the remainder microbiome (thesis)

Promotores: Prof. L.W. Beukeboom, Prof. J. Falcão Salles; copromotor: Dr M.C. Fontaine (GREEN/CNRS)

Qian Chen

Q. Chen (GREEN): Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Rhizophagus irregularis and soil bacteriome interactions affecting maize (Zea mays L.) under saline conditions (thesis)

Promotores: Prof. J.T.M. Elzenga, Prof. J.D. van Elsas


S.S. Ersoy (ConsEco/EGDB): Exploration in red knots - The role of personality in the expression of individual behaviour across contexts (thesis)

Promotores: Prof. T. Piersma, Prof. A.G.G. Groothuis; copromotor: Dr A.I. Bijleveld (NIOZ)


G. Fivash (ConsEco): Restoration of biogeomorphic landscapes by creating ‘windows of opportunity’ (thesis)

Promotores: Prof. T.j. Bouma (NIOZ/ConsEco), Prof. T. van der Heide (ConsEco/NIOZ); copromotor: Dr W. Lengkeek (Bureau Waardenburg)


D.E. Garcia-Hernandez (GREEN/ConsEco): Dynamics of the salt marsh biomes in response to inundation (thesis)

Promotores: Prof. J. Falcão Salles, Prof. M.P. Berg (ConsEco/VU), Prof. C. Smit


P.R. Gupte (TRÊS): Animal movement strategies (thesis)

Promotores: Prof. F.J. Weissing, Prof. R. Nathan (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)


K. Gurung (EGDB/GREEN): A microbial perspective of Drosophila suzukii - Insights into the pest microbe interactions (thesis)

Promotores: Prof. B. Wertheim, Prof. J. Falcão Salles, Prof. J.C. Billeter


B.E. Hornix (Neubio): Corticothalamic processing across the neuropsychiatric spectrum - The role of protocadherin 9 expression in different densory modalities (thesis)

Promotores: Prof. M.J.H. Kas, Prof. R. Havekes


K.G.O. Ike (Neubio): Measuring social withdrawal - Using semi-natural social environments to identify translational measures in mice (thesis)

Promotor: Prof. M.J.H. Kas; copromotores: Dr S.F. de Boer, Dr B. Buwalda


R.R. Jagesar (Neubio): Digital phenotyping - Operation & execution (thesis)

Promotor: Prof. M.J.H. Kas; copromotor: Dr J.A.S. Vorstman (UMCU)


R. Kat (Neubio): The neurophysiological potential - Translatability and reproducibility of preclinical outcome measures in psychiatric research (thesis)

Promotor: Prof. M.J.H. Kas; copromotor: Dr H. Bruining (UMCU)


A.J. Kruitwagen (EGDB): Native parasitoids and a novel invasive host - Linking evolutionary ecology and biological pest control (thesis)

Promotores: Prof. L.W. Beukeboom, Prof. B. Wertheim; copromotor: Dr B.A. Pannebakker (WUR)

Xuan Li

X. Li (EGDB): Sex chromosome evolution in the house fly - Genomic distribution and structure of polymorphic male determining loci (thesis)

Promotor: Prof. L.W. Beukeboom; copromotores: Dr L. van de Zande, Dr D. Bopp (University of Zurich)

Silu Lin

S. Lin (TRÊS): Social modulation of ageing in termites (thesis)

Promotores: Prof. I.R. Pen, Prof. J. Korb (University of Freiburg)


M. Lindner (NeuBio): Avian seasonal reproduction in times of global warming - Insights from evolution, ecology and (epi-)genomics (thesis)

Promotores: Prof. M.E. Visser (NIOO/NeuBio), Prof. R.A. Hut

Xiaoyan Long

X. Long (BPE/TRÊS): The evolution of parental sex roles (thesis)

Promotores: Prof. J. Komdeur, Prof. F.J. Weissing, Prof. T. Szekély (University of Bath)


B. Marin-Diaz (ConsEco): Unravelling foreshore ecosystem dynamics - Applications for ecosystem-based coastal defence (thesis)

Promotores: Prof. T.J. Bouma (NIOZ/UG), Prof. H. Olff, Prof. D. van der Wal (NIOZ/UT); copromotor: Dr L.L. Govers


P.C. Mawarda (GREEN): The soil microbiome dynamics following microbial invasions (thesis)

Promotores: Prof. J. Falcão Salles, Prof. J.D. van Elsas


M. Papadopoulou (TRÊS): Self-organized collective escape in bird flocks (thesis)

Promotor: Prof. C.K. Hemelrijk; copromotor Dr S. Portugal (University of London)


L.M.V. Porto (TRÊS): Patterns of diversification and geographic distribution of Canidae over time (thesis)

Promotores: Prof. R.S. Etienne, Prof. R. Maestri (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul)


A. Ramesh (TRÊS/EGDB): Animal personalities on the move (thesis)

Promotores: Prof. F.J. Weissing, Prof. A.G.G. Groothuis; copromotor: Dr M. Nicolaus


S.J. Riede (NeuBio): Balancing expectations - Adaptive flexibility in mammalian circadian organisation (thesis)

Promotores: Prof. R. Hut, Prof. G. van Dijk

Tok Shui Lian

S. Tok Shui Lian (NeuBio): Understanding the neurophysiological consequences of Alzheimer's disease pathology - A characterization of pathology, encephalographic changes and neuronal network hyperexcitability in transgenic mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease (thesis)

Promotores: Prof. W.H.I.M. Drinkenburg, Prof. M.J.H. Kas


S. van Heijningen (NeuBio): The driving forces of metabolic programming - A fundamental study in mice (thesis)

Promotores: Prof. G. van Dijk, Prof. A.J.W. Scheurink, Prof. J.D.A. Olivier; copromotor: Dr L. Schipper

Liping Wang

L. Wang (GREEN): Salinity tolerance traits in three grass species - Potential selection criteria for varieties for future sustainable farming (thesis)

Promotor: Prof. J.T.M. Elzenga; copromotor: Dr L.J. de Kok

Xiaocui Wang

X. Wang (EGDB): Dissecting yeast-dependent population differentiation and spatial segregation in Drosophila melanogaster (thesis)

Promotores: Prof. J.C. Billeter, Prof. M.E. Maan

Yanfang Wang

Y. Wang (GREEN): Functioning of a synthetic lignocellulolytic microbial consortium - The effect of conditions on dynamics of interactions and functioning (thesis)

Promotores: Prof. J.D. van Elsas, Prof. J.T.M. Elzenga


A.E.M. Willems (NeuBio): Eating for science - The effect of lifestyle on prevention of non-communicable diseases (thesis)

Promotores: Prof. G. van Dijk, Prof. A. van Beek (UMCG); copromotor: Dr M. Sura-de Jong (Van Hall Larenstein)


E. Wilwert (EGDB/TRÊS): Plastic fish in troubled waters - Behavioural, developmental and eco-evolutionary aspects of visual system diversity in East African cichlids (thesis)

Promotores: Prof. M.E. Maan, Prof. R.S. Etienne; copromotor: Dr L. van de Zande

Jia Zheng

J. Zheng (BPE/TRÊS): Evolutionary ecology of the variable breeding system of Chinese penduline tits (thesis)

Promotores: Prof. J. Komdeur, Prof. F.J. Weissing, Prof. Z. Zhang (Beijing Normal University)


Last modified:16 December 2024 1.57 p.m.