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Research GELIFES

Weekly Schedule

Week 13 (24 - 28 February)

Weekly schedule by email: Every Friday afternoon the weekly schedule for the coming week is distributed by email. If you also want to receive our weekly schedules, please send an email to your expertise group secretary or to weeklyschedule and you will be added to the mailing list.

Announcements for the weekly schedule: If you have anything to announce that is of interest to all institute members, including literature / book discussions, please send an email to weeklyschedule before 12:00 hr on Thursday.

Monday 24


09:30 OBP Weekly meeting 5171.0340

Tuesday 25


12:00 ConsEco Lunch meeting
Christiaan Both: Tanzania - Where an avian ecologist meets practical conservation
5172.0571 & online
13:30 EGDB Meeting
Rhiannon Schembri (Macquarie University): Gene expression divergence in Poephila finches - Non-adaptive regulatory divergence, sex chromosomes, and hybrid incompatibility
5171.0415 & online

Wednesday 26


11:30 TRÊS Meeting
Fimme Busman: Fighting and sneaking in spider mite males (MSc project intro)
5172.0571 & online
12:00 NeuBio – Molecular/Behavioural Neuroscience Lab meeting
  • Eshani Chandnani & Daniek Brouwer: Tba (MSc project intro)
  • Dimitris Tantis Tapeinos: Tba (MSc project intro)

Thursday 27


15:30 GELIFES Seminar
Ben Martin (University of Amsterdam): Rules of life and death - Toward a mechanistic understanding of predator–prey interactions

Friday 28


No announcements
Last modified:21 March 2025 4.12 p.m.