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Research GELIFES



A.C. Alderkamp (Ocean Ecosystems): Carbohydrate production by phytoplankton and degradation in the marine microbial foodweb (thesis)

Promotores Prof. W.J. Wolff, Prof. G.J. Herndl, Prof. W.W.C. Gieskes

Ambrosio de Castro

A.H. Ambrosio de Castro (Plant Ecophysiology): Atmospheric NH3 deposition, S and N metabolism in curly kale (thesis)

Promotor Prof. J.T.M. Elzenga; copromotores Dr G. Stulen, Dr L.J. de Kok


E.R. Chang (COCON): The role of dispersal constraints in the assembly of salt-marsh communities (thesis)

Promotores Prof. J.P. Bakker, Prof. R.L. Jefferies (University of Toronto)


M.S.C.O.M. Chevolot (MarBEE): Assessing genetic structure of thornback ray, Raja clavata - A thorny situation? (thesis)

Promotores Prof. J.L. Olsen, Prof. W.T. Stam, Prof. A.D. Rijnsdorp


J.P.G.M. Cromsigt (COCON): Large herbivores in space - Resource partitioning among savanna grazers in a heterogeneous environment (thesis)

Promotores Prof. H. Olff, Prof. H.H.T. Prins (Wageningen University)


B. Ćurčić-Blake (Neurobiophysics): Spatial and temporal characteristics of the fish lateral line detection (thesis)

Promotor Prof. D.G. Stavenga; copromotor Dr S.M. van Netten

de Boer

M.K. de Boer (MarBEE): Maze of toxicity - Fibrocapsa japoinica (Raphidophyceae) in Dutch coastal waters (thesis)

Promotores Prof. W.J. Wolff, Prof. W.W.C. Gieskes

de Heij

M.E. de Heij (Animal Ecology): Costs of avian incubation - How fitness, energetics and behaviour impinge on the evolution of clutch size (thesis)

Promotores Prof. J.M. Tinbergen, Prof. R.H. Drent

de Jong

F. de Jong (MarBEE): Marine eutrophication in perspective - On the relevance of ecology for environmental policy (thesis)

Promotores Prof. W.J. Wolff, Prof. F. Colijn (FTZ University Kiel); copromotor Dr H.J. van der Windt


P.D. Dijkstra (Behavioural Biology): Know thine enemy - Intra-sexual selection and sympatric speciation in Lake Victoria cichlid fish (thesis)

Promotores Prof. S. Daan, Prof. T.G.G. Groothuis


N. Hagenah (Wageningen University): Among rodents and rhinos - Interplay between small mammals and large herbivores in a South African savanna (thesis)

Promotores Prof. H.H.T. Prins (Wageningen University), Prof. H. Olff


S. Hazelaar (Ocean Ecosystems): Nanoscale architecture - The role of proteins in diatom silicon biomineralization (thesis)

Promotores Prof. W.W.C. Gieskes, Prof. H.J.W. de Baar


R.H.G. Klaassen (Animal Ecology): Foraging in a spatially patterned world - Migratory swans (Cygnus columbianus) seeking buried pondweed (Potamogeton pectinatus) tubers (thesis)

Promotores Prof. R.H. Drent; copromotor Dr B.A. Nolet (NIOO)


P. Korsten (Animal Ecology): Avian sex allocation and ornamental coloration – A study in blue tits (thesis)

Promotores Prof. J. Komdeur, Prof. R.H. Drent, Prof. S. Daan


M.P. McDonnell–Alexander (COCON): Spatial nutrient heterogeneity and plant species coexistence (thesis)

Promotores Prof. J. van Andel, Prof. J.P. Grime (University of Sheffield)


T. Reinthaler (Ocean Ecosystems): Prokaryotic respiration and production in the open ocean (thesis)

Promotores Prof. G.J. Herndl, Prof. J.J. Middelburg, Prof. K. Soetaert


E.W.M. Stienen (Animal Ecology): Living with gulls - Trading off food and predation in the sandwich tern Sterna sandvicensis (thesis)

Promotor Prof. R.H. Drent


K.M.C. Tjørve (Behavioural Biology): From an egg to a fledgling - A perspective on shorebird breeding ecology and chick energetics (thesis)

Promotores Prof. G.H. Visser, Prof. L.G. Underhill


S. Tomašković (Biomedical Engineering): Auditory processing and audiovisual integration revealed by combining psychophysical and fMRI experiments (thesis)

Promotor Prof. H. Duifhuis


W.K. Vahl (Theoretical Biology, Animal Ecology): Interference competition among foraging waders (thesis)

Promotores Prof. F.J. Weissing, Prof. T. Piersma

van den Berg

G.P. van den Berg (Biomedical Engineering): The sound of high winds - The effect of atmospheric stability on wind turbine sound and microphone noise (thesis)

Promotores Prof. H. Duifhuis, Prof. A.J.M. Schoot Uiterkamp

van de Pol

M. van de Pol (Animal Ecology, Theoretical Biology): State-dependent life-history strategies - A long-term study on oystercatchers (thesis)

Promotores Prof. R.H. Drent, Prof. J.M. Tinbergen, Prof. F.J. Weissing; copromotor Dr S.Verhulst

van der Borght

K. van der Borght (Molecular Neurobiology): New neurons in the adult brain - A study on the regulation and function of neurogenesis in the adult rodent hippocampus (thesis)

Promotor Prof. P.G.M. Luiten; copromotores Dr E.A. van der Zee, Dr B.J.L. Eggen

van der Graaf

A.J. van der Graaf (Animal Ecology, COCON): Geese on a green wave - Flexible migrants in a changing world (thesis)

Promotores Prof. R.H. Drent, Prof. J.P. Bakker; copromotor Dr J. Stahl (University of Oldenburg)

van Oevelen

J. van Oevelen (MarBEE): The structure of marine benthic foodwebs - Combining stable isotope techniques and inverse modeling (thesis)

Promotor Prof. C.H.R. Heip


H.E. Wolters (COCON, MarBEE): Restoration of salt marshes (thesis)

Promotores Prof. J.P. Bakker, Prof. W.J. Wolff


Last modified:16 December 2024 2.02 p.m.