
S.M. Amininasab (BESO): The effects of environmental and individual quality on reproductive performance - A case study on blue tits (thesis)
Promotor Prof. J. Komdeur

M. Briga (Behavioural Biology): Growing up and growing old - A longitudinal study on aging in zebra finches (thesis)
Promotor Prof. S. Verhulst

V. Cordlandwehr (Plant Ecology): Functional trait patterns in grassland communities, and the importance of scale (thesis)
Promotor Prof. J.P. Bakker; copromotores Dr R.M. Bekker, Dr W.A. Ozinga (RU Nijmegen)

J. de Fouw (Animal Ecology): Bottom-up and top-down forces in a tropical intertidal ecosystem - The interplay between seagrasses, bivalves and birds (thesis)
Promotores Prof. T. Piersma, Prof. H. Olff; copromotores Dr J.A. van Gils (NIOZ), Dr T. van der Heide (RU Nijmegen)

F. Dini Andreote (Microbial Ecology): Microbial community assembly in an evolving ecosystem - Ecological succession and functional properties of soil microbes (thesis)
Promotores Prof. J. Falcao Salles, Prof. J.D. van Elsas

M.C.W.G. Giesbers (Evolutionary Genetics): Genetics of reproductive behaviour in Nasonia (thesis)
Promotor Prof. L.W. Beukeboom; copromotores Dr L. van de Zande, Dr B.A. Pannebakker (WUR)

I.U. Haq (Microbial Ecology): Interactions of Burkholderia terrae with soil fungi - Mechanisms, gene expression patterns and ecological behavior of Burkholderia terrae BS001 during its interaction with Lyophyllum sp. strain Karsten and Trichoderma asperellum 302 in soil (thesis)
Promotor Prof. J.D. van Elsas

R.A. Howison (COCON): The battle between bioturbation and biocompaction - Biotically driven vegetation mosaics (thesis)
Promotor Prof. H. Olff; copromotor Dr C. Smit

B.-Y. Hsu (Behavioural Biology): Maternal hormones meet environmental variability - Context-dependent effects of maternal hormones in avian egg yolks (thesis)
Promotor Prof. A.G.G. Groothuis; copromotor Dr C. Dijkstra

D.J. Jiménez Avella (Microbial Ecology): Plant biomass-degrading microbial consortia - Ecology, lignocellulolytic machinery and biotechnological potential (thesis)
Promotor Prof. J.D. van Elsas

M.G.K. Kumar (Microbial Ecology): Biogeographical diversity of plant associated microbes in arcto-alpine plants (thesis)
Promotor Prof. J.D. van Elsas; copromotor Dr R.M. Nissinen (University of Jyväsk)

M.E. Laturney (Behavioural Biology): The second sex - Functions and mechanisms of sperm manipulation in female Drosophila melanogaster (thesis)
Promotor Prof. J.C Billeter

L. Lv (BESO): Condition mediates context-dependent breeding strategies and consequences (thesis)
Promotores Prof. J. Komdeur, Prof. Z. Zhang (Beijing Normal University, China)

P. Mazzola (Neurobiology): Phenylketonuria - From body to brain (thesis)
Promotores Prof. F.J. van Spronsen (UMCG), Prof. E.A. van der Zee

J. Ouwehand (Animal Ecology): Track changes in pied flycatchers - Annual cycle adaptation in an Afro-Palearctic migrant (thesis)
Promotores Prof. C. Both, Prof. T. Piersma

A.E. Quiñones Paredes (Theoretical Biology): The evolution of animal societies - An exploration of the effects of population structure, life-history and behavioural plasticity (thesis)
Promotores Prof. I.R. Pen, Prof. F.J. Weissing

G.N.J. ter Heerdt (Plant Ecology): Establishment of different riparian plant communities from the same soil seed bank (thesis)
Promotores Prof. J.P Bakker, Prof. W.H. van der Putten (WUR/NIOO)

J. van Gestel (Theoretical Biology): The evolution of bacterial cell differentiation and multicellular organization (thesis)
Promotor Prof. F.J. Weissing

L. van Walraven (Animal Ecology): Flexible filter feeders - The gelatinous zooplankton community in the Netherlands after the invasion of the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi (thesis)
Promotor Prof. T. Piersma; copromotores Dr H.W. van der Veer, Dr V. Langenberg (Deltares)

M.P. Veldhuis (COCON): On the organization of ecosystems - Ecological autocatalysis in African savannas (thesis)
Promotores Prof. H. Olff, Prof. M.P. Berg
Last modified: | 16 December 2024 1.59 p.m. |