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University of Groningen Library
University of Groningen Library Open access
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Which Creative Commons licence should I choose?

Date:17 February 2021
Author:Giulia Trentacosti
'Which licence should I choose?’ is one of the most frequently asked questions in our open access support inbox. In this blog post, we take you through the fundamentals of Creative Commons licences and provide some suggestions to select the appropriate licence for your work.
Open access publication in the spotlight: February 2021

Open Access Publication in the Spotlight (February) - 'Automated Device for Continuous Stirring while Sampling in Liquid Chromatography'

Date:15 February 2021
Author:Open Access Team
The article for this month is titled “Automated device for continuous stirring while sampling in liquid chromatography systems.” It was written by various co-authors from the Center for Systems Chemistry, which is part of the Stratingh Institute (Faculty of Science and Engineering).
OA Publication in the Spotlight: January 2021

Open Access Publication in the Spotlight (January) - 'Red is the Colour of the Heart'

Date:27 January 2021
Author:Open Access Team
In January, we place the spotlight on the article “‘Red is the colour of the heart’: making young children’s multilingualism visible through language portraits”. It is written by Camila Tabaro Soares and Joana Duarte, who are both part of the Multilingualism & Minorities programme (Faculty of Arts), and by Mirjam Günther-van der Meij (NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences).
OA Publication in the Spotlight: December 2020

Open Access Publication in the Spotlight (December) - 'Circadian Variation strongly affects Performance in Olympic Athletes'

Date:14 December 2020
Author:Open Access Team
Each month, the library’s open access team puts an Open Access publication by a UG author in the spotlight. The article of November 2020 is "Gold, silver or bronze: circadian variation strongly affects performance in Olympic athletes" which was co-authored by various UG-researchers.
Celebrating Openness

Recap: Celebrating Openness (22 October 2020)

Date:16 November 2020
Author:Open Access Team
On the occasion of Open Access Week 2020, the University of Groningen Library (UB) and the Open Science Community Groningen (OSCG) organized the online event Celebrating Openness. Keynote speakers and UG researchers explored the benefits and challenges of opening up research. A panel discussion was dedicated to the modified lottery system as a way to assign research funding or prizes.
OA Publication in the Spotlight: November 2020

Open Access Publication in the Spotlight (November) - 'Facilitating Recovery of Daily Functioning in People with a severe Mental Illness...'

Date:09 November 2020
Author:Open Access Team
Each month, the library’s open access team puts an Open Access publication by a UG author in the spotlight. The article of November 2020 is "Facilitating Recovery of Daily Functioning in People With a Severe Mental Illness..." which was co-authored by various UG- and UMCG-researchers.
Open Research Award case study

Big ambitions – Limited resources

Date:20 October 2020
Author:Daan A. Ornée

Balancing research output with open research practices in a clinical randomized controlled trial.

Open Research Award case study

Now everyone can measure attention

Date:19 October 2020
Author:Yvonne Groen
Everyone knows what attention is, said William James 150 years ago. But nowadays psychologists are still struggling to reliably assess attention, especially impairments of attention. The experience of attention is very personal and what is regarded normal differs strongly between people. Therefore, a large norm group is necessary to pinpoint impairments of attention.
Open Research Award case study

Is it possible to publish all of our peer-reviewed articles in Open Access journals?

Date:16 October 2020
Author:Katja Loos
Is it possible to publish all peer-reviewed articles of our research group in Open Access journals? Two years ago, this journey started, and we started to submit our manuscripts exclusively to journals that are cover by the VNSU Open Access agreements. As a result, we were able to publish more than 95% of our manuscripts Open Access in this time period.
Open Research Award case study

Preregistration of a quantitative study using secondary data in the social sciences

Date:14 October 2020
Author:Maria Wiertsema
A case study about preregistration of a quantitative study using secondary data in the social sciences.