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Results for tag:interview

Open access publication in the spotlight: May 2024

Open access publication in the spotlight for the month (May) - 'Vocation as tragedy: Love and knowledge in the lives of the Mills, the Webers, and the Russells'

Date:31 May 2024
Author:Open Access Team
Can love affect knowledge and knowledge affect love? John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor-Mill, Max and Marianne Weber, and Bertrand and Dora Russell had a definite vocation: they wanted to change the world.
Open access publication in the spotlight: March 2024

Open access publication in the spotlight (March) - 'Gender differences in Dutch research funding over time: A statistical investigation of the innovation scheme 2012–2021'

Date:21 March 2024
Author:Open Access Team
This month's article studies whether or not the Dutch Research Council (NWO) has been successful in removing gender differences from their Talent Programme funding scheme. We asked corresponding author Casper Albers (Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences) to tell us more.
Published dataset in Springer Nature's Scientific Data

Good practices for FAIR data management - an interview with Kasper Meijer on ‘The seafloor from a trait perspective. A comprehensive life history dataset of soft sediment macrozoobenthos’

Date:04 March 2024
Author:Alba Soares Capellas
We asked co-author Kasper Meijer to tell us more about his publication in Scientific Data, an open access journal for descriptions of datasets and research that advances the sharing and reuse of scientific data.
Open access publication in the spotlight: October 2023

Open Access Publication in the Spotlight - 'Casting Justice Before Swine: Late Mediaeval Pig Trials as Instances of Human Exceptionalism'

Date:23 October 2023
Author:Open Access Team
Author Sven Gins (PhD student at the Faculty of Religion, Culture and Society) shows how animal trials in premodern Europe shed light on more recent cases about the legal personhood of animals that received global attention.
Open access publication in the spotlight: September 2023

Open Access Publication in the Spotlight (September) - 'Monitoring North Korea: a visual autoethnography of humanitarian-aid practices'

Date:21 September 2023
Author:Open Access Team
This month we highlight a visual essay written by David Shim (Faculty of Arts), which draws on his experiences working as a food-aid monitor in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
Prof Robert Inklaar

Good practices for FAIR data management - an interview with Robert Inklaar (Director GGDC) on achieving impact with open data

Date:21 September 2023
Author:Ana Alves & Alba Soares Capellas
Datasets of the GDCC are openly available and some have been downloaded over 100,000 times. We asked Director Prof Robert Inklaar to tell us more about the importance of FAIR data, the GDCC and why he chose to be an Open Science ambassador for his faculty.
Prof. Dr. Cisca Wijmenga

The state of open science at the UG - an interview with Cisca Wijmenga

Date:05 September 2023
Author:Marjan van Ittersum & Leon ter Schure
The University of Groningen sees open science as one of its priorities. In this interview, we look back with Cisca Wijmenga on the development of open science at the university during her time as Rector Magnificus.
Faculty of Spatial Sciences. ©UG, photo: Michel de Groot

Open science practices in different disciplines (9) - an interview with Johan Woltjer (Dean FSS) and Ina Horlings (Open Science Ambassador)

Date:08 July 2023
Author:Vera Heininga & Marjan van Ittersum
The University of Groningen sees open science as one of its priorities. But what exactly is the status of open science at the different UG Faculties? Edition nine in this series is dedicated to the Faculty of Spatial Sciences.
Open access publication in the spotlight: June 2023

Open Access Publication in the Spotlight - 'Mind the gap: Data availability, accessibility, transparency, and credibility during the COVID-19 pandemic, an international comparative appraisal'

Date:26 June 2023
Author:Open Access Team
Valentina Gallo (Campus Fryslân) and her team mapped COVID-19 data availability and accessibility for nine countries. Their research highlights the importance of a transparent and detailed reporting of COVID-19 related variables.

Open science practices in different disciplines (8) - an interview with Mladen Popovic (Dean FTR) and Todd Weir (Open Science Ambassador)

Date:12 June 2023
Author:Vera Heininga & Marjan van Ittersum
The University of Groningen sees open science as one of its priorities. But what exactly is the status of open science at the different UG Faculties? Edition eight in this series is dedicated to the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies.