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Results for tag: open data

Published dataset in Springer Nature's Scientific Data

Good practices for FAIR data management - an interview with Kasper Meijer on ‘The seafloor from a trait perspective. A comprehensive life history dataset of soft sediment macrozoobenthos’

Date:04 March 2024
Author:Alba Soares Capellas
We asked co-author Kasper Meijer to tell us more about his publication in Scientific Data, an open access journal for descriptions of datasets and research that advances the sharing and reuse of scientific data.
Prof Robert Inklaar

Good practices for FAIR data management - an interview with Robert Inklaar (Director GGDC) on achieving impact with open data

Date:21 September 2023
Author:Ana Alves & Alba Soares Capellas
Datasets of the GDCC are openly available and some have been downloaded over 100,000 times. We asked Director Prof Robert Inklaar to tell us more about the importance of FAIR data, the GDCC and why he chose to be an Open Science ambassador for his faculty.
Prof. Dr. Cisca Wijmenga

The state of open science at the UG - an interview with Cisca Wijmenga

Date:05 September 2023
Author:Marjan van Ittersum & Leon ter Schure
The University of Groningen sees open science as one of its priorities. In this interview, we look back with Cisca Wijmenga on the development of open science at the university during her time as Rector Magnificus.
Dr Clara Egger

Good practices for FAIR data management (1) - an interview with Clara Egger on the EXCEPTIUS dataset

Date:19 September 2022
Author:Leon ter Schure
Part of open science is that researchers make their data FAIR: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. We asked Dr Clara Egger to tell us more about how she accomplished this for a dataset she and her team recently published.
Open Science symposium UG

Recap: Open Science symposium at the UG

Date:12 December 2019
During this year’s International Open Access Week, the UG University Library organized a symposium on Open Science Research Practices. Open Science is about improving the way in which we do science and about moving towards a more open and inclusive research culture.
Marian Joëls

Openness benefits our research and society

Date:19 February 2019
Author:Giulia Trentacosti
Marian Joëls, Professor of Neurosciences and Dean and board member of the UMCG, discusses her take on open science, research evaluation and her vision for the future of the UMCG.
Martijn Wieling

How can universities support open science?

Date:17 October 2018
Author:Giulia Trentacosti
Martijn Wieling, Associate Professor of Computational Linguistics and Vice-chairman of the Dutch Young Academy, talks about why he thinks open access, open data and open source are the way forward in academic research.
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