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Veni-grants for ten researchers in Groningen17 July 2024
Video: the darker sides of our histories28 June 2024
How to deal with microplastics in our daily life25 June 2024
The Young Academy Groningen welcomes seven new members17 June 2024
‘We are much more connected to our distant ancestors than we think’13 June 2024
NWO Open Competition XS grants for three Faculty of Arts researchers30 May 2024
European joint Master’s degree programmes are among the top programmes29 May 2024
Four honorary doctorates awarded by the UG27 May 2024
Ministry of Defence sustained difficult position of women in armed forces27 May 2024
UG awards various prizes during the Ceremony of Merits22 May 2024
Raffaella Carloni and Jonas Göbel winners Ben Feringa Impact Award 202422 May 2024
Liekuut| Sideline the treaties of the European Union more often!21 May 2024
Join Queer Science!21 May 2024
Trial Gale: Power to the People21 May 2024
Fascinated by unusual music genres and their influence on people14 May 2024
Impact: Utilization of geospatial data within international development cooperation06 May 2024
NWO Impact Explorer for Suzanne Manizza-Roszak's impactful postcolonial literary research03 May 2024
Learning to communicate in the operating theatre29 April 2024
Studying depopulation also means studying the history of those who stay23 April 2024
Trump or no trump, that is the question22 April 2024
‘The European elections will be as boring as always’15 April 2024
The woman’s body in a man’s world09 April 2024
The pros and cons of menstrual tracking apps04 April 2024
Video: Training language computers like children learn a language26 March 2024
Dyslexia: an 'underestimated' disorder25 March 2024
Tone of reporting on climate change has become increasingly urgent since the nineties21 March 2024
PhD candidate Hedwig Sekeres one of the new KNAW Faces of Science14 March 2024
Opinion: Candidacy Von der Leyen is a positive contribution to European democracy12 March 2024
What can ‘Europe’ learn from its citizens?11 March 2024
This is how reading and writing education becomes more challenging, enjoyable and meaningful05 March 2024
Archaeological research provides further insight into rich eco-cultural history of fallow deer28 February 2024
'For Trump's supporters, his appeal lies in transgressing norms.’ | Interview met dr. Lisa Gaufman en dr. Bharath Ganesh26 February 2024
Board game Streektaalstrijd: Conquer the Netherlands and Flanders with regional languages19 February 2024
Language as a Gateway to a New World15 February 2024
New collections in Adam Matthew Explorer13 February 2024
Gaming: only the benefits of religion but not the drawbacks06 February 2024
Three UG researchers nominated for Woman in the Media Award 202305 February 2024
Bachelor Minorities & Multilingualism Discontinued02 February 2024
Response to KNAW Report on Frisian Studies25 January 2024
Video: 45.000 seeds, fruits and plants in a unique collection25 January 2024
Doing something good for the landscape23 January 2024
Prof. J.C.M. Warnsick Fellowship for Arjen Bloem23 January 2024
Saskia Peels-Matthey appointed as a member of The Young Academy16 January 2024
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