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About us Faculty of Science and Engineering News News Archive


TitlePosted on
Toekenning ECHO subsidie aan Wouter Roos19 December 2018
North Sea fisheries show a preference for unusual habitats18 December 2018
Checking out ‘University Cats’ in the University Museum Groningen13 December 2018
Pollution poses threat to Arctic goose12 December 2018
NTU Singapore and UG sign Double Doctorate agreement30 November 2018
SLF Graduation Prize for UG student Industrial Engineering and Management29 November 2018
UG student wins Unilever Research Prize28 November 2018
Suspicious genes, fast legs27 November 2018
Anouk Goossens receives Shell Award for researching building blocks of the electronic brain26 November 2018
Ten Groningen science students win national Young Talent prize26 November 2018
Large Wadden Fund grant for researching underwater nature in Wadden Sea23 November 2018
Prof. Dirk Slotboom wins FSE Teaching Award 201720 November 2018
Support from the Government for the development of sustainable, nature-inclusive agriculture in the Northern Netherlands16 November 2018
Dutch Higher Education Guide 2019: UG-programmes strong at the top15 November 2018
The lift between life and death14 November 2018
iGEM studententeam wint goud met duurzaam styreen12 November 2018
Honorary professor Van Roon awarded Senior Jan Glerum Education Prize09 November 2018
Celebrating Excellence in Research: 100 Women of Chemistry08 November 2018
UG still popular with Dutch and international students06 November 2018
Grants awarded call Data Science 201806 November 2018
TOP NWO grant for Prof. Slotboom05 November 2018
Astronomers discover the giant that shaped the early days of our Milky Way31 October 2018
Eric de Vries wins NWO Physics Valorisation Chapter Prize30 October 2018
New generation of smart computers inspired by our brains26 October 2018
Shift away from gas.... But how?25 October 2018
Photo report: the Ocean Grazer18 October 2018
Temperate Wadden Sea helps bar-tailed godwit adapt to climate change in the Arctic15 October 2018
Quasars ignite two types of fireworks04 October 2018
4 Million Euro for EU-funded MARIE CURIE INNOVATIVE TRAINING NETWORK04 October 2018
Opening Symposium of Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence on 1 Nov04 October 2018
Gosens wins the Prix Galien Research Award 201803 October 2018
Young Academy Groningen welcomes eight new members02 October 2018
Zpannend Zernike: Backstage in the wondrous world of science and technology27 September 2018
Heike Kamerlingh Onnes chair and Rudi Drent chair for Groningen professors21 September 2018
Small galaxy caused ‘snail shell’ structure in our part of the Milky Way19 September 2018
UG Students help young students with logistics19 September 2018
Prof. Bart van Wees appointed Knight of the Order of the Netherlands Lion24 August 2018
Thousands of deaths prevented by vaccinations21 August 2018
Professor Feringa appears in new talkshow on Dutch National television09 August 2018
Very rare protein has potential for developing new antibiotics02 August 2018
University of Groningen and MEYER WERFT sign collaboration agreement25 July 2018
Nature has the answer24 July 2018
Three young researchers to top institutes abroad on Rubicon grants23 July 2018
From 2019 masters's degree in Mechanical Engineering at UG18 July 2018
Super-telescope bring astronomers closer to understanding dark matter18 July 2018
HTSM Honours Master until 202212 July 2018
Physics and Chemistry student Marit Fiechter wins GUF 100 Prize06 July 2018
Dr Marthe Walvoort wins Gratama Prize06 July 2018
Godwits are real high-fliers27 June 2018
International award for Groningen astronomer Mariano Mendez27 June 2018
Feringa honoured with bronze bust and book08 June 2018
Nine UG researchers win Vidi grants01 June 2018
New all round research institute for mathematics, computer science and artificial intelligence: Bernoulli Institute01 June 2018
New springtail species discovered on Griend in the Netherlands31 May 2018
SRON in finals with successor to Herschel satellite30 May 2018
Why we need algae16 May 2018
Nanoscience student Eleveld wins audience award national Famelab14 May 2018
Petra Rudolf next EPS President-elect09 May 2018
Three-minute thesis competition videos08 May 2018
Sijbren Otto wins prestigious Royal Society of Chemistry Award08 May 2018
Photo report: in Oscar Kuipers' lab03 May 2018
Prof. Nasser Kalantar-Nayestanaki appointed Knight of the Order of the Netherlands Lion26 April 2018
New data release sparks astronomy revolution25 April 2018
Riding the waves of science24 April 2018
National Roadmap: millions for top research facilities13 April 2018
Professor Maria Antonietta Loi receives Physics Prize 201813 April 2018
Extremely Fast Dives Help Peregrine Falcons Maneuver to Catch Agile Prey13 April 2018
Energy education recruitment campaign launched: Choose wisely, follow energy10 April 2018
European ERC Grant for biologist Franjo Weissing10 April 2018
Millions for new Groningen Target programme06 April 2018
UG researchers roll up their sleeves on NICO Expedition to the Atlantic Ocean04 April 2018
Turning lead into knowledge03 April 2018
‘Weather buff, scientist and prophet’03 April 2018
Spotlight on engineering in Groningen21 March 2018
Blackbirds in the city: Bad health, longer life21 March 2018
Shedding light on the mystery of the superconducting dome20 March 2018
Drier soil leads to more extreme heat waves19 March 2018
‘ZAP biobased research will be changing society’13 March 2018
6 Top programmes FSE in Higher Education Guide Masters 201808 March 2018
Groningen school pupils tackle urban distribution05 March 2018
Practical spin wave transistor one step closer02 March 2018
Millions worth of grants for four Groningen top researchers23 February 2018
UG and Province take on sustainable agriculture together21 February 2018
Emergent properties of bio-physical self-organization in streams20 February 2018
Princess Beatrix and Princess Mabel to attend 4th Prince Friso Engineering Award ceremony in Groningen19 February 2018
Popular science blogger shares spintronics video15 February 2018
Young black-tailed godwits prefer Portuguese staging sites to Spanish ones14 February 2018
Three UG staff members to join the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (KHMW)12 February 2018
In Memoriam | Professor Serge Daan12 February 2018
Islands in yeast membrane revealed by extreme microscopy05 February 2018
Artificial intelligence selects best candidate30 January 2018
Anton Scheurink: ‘Being active is better than being slim’  23 January 2018
New method makes the most of biomass23 January 2018
New metal-semiconductor interface for brain-inspired computing22 January 2018
Slow 'hot electrons' could improve solar cell efficiency16 January 2018
New model brings spintronic transistor a step closer09 January 2018
Last modified:23 May 2024 3.40 p.m.
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