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Centre for Energy Business and Economics Research
Faculty of Economics and Business
Centre for Energy Business and Economics Research
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Resultaten voor tag: Energy Transition

Launch of the Energy Innovation Atlas

Datum:13 december 2019
The Energy Innovation Atlas (EIA) has been launched. The EIA serves as a platform that maps innovations in the transitioning energy sector and so it might help societies deal with the many challenges in attaining sustainable energy supply. The platform consists of case reports and video summaries created by students over the course of a master class on the ‘Energy Transition & Innovation’. The Centre for Energy Economics Research (CEER) of the University of Groningen contributed to the development of this unique instrument. 
Report Gas production and earthquakes in Groningen

End to gas extraction in Groningen means opportunities

Datum:05 juni 2018

In their report entitled ‘Gas production and earthquakes in Groningen. Reflection on economic and social consequences’, University of Groningen researchers Machiel Mulder and Peter Perey conclude that the government’s announcement of its intention to stop...

Presentation of the report in Brussel

The future of gas in an electrified Europe

Datum:04 juni 2018

The report ‘Gas and the electrification of heating & transport: scenarios for 2050’ was presented in Brussels on 23 May by a team of researchers including University of Groningen Professor Machiel Mulder. The report, which was commissioned by the Centre on...

Gas power station Hemweg in Amsterdam. Picture: Rens Groenendijk / Nationale Beeldbank

Electrification will cause major increase in gas demand in the Netherlands

Datum:24 mei 2018

Switching to electric heating systems in homes and electric vehicles are two important ways to reduce CO2 emissions in the Netherlands and reduce its dependence on fossil energy such as Groningen natural gas. However, this will cause a major increase in...

IAEE Energy Conference

Two new round tables at 41st International IAEE Energy

Datum:26 april 2018

In one of the six round tables of the IAEE Energy conference we will have a panel discussion on the impact of climate policies on international competitiveness. Which climate policy tools are most effective: subsidies or carbon taxes? How can the energy...

IAEE Energy conference-2018

Other round tables at 41st International IAEE Energy conference

Datum:19 april 2018

The round table ‘Energy Transition: Role of Local Governments’ on June 12, 2018 focusses on the dramatic change in the energy industry from a centralized large-scale fossil fuel generation to distributed decentralized small-scale generation based on...

Fransforming Energy Markets

Two new round tables at 41st International IAEE Energy conference

Datum:12 april 2018

The round table ‘Disruptive Challenges for the Energy Industry’ on 11 June 2018 discusses disruptive innovations, how the energy industry can cope with this phenomenon and the role of government policy in the world of disruptive developments. The examples...

Transforming Energy Markets

Six round tables at 41st International IAEE Energy conference

Datum:10 april 2018

These round tables offer a unique opportunity for academics, policy makers, consultants and representatives from energy business to meet and discuss various relevant energy related topics.

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