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Centre for Energy Business and Economics Research
Faculty of Economics and Business
Centre for Energy Business and Economics Research Events

2025 Energy and Climate Economics and Business Days

The Centre of Energy Business and Economics Research (CEnBER) of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of the University of Groningen and the University of Groningen Business School (UGBS) are pleased to announce the 2025 Energy and Climate Economics and Business Days on 25 and 26 March 2025.

Leading experts, interested practitioners, PhD candidates, alumni of both FEB and UGBS, and researchers at all career levels will present and discuss innovative research on energy transition and climate policy in an economic or business context.

Conference program and registration

You can find more details about the conference below, click on each title to read more.

Conference Program

The conference starts on Tuesday afternoon, March 25, and ends Wednesday March 26 at the end of the afternoon.

There will be two plenary sessions, one focused on the economics of climate policy and the other on business aspects of energy transition. Both plenary sessions will have an academic keynote speaker and a discussant from government or business, followed by a plenary discussion.

Keynote speakers

The academic keynote speaker in the plenary session on climate policy is prof. dr. Grischa Perino, Professor of Environmental Economics at the University of Hamburg. His presentation will be on the EU Emissions Trading Scheme and the interaction with overlapping climate regulation, combined with some reflections on the EU ETS 2. 

The academic keynote speaker in the plenary session on the dynamics of energy systems is prof. dr. Asgeir Tomasgard, professor of operations research at the Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

Overview of the conference program

Tuesday 25 March
13:00 – 14:00
Registration / coffee, tea
Duisenberg Plaza
14:00 – 14:15
Blauwe zaal
14:15 – 15:30
Plenary session on climate policy with prof. dr. Grischa Perino,
chairs: Prof. Machiel Mulder and dr. Roweno Heijmans,
Discussant: Dr. Johannes Bollen, senior economist, TNO Vector
Blauwe zaal
15:30 – 16:00
Coffee/tea break
Duisenberg Plaza
16:00 – 18:00
Concurrent session 1- A: Climate Finance
Room 5412.0025
Concurrent session 1- B: Electricity markets
Room 5412.0031
Concurrent session 1- C: Distributional effects
Room 5412.0040
18:15 - ...
Conference diner
Duisenberg Plaza
Wednesday 26 March
Coffee, tea
Duisenberg Plaza
9:00 – 10:30
Concurrent session 2-A: Industry and labour market
Room 5412.0025
Concurrent session 2-B: Regional analysis
Room 5412.0031
Concurrent session 2-C: Consumer behaviour
Room 5412.0040
10:30 – 10:50
Coffee/tea break
Duisenberg Plaza
10:50 – 12:50
Concurrent session 3-A: Climate Policy
Room 5412.0025
Concurrent session 3-B: Climate, energy and operations
Room 5412.0031
Concurrent session 3-C: Panel session “Beleid voor huishoudens in de energietransitie”(in Dutch)
Chairs: Peter Mulder (TNO) and Vincent Schippers (CPB)
Panel members:
  • Laetitia Ouillet, projectleider Energie en Klimaat gemeente Schiedam | associate partner eRisk group
  • Marcel Timmer, onderdirecteur Centraal Planbureau | professor of Economic Growth and Development
  • Joris Thijssen, lid van de Tweede Kamer namens Groenlinks-PvdA
Room 5412.0040
12:50 – 13:30
Duisenberg Plaza
13:30 – 14:45
Plenary session on dynamics of energy systems with prof. dr. Asgeir Tomasgard, Chairs: Prof. Evrim Ursavas and dr. Arpan Rijal
Harry Eshuis, Business developer hydrogen, Gasunie
Jeroen Kamphuis, project leader Groningen Airport Eelde
Blauwe zaal
14:45 – 15:00
Plenary closing session with with Prof. Machiel Mulder and Prof. Evrim Ursavas
Blauwe zaal
15:00 – 17:00
Closing drinks + vegetarian snacks
Duisenberg Plaza


Conference sessions will take place at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Duisenberg Building at the University of Groningen’s Zernike Campus.


Registration fee for both days, including drinks, lunch, and dinner, is 75 euros.

Scientic Committee

The scientific committee in charge of organizing the sessions and reviewing submissions is composed of faculty members from the University of Groningen Faculty of Economics and Business.

The members of this committee are:

Dr. Thijs Broekhuizen
Prof. dr. Marco Haan
Dr. Pim Heijnen
Dr. Roweno Heijmans
Dr. Michaela Kesina
Prof. dr. Machiel Mulder
Prof. dr. Bert Scholtens
Prof. dr. Ward Romeijnders
Dr. Arpan Rijal
Prof. dr. Evrim Ursavas

Organization Team

The organizers are prof. dr. Machiel Mulder, prof. dr. Evrim Ursavas, dr. Roweno J.R.K. Heijmans, and dr. Arpan Rijal, supported by Selma Bakker from the University of Groningen Business School. For practical questions, you may reach out to Selma Bakker (

This page will be frequently updated with information about the program and speakers.

Last modified:11 March 2025 5.18 p.m.