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Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health
Together for more healthy years
Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health Research Planetary Health

Planetary Health

Planetary Health is a relatively new field of research that focuses on the interaction between humans and the planet and how the health of the planet is related to human health. We live in a time when we are dealing with climate change, which affects the health, and even the survival, of humans. Climate change manifests itself in heat waves, floods and extreme droughts, among other things. Biodiversity is also rapidly declining, there is large-scale environmental pollution, nitrogen is accumulating in nature and drinking water sources are drying up (source: KNAW 2023).

The new field of research Planetary Health focuses on investigating the health effects of environmental changes, as well as on providing evidence-based solutions. These solutions can be aimed at both mitigation policy (assuming that it is possible, to a certain extent, to stop or even reverse climate change) and adaptation policy (assuming that we will have to find ways to deal with the inevitable consequences of climate change).

What does Aletta do?

Planetary Health is a research field that can only lead to results if there is inter- and transdisciplinary collaboration. Our goal is to bring together researchers from various disciplines, to learn from each other and to inspire each other. We also connect researchers with social organizations, policy makers and residents. The complexity of the issues can be overwhelming, and we need each other to come up with new, innovative ideas. For example, at Aletta we organize network meetings in various gradations where researchers and other stakeholders can meet each other and there are opportunities for consortium formation. We also organize inspiration meetings, where we learn from each other and come up with new insights and ideas. In this way we connect, inspire and jointly give direction to the research field of Planetary Health.

Join us!

Together we are able to further define and give direction to the research field, and valuable connections are created to conduct collective research into solutions for the health effects of climate change, in order to contribute to a liveable and healthy planet. You are very welcome to join the Aletta Planetary Health research network.

Become part of the network!

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