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Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health
Together for more healthy years
Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health Education Summer Schools

Innovation in Medicine

Dates 22 - 27 August 2021
Deadline for application 1 June 2021
Level Msc, Master of Science
Coordinator Gerben Gotlieb
Fee €150
Sponsors EIT Health
Partners University of Groningen Centre of Entrepreneurship (UGCE)
Business Generator Groningen
Healthy Ageing Campus
Faculties Faculty of Medical Sciences
Faculty of Economics & Business
Contact email:

Medicine Summer School 2021

In August 2021 the 7th edition of the Industry Perspectives on Innovative Medicine (IPIM) Summer School will take place digitally, organised by the Graduate School of Medical Sciences.

About IPIM

Industry Perspectives on Innovative Medicine (IPIM), is a one-week interactive school for advanced undergraduate and master students who want to learn about the broader, non-academic, setting of biomedical research.

IPIM provides participants with a unique opportunity to learn from different speakers from the private sector (e.g. Pharma, Drug Development, Biotech, Diagnostics and Food & Nutrition), as well as experts in the areas of Entrepreneurship, Intellectual Property Rights, and Research Funding.

Participants gain insight into non-academic decision making processes and the societal value of biomedical research. Additionally, they get experience in implementing new concepts in their research proposals, including customer value, competition, competitive advantage, and team importance.

The week-long school is split between guest speakers, site visits and interactive workshops, where students work with the experienced business coaches of the Groningen Business Generator in groups to form a business proposal based on some of their own research.

During the final day of IPIM participants present their group proposal as an investor pitch in front of an expert jury.

Last modified:12 April 2021 08.56 a.m.