Aletta Research Meet-up 10 December 2020

Science & Practice: What are the implications of COVID-19 public health research for practice?
In this ONLINE edition of the Aletta Research Meet-up, six experts of different disciplines/societal institutions reflected on how scientific findings can be used for the development of practical policies tackling the COVID-19 pandemics, but also how practical issues can stimulate research. These two directions were addressed from an interdisciplinary perspective in six presentation and led to a panel discussion.
Check out the video's of the presentations and the panel discussion below.
Introduction Jochen Mierau
Rina Knoeff
Why historical knowledge is indispensable in tackling COVID-19
Annegreet Wubs
Implications of COVID-19 for prevention and public health policy
Paul Buijs
Coordinating personal protective equipment logistics
Henk Hilderink
Public health foresight, in the light of COVID-19
Susanne Scheibe
Work challenges in times of COVID-19: supporting the multi-age workforce
Panel Discussion