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Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health

Cross-border health meet-up 2024

When:Mo 18-11-2024 09:30 - 16:00
Where:House of Connections
Building bridges for cross-border cooperation in health in the DE-NL border

Fourth edition

On 18th November 2024 the fourth cross-border health meet-up will take place in the heart of Groningen city. For the first time, the Cross-border Institute of Healthcare Systems and Prevention together with Rijnland Instituut are co-organizing this event. During this event you will have the opportunity to:

  • Hear about the most recent research findings of the ongoing cross-border health research projects being conducted within the CBI (CHARE-GD projects)
  • Know about different cross-border health initiatives along the DE-NL border, from the north to the south.
  • Connect with healthcare practitioners, health researchers, health policy makers and public health authorities from both sides of the border.

A preliminary program for our event can be seen below. We aim to have an open discussion about the cross-border health challenges that we face and the potential solutions we can create. We are convinced that only by working together researchers, healthcare professionals, health policy makers, health insurers and citizens, we develop comprehensive solutions.

Thus, do not miss the opportunity to join the discussion and let’s create together more healthy years along the DE-NL border. The places are limited, so first comes, first served! You can register here.


Time: 9.30 to 16.00 hrs.

Moderators: Prof. Dr. Kathrin Boerner, Mrs. Cigdem Zantingh, Prof. Dr. Stefan Pichler


Registration / Welcome coffee



  • Dutch authority tbc
  • Mr. Nikolaus Jansen. State Commissioner for Regional Development. Office for Regional Development Weser-Ems.
  • Dr. Johannes Dreesman. Head of department at the Lower Saxony State Health Office.


Keynote: Cross-border cooperation in public health: The experience in the Euregio Meuse Rhine

Mrs. Brigitte van der Zanden director euPrevent


Cross-border health research projects CHARE-GD I & II - 1st round pitches

Focus sessions Primary care & Hospitals


Coffee break + 1st poster session


Cross-border health research projects CHARE-GD I & II - 2nd round pitches

Focus sessions Nursing homes & Population data


Lunch + 2nd poster session + networking


Keynote: Older people with frailty in our communities: are we prepared?

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Junius-Walker, Hannover Medical School


Cross-border cooperation in health in the DE-NL border


Pitch 1. Overcoming barriers for cross-border health cooperation: Policy implications. Prof. dr. Ing. Wolfgang Arens-Fischer, Head / Dean of Studies. Institute for Dual Study Programs at Hochschule Osnabrück and Rijnland Instituut.

Pitch 2. Interreg project: Cross-border cooperation to improve pain care in the EDR: A mass media campaign. Prof. dr. Remko Soer, UMCG.


Short pause


Pitch 3. Interreg project: Cross-border resource pooling and strengthening healthcare (BRIDGE). Prof. dr. Caroline Fischer, University of Twente.

Pitch 4. Sensor technology development in the German-Dutch border region: Implications for the health domain. Prof. dr. Heinrich Wörtche

Pitch 5. Funding opportunities in the Interreg program Germany-Netherlands. Mrs. Stephanie Koch, regional program manager Interreg.


Closing and drinks