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Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health
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Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health
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Integration despite isolation

Datum:14 december 2020
Integration despite Isolation
Integration despite Isolation

The lockdown in March 2020 was difficult for everyone in the Netherlands, but certainly also for newcomers: they had 50% fewer contacts than before and feel lonelier. A team of students (Eline Heikamp, Helena Pünjer), Nina Hansen (Project Leader & Associate Professor of Social Pyschology), Evert Sulman (initiator of the organisations 'Groningen Verwelkomt' and 'Heel Groningen helpt') and three Syrian researchers (Sama Alaloush, Adham Elias Botrous, and Majd Jabbour) present their main findings & recommendations in the video below. The most important finding is that integration almost stagnated. It is therefore essential to bring newcomers and Dutch people into contact with each other, because contact is crucial for integration.


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