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Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health
Together for more healthy years
Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health
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Aletta Annual Overview 2021

Datum:07 april 2022
Annual overview 2021
Annual overview 2021

Dear Alettas,

2021 will enter the history books as a corona year. A year with two faces for the Aletta Jacobs School of Pulbic Health. On one hand, the uncertainty about long-term work and living with corona has left no one untouched. The physical contact between researchers, teachers and professionals in the AJSPH community was sorely missed, despite a few weeks without lockdown.

But on the other hand, we did achieve a great deal. We, as school of Public Health, have made a substantial and relevant contribution to the academic and social corona debate. We've proven ourselves to be resilient enough to make an impact in other ways along the five pillars of the AJSPH, namely Research, Education, Innovation, Public Engagement and Internationalization.

We would like to thank all of our community and network for their cooperation and support. Without them, the Annual Overview you are about to read wouldn't be possible.

You can read the overview here.

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