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Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health
Together for more healthy years
Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health
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Meer gezonde jaren

Aletta’s reactie op het Preventie Akkoord

Datum:23 november 2018

De bijdrage van kennis en expertise uit onderzoek aan preventie
Met de presentatie van het Nationaal Preventie Akkoord wordt de omslag naar preventie breed gemaakt. In Noord-Nederland is na jarenlange inzet op Healthy Ageing een brede (wetenschappelijke)...

Keynote speaker Scott Burris

Meet Scott Burris: Keynote Speaker at the third Aletta Research Meet-up

Datum:23 oktober 2018

On 6 November our next edition of the Aletta Research Meet-up will take place. A meet-up that is organised for all researchers and professionals interested in public health. This time the meet-up will be dedicated to the topics ‘Health Inequality’ and...

WRR - The Scientific Council for Government Policy

WRR Policy Report – From Difference to Potential:

Datum:24 september 2018

[Read the English version below] 

Scaling-up NCD Interventions in South-East Asia (SUNI-SEA)

European grant to improve healthy ageing in Southeast Asia

Datum:21 september 2018

The European Union has awarded a 4 million grant in order to enhance the prevention and control of chronic diseases in Myanmar, Vietnam and Indonesia. The grant is awarded within the H2020 research programme targeted at scaling up health interventions in...

Fit & Vaardig

Wetenschappelijk bewezen: actieve kinderen leren beter

Datum:12 september 2018

[English version below] Deze week is het volop in het nieuws: ‘Kinderen moeten elke dag twee keer een half uur bewegen op school, naast de gewone gymles’. Dit was een advies aan premier Mark Rutte van de Nederlandse Sportraad, Onderwijsraad en Raad voor...

Protein interactome of treponema Pallidum

To expand the limits of knowledge is not enough

Datum:05 september 2018

A blog by José Luis Flores G., member of Aletta's Talent Network Committee.

Manda Broekhuis is Coordinator of the method 'Prevention: Design and Evaluation' and Professor of Professional Service Chains at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Groningen

Interview: an interdisciplinary approach to solving healthcare challenges

Datum:14 augustus 2018

'Look!’, Manda Broekhuis enthuses, ‘this is exactly what I’m talking about’. At the end of a fascinating conversation about the organisation and coordination of care processes, she points to a lovely glossy roadmap headed ‘Living with Us’. The poster...

Maarten Postma is Coordinator of the method 'Prevention: Design and Evaluation' and Professor of Global Health Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Groningen

The global hunt for the best use of healthcare budgets

Datum:14 augustus 2018

FEB recently welcomed Maarten Postma to the Economics, Econometrics and Finance department as Professor of Global Health Economics. Postma is Director of the SHARE Research Institute in which FEB, the Faculty of Science and Engineering and the UMCG...

Aletta's Talent Network

Aletta’s Talent Network: what, where & who?

Datum:19 juni 2018

A blog by Hermien Dijk, chair of Aletta's Talent Network

Aletta Research Meet-up

The Aletta Research Meet-up experiences of Aletta’s Talent Steef Konings

Datum:15 juni 2018

Around seven years ago I moved to Groningen in order to study econometrics at the local university. After finishing this study last year, I became a PhD scholarship student in the field of health economics at the UMCG, at the department of psychiatry....