U.L.M. (Ulrich L. M.) Eisel, Prof

u.l.m.eisel rug.nl
Coordination of the courses:
Neuroscience Research (3rd year bachelor, 10 ECT research course)
Neurodegenerative Diseases (1st year master Biomedical Research, 5 ECT)
Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience (1st year BCN research master N-Track, 5 ECT)
Participation in courses as lecturer:
Neurobiology of Aging
Genes and Behaviour
Healthy Aging Summer School
Honours college
CDP course
BCN Managment training
Member of program committees:
Biomedical Sciences/Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences ('til September 2018)
BCN (chair until 2022)
Member of exam comittee
Biomedical Sciences/Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2017-2022)
Biology (since 2022)
bachelor and master projects and essays, colloquia
Laatst gewijzigd: | 02 april 2024 19:25 |