U.L.M. (Ulrich L. M.) Eisel, Prof

Recent projects and involved persons
1) TNFR agonists and antagonists for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases (PhD student Yun Dong) finished
2) Lipocalin-2 in Alzheimer's disease and depression (major ISAO grant) (Dr. Pieter Naudé, PhD student Doortje Dekens, in co-operation with Prof. Peter DeDeyn UMCG and Dr. Kerensa Broersen, U Twente) finished
3) Neuroinflammation and depression (PhD student Erin van Buel with Dr. Hans Klein, Dr. Fokko Bosker, Prof. Robert Schoevers, UCP) finished
4) BrainMenu Consortium (PhD student Ewelina Kurtys, Dr. Ate Boerema, with Dr. Eric de Vries UMCG, Nutricia) finished
5) Heart Failure and Neuroinflammation (PhD student Leonie Gouweleeuw, with Dr. Regien Schoemaker)
6) Immunization against AD (together with RIVM / IntraVacc, Dr. Regien Schoemaker, Leonie Gouweleeuw)
7) Deltaplan Dementie Memorabel project Multi drug target treatment of Alzheimer's disease (Deltaplan Memorabel ZonMW grant, U Twente, RuG) (Dr. Ate Boerema)
8) TNFR2 as a target for Multiple Sclerosis treatment (4 year project granted by stichting MS onderzoek, in co-operation with Prof. Jon Laman and Wia Baron and Universities of Stuttgart, Heidelberg, Vienna) (Valentina Pegoretti, PhD student) see also:
9) Microglia function in neurodegeneration and Alzheimer's disease (Yingying Wu, PhD student)
10) Targeting TNFR2 in Alzheimer's disease (4 year Memorabel project granted by ZonMw and Alzheimer Nederland started in January 2018 together with Dr. Pieter Naudé, University of Cape Town, Prof. Peter Paul DeDeyn, Alzheimer Center, UMCG and Dr. Inge Zuhorn, UMCG ) (Nathalia Orti Casan, PhD student)
11) Social factors in cognitive decline and dementia: towards an early intervention approach (4 year Memorabel project granted by ZonMw starting January 2018 together with Prof. Martien Kas and Prof. Eddy van der Zee and EasmusMC and RadboudMC in co-operation with Jansen, Pharmaceutica NV) (Suzanne Lannooij, PhD student)
12) cAMP signalling in memory retrieval (starting in 2020: 4 year Alzheimer Nederland grant in collaboration with Prof. Helmut Kessels, University of Amsterdam, Dr. Dineke Verbeek, Dept. of Genetics, UMCG, Prof. Martina Schmidt, Department of Molecular Pharmacology, RuG) (Tong Zhang, PhD student)
13) Ferroptosis in AD in collaboration with Prof. Amalia Dolga (Tingting Chen PhD student) starting 2021
14) Peripheral targeting of TNFR1 and Lcn2 as treatments for Alzheimer’s disease. (starting in 2022) 4 year Alzheimer Nederland grant in collaboration with Prof. Peter Paul DeDeyn; Dr. Pieter Naudé, Prof. A. van Dam (Alzheimer Center, Groningen) (Irem Bayraktaroglu PhD student)
15) New experimental techniques in brain research. Mariette Heims (start May 1st, 2023) together with Thomas Cremers
16) Stress and Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer's disease. Starting in March 2025. 4 year Alzheimer Nederland grant in collaboration with Prof. Jocelien Olivier and Prof. Aniko Korosi, UvA (Jiahao Li, Giulia Mozzanica; PhD students)
Ph.D. students
Dr. rer. nat. Matthias Klein, Stuttgart, finished 1998
Dr. rer. nat. Annette Schöneberg, Stuttgart, finished 1999
Dr. rer. nat. Lara Marchetti, Stuttgart, finished 2002
Amalia M. Dolga, PhD, Groningen, 2004-2008, cum laude (RF fellow)
Angel Ostroveanu, PhD, Groningen 2004-2008
Marcelo Masman, PhD, Groningen, 2007-2010
Ivica Granic, PhD, Groningen, 2005-2009
Nikoletta Dobos, PhD, Groningen, 2007-2012
Pieter Naudé, PhD, Groningen, 2008-2012, cum laude
Erin van Buel, PhD, Groningen, 2010-2014
Yun Dong, PhD, Groningen 2011-2015
Ewelina Kurtys, PhD, Groningen 2011-2015
Doortje Dekens, PhD Groningen 2013-2017
Leonie Gouweleeuw, PhD Groningen 2012-2016
Valentina Pegoretti 2016-2020
Yingying Wu 2016-2020
Nathalia Orti Casan PhD 2018-2022
Suzanne D. Lannooij 2018-2023
Tong Zhang 2019-2024
Tingting Chen 2021-2025
Irem Bayraktaroglu 2022-2026
Mariette Heims 2023
Jiahao Li 2024-2028
Giulia Mozzanica 2025-2029
Postdoctoral fellows
Dr. Isabelle Pieri (1993-2000), Stuttgart
Dr. Valerie Fontaine (2000-2001), Stuttgart
Dr. Katalin Schlett (2000-2001), Stuttgart
Dr. Ingrid Nijholt (2006-2009, FP6 NeuroproMiSe and later RF Fellow), Groningen
Dr. Marcelo Massman, (2011-2012, Hersenstichting Fellow), Groningen
Dr. Ate Boerema, (2011-2015 Brain Menu), Groningen
Dr. Pieter Naudé (2012-2015) together with De Deyn, UMCG
Dr. Ate Boerema (2016-2019) Memorabel Project
Dr. Natalia Orti Casan (2023-2024) Collaborative Project with BioNTech
Visiting scientist:
Dr. Pieter Naudé, University of Cape Town, South Africa (Memorabel projects 2016-2018, 2018-2022, 2022-2026)
Dr. Ate Boerema, since 2019
Laatst gewijzigd: | 05 maart 2025 14:55 |