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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons U.L.M. (Ulrich L. M.) Eisel, Prof


Administration of a TNF receptor 2 agonist improves neuropathology and cognitive functions in an Alzheimer’s disease model

Mapping Alzheimer’s disease: Exploring cellular vulnerability and resilience

Microglial TNFR2 signaling regulates the inflammatory response after CNS injury in a sex-specific fashion

Novel crosstalk mechanisms between GluA3 and Epac2 in synaptic plasticity and memory in Alzheimer's disease

TNF signaling mediates lipopolysaccharide-induced lung epithelial progenitor cell responses in mouse lung organoids

Activation of TNF Receptor 2 improves synaptic plasticity and enhances amyloid-β clearance in an Alzheimer's disease mouse model with humanized TNF Receptor 2

Influencing cognitive performance via social interactions: A novel therapeutic approach for brain disorders based on neuroanatomical mapping?

Microglia-astrocyte communication in Alzheimer's disease

Mitochondrial transplantation rescues neuronal cells from ferroptosis

Sequential treatment with a TNFR2 agonist and a TNFR1 antagonist improves outcomes in a humanized mouse model for MS


Ultrakleine ‘nanodragers’ kunnen medicijnen in de hersenen brengen

Melatonine en de ziekte van Alzheimer

Kan oogarts in de toekomst alzheimer diagnosticeren?

Year report of the dutch MS foundation

Selective manipulation of specific receptors may pave way for new MS therapies

New impetus for treatment neurodegenerative diseases

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