prof. dr. E.M.D. (Ed) Schuuring
Hoogleraar in de Moleculaire Oncologische Pathologie

e.schuuring umcg.nl
Education: refresher courses, post-graduate education and invited lectures (year/period, institute - evaluation period 2016 - 2021) (31-12-2021):
- Implementation of Molecular Tumorboards in Clinical Practice. Roche virtual experience sharing event, 28th January 2021(webinar/workshop) (invited panelist)
- Moleculaire Dag 2021. NVVP symposium 29th January 2021 (webinar) (organisatie en moderator)
- “RET diagnostiek in het lab”. Webcast: Update aanpak RET-gedreven tumoren; diagnostiek en behandelopties. A Lilly-sponsored RET-event. 10th March 2021 (invited speaker and panelist) [https://www.mednet.nl/webcast/update-aanpak-ret-gedreven-tumoren-diagnostiek-en-behandelopties/]
- “Circulating tumor DNA as an early on-treatment predictive biomarker for patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer receiving immune checkpoint inhibitors”. Front Line Genomics: Applications of dPCR in liquid biopsy and cancer monitoring. 18th March 2021 (webinar) (invited speaker) [https://frontlinegenomics.com/next-gen-pcr-online/]
- “NTRK diagnostiek in het lab” Gast-college, Hanze Hogeschool Groningen, 9 juni 2021 (invited speaker)
- ”Plaats van de moleculaire tumor board (MTB) in het zorgsysteem”. Predictive Analysis for THerapy: PATH to optimising access to personalised cancer therapy in the Netherlands. Symposium PATH 8 sept 2021 (invited speaker) [https://us3.campaign-archive.com/?e=[UNIQID]&u=fce67ea45d2705ea1f2aa78b9&id=0a3310fac9]
- Roche Dialogue over de toekomst van genetische testen bij kanker, ronde tafel discussie (Warnyta Minnaard, Leonie Sazias, Ed Schuuring, Wendy Maas), Nieuwspoort 13 Sept 2021 (invited panelist) [https://www.roche.nl/nl/Waar-werken-we-aan/Innovatie/rochedialogues.html] [https://www.qruxx.com/naar-een-heel-nieuw-systeem-voor-kankerzorg-en-diagnostiek/]
- “Dealing with complexity through Comprehensive Genomic Profiling”. Illumina Satellite Meeting at Annual ESMO meeting 2021: Profiling Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer using Comprehensive Genomic Profiling, 17th September 2021 (online) (invited speaker) [https://emea.illumina.com/company/news-center/feature-articles/at-esmo-focus-on-non-small-cell-lung-cancer.html]
- “Detection of therapeutically targetable mutations in NSCLC: Is there a one size fits all cell free DNA test ?”. CAP TODAY webinar. 13th October 2021 (invited speaker) [https://www.captodayonline.com/detection-of-therapeutically-targetable-mutations-in-nsclc-is-there-a-one-size-fits-all-cell-free-dna-test/]
- ”Testing for RET in NSCLC”. Lilly Virtual Satellite Symposium at the International Lung Cancer Summit 2021. Precision Oncology: Focus on RET-driven NSCLC. 13th October 2021 (invited speaker/panelist) [https://www.lungcancersummit.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/ILCS-Virtual-Symposium_13-October-2021_Flyer_V2.pdf]
- ”Liquid biopsies in lung: Predictive markers in NSLC, monitoring, screening and resistance mutation testing: is there a one-size-fits-all cell free DNA test ?”. Biocartis User Meeting. Amsterdam. 28-29th October 2021 (invited speaker)
- ”Het gebruik van tumorweefsel of bloedplasma: is er ruimte voor Liquid Biopsy ?”. Nascholing: Huidige status NSCLC Behandeling en Diagnostiek . De moleculaire diagnostiek van longkanker (e-learning; Module B). October 2021 (invited speaker, organization committee)
- “Circulating tumor DNA as a monitoring tool for clinical outcome in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors” Oxford Global: NextGen Omics UK. 3rd Annual Digital PCR Congress, 4-5th November 2021 London. Webinar (meeting advisory board and invited speaker)
- “Circulating tumor DNA as an early on-treatment predictive biomarker for patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer receiving immune checkpoint inhibitors”, Festival of Biologics, World Immunotherapy Congress, 9-11th November 2021, Basel (invited speaker)
- ”ALK mutatieanalyse met behandelconsequentie”. Expertisegroep Longpathologie. NVVP Pathologendagen. 18-19 November 2021 (webinar) (invited speaker)
- ”Summary of survey questions: efforts for harmonization by Dutch COIN consortium”. The European Liquid Biopsy Society ctDNA Technology Meeting. 6 December 2021 (invited speaker; online)
- “Circulating tumor DNA as an early on-treatment predictive biomarker for patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer receiving immune checkpoint inhibitors”. Global Engage: the Research & Technology Series: qPCR & Digital PCR / Liquid Biopsies / Flow Cytometry. London, 6-7 December 2021 (invited speaker)
- Circulating tumor DNA as a molecular blood-borne biomarker to predict tumor response in lung cancer patients treated with immunotherapy. Session „Immunoliquid Biopsy“. Simposium Liquid Biopsy 2020. 23-25 January 2020, Santiago de Compostela, Spain (invited speaker) [https://simposiobiopsialiquida.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/January-Friday-24th_Improving-the-protocols_Dr.Ed-Schuuring.pdf]
- “Implementatie PIK3CA testing in NL: Diagnostiek bij gemetastaseerde borstkanker. Wat is de huidige stand van zaken en hoe richten we de PIK3CA bepaling in in NL? Perspectief van de KMBPer” Novartis Pharma Advisory Board, 12 Februari 2020, Utrecht (organiser/speaker)
- “Circulating tumor DNA to monitor tumor response in lung cancer patients treated with immunotherapy” 5th Asia Pacific ddPCR Symposium BioRAD 2020. May 27, 2020 (webinar) (https://info.bio-rad.com/AP_ddPCR-Symposium-2020.html?WT.mc_id=200424028087#Liquid Biopsy) (invited speaker)
- “Molecular diagnostics for optimal therapy management in lung cancer: ALK testing methods, guidelines and quality assessment” Roche Symposium 2020. The Institute Oncology Days, Romania, 27th August 2020 (webinar) (invited speaker)
- “Prediction of tumor response in NSCLC patients treated with immunotherapy by monitoring of ctDNA levels” Global Engage “Research and Technology series: qPCR & digital PCR. 8-9th October 2020 (webinar) (invited speaker)
- “Cell-free circulating DNA: Preanalytical considerations and detection of clinical-relevant mutations in NSCLC eligible for targeted therapy using UltraSEEK UltraSEEK® Lung test on MassARRAY® system” Agena Webinar: A Comparison of cfDNA Approaches to Guide Targeted Therapy in NSCLC. 15th October 2020 (webinar) (invited speaker)
- “Detection of clinical-relevant mutations in NSCLC eligible for targeted therapy using circulating tumor DNA in cell free plasma” Seracare Webinar: The promise of Liquid Biopsy for cancer diagnostics and therapeutic monitoring: are we there yet? 27th October 2020 (webinar) (invited speaker/panel-member)
- “A comparison of cfDNA Approaches to Guide Targeted Therapy in NSCLC” Agena Berlin Seminar: Precision Molecular Analysis, Examples in oncology. 3rd November 2020 (invited speaker)
- “Monitoring circulating tumor DNA as a molecular bloodborne-based biomarker to predict tumor response in lung cancer patients treated with immunotherapy” Festival of Biologics: World Immunotherapy Congress 2020. Biomarkers in Immunotherapy. 4th November 2020 (Virtual) (invited speaker)
- “Prediction of tumor response in NSCLC patients treated with immunotherapy by monitoring of ctDNA levels” NextGen Omics Series UK. Global Engage “2nd Annual Digital PCR Congress: dPCR technologies. 6-8th November 2020 (Virtual) (invited speaker)
- Pathologieforum 2020: Ontwikkelingen in de longoncologie (prof dr E Schuuring, prof dr S Willems, dr J von der Thüsen, dr N Claessens). MedTalks Virtual meeting Oct 2020 (organizer and panel member) (www.medtalks.nl/pathologie2020-long?utm_source=MEDtalks+NL&utm_campaign=67d245f3c4-nsclc2020&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_aad2765d2c-67d245f3c4-356136050)
- “A comparison of cfDNA Approaches to Guide Targeted Therapy in NSCLC”. Vancouver virtual AMP 2020 Workshop (Agena): Disease detection and monitoring with targeted, sensitive and cost-effective liquid biopsy panels. 17th November 2020 (webinar) (invited speaker)
- “ctDNA as a biomarker for early tumor response assessment in lung cancer patients treated with immunotherapy”, Track 2: Emerging tools for immune response monitoring (BioRad-session), PMWC 2019 (Precision Medicine World Conference), Silicon Valley, 21st January 2019 (invited speaker) [www.pmwcintl.com/past/ed-schuuring-2019sv/]
- “Molecular testing in thoracic oncology: 2019 status in UMCG and Netherlands”, Side-visit at HQ BioRad Pleasanton CA, 25th January 2019 (invited visit)
- “Molecular testing in thoracic oncology: 2019 status in UMCG and Netherlands”, Side-visit at HQ Roche Pleasanton CA, 26th January 2019 (invited visit)
- “First experiences from the Dutch national hrHPV-population-based screening program”. Side-visit at HQ Roche Pleasanton CA, 26th January 2019 (invited visit)
- ”ALK IHC vs ISH” Ventana/Roche ALK-webinar “Battle of the ALKs: ALK IHC vs. ISH in treatment of ALK-positive advanced NSCLC”, recorded 28 February 2019 (invited speaker) [www.brighttalk.com/webcast/12161/351042]
- “ctDNA as a biomarker for early tumor response assessment in lung cancer patients treated with immunotherapy”. In session: “Exploring mechanisms of predictive and therapeutic response”. Cambridge HealthTech Institute‘s 4th Annual Immuno-Oncology Summit „Biomarkers for Immuno-Oncology“. March 18-19, 2019, London (invited speaker and session chair) [www.immuno-oncologyeurope.com/19]
- “Moleculaire Pathologie in regio Noord: Liquid biopsy, Moleculaire Tumor Board, PATH-studie”. Regionaal MD-overleg. MZH Groningen, 27 maart 2019
- “Ontwikkelingen in de moleculaire pathologie: therapie op maat”. Masterclass voor Verpleegkundigen “Nieuwe anti-tumor therapie”, Amersfoort,1 april 2019 (invited speaker)
- “Verzinnen, implementeren en borgen”. Symposium ter gelegenheid van afscheid van Jan Roodenburg ivm pensionering. Groningen 26 April 2019 (invited speaker)
- ”ALK IHC vs ISH” Ventana/Roche ALK-webinar “ALK IHC vs ISH and ALK Inhibitors in Treatment of ALK-Positive Advanced NSCLC”, recorded 29 April 2019 (invited speaker) [www.brighttalk.com/webcast/12161/357371]
- Panel Discussion-Prioritizing Testing in the Context of Predictive Markers, hosted by Dr. Paul A. Bunn Jr. Panel participants include Dr. Philippe Taniere, Dr. Erik Thunnissen, Prof Dr Ed Schuuring. Recorded May 2 2019 [www.brighttalk.com/webcast/12161/357673]
- Panel Discussion-Collaboration & Partnership between Oncologists & Pathologist, with Dr. Paul A. Bunn as your host. Panel participants include Prof Dr. Ed Schuuring, Prof Dr. Harry Groen and Dr. Corrado D'Arrigo. Recorded May 2 2019 [www.brighttalk.com/webcast/12161/357669]
- “Circulating Tumor DNA as a Molecular Bloodborne-Based: Biomarker to Predict Tumor Response in Lung Cancer Patients Treated with Immunotherapy”. In session: “Predictive and Prognostic Biomarker Discovery for Successful Therapy”. 7th International Molecular Diagnostics Europe. Cambridge HealthTech Institute‘s 2nd Annual „Biomarkers for Immunotherapy“. 6-9 May 2019, Lisbon, Portugal (invited speaker)
- “The role of Molecular Pathology in Precision Medicine: Challenges and Possibilities. Benelux Precision Medicine Forum. 13-14 May 2019, Utrecht (invited speaker)
- “Moleculaire Pathologie in regio Noord: Liquid biopsy, Moleculaire Tumor Board, PATH-studie” Gast-college, Hanze Hogeschool Groningen, 27 mei 2019 (invited speaker)
- “Kwaliteitsrondzending cfDNA in Europa: de resultaten” Derde Nederlandse cfDNA themadag 2019, NVVP/NVKC-dag, Utrecht, 21 Juni 2019 (invited speaker)
- “Implementatie Biomarkers in de praktijk” Netwerk-event Biomarkers en Diagnostiek (Health Holland), 1 juli 2019, Groningen (invited speaker)
- Joint session: Liquid-Biopsies: cell-free DNA. Joint Congress of Veterinary Pathology and Veterinary Clinical Pathology, 27 September 2019, Arnhem (invited speaker)
- “Primary hrHPV screening in the Dutch cervical cancer screening program”, European Meeting Molecular Diagnostics, Noordwijk aan Zee, 9-11 October 2019 (invited speaker)
- “Toepassing genen panels per deelspecialisme”. In: “Toepassingen van mutatieanalyse op FFPE-weefsel”. Eerste Regioavond Moleculaire Diagnostiek PNNN. Cyclus bij- & nascholing voor Pathologen & KMBP’ers door KMBP’ers. Leeuwarden, 16 Oktober 2019 (invited speaker)
- “Circulating tumor DNA as a molecular blood-borne biomarker to predict tumor response in lung cancer patients treated with immunotherapy”, In session: “Emerging Themes and Trends in Immuno-Oncology“, SelectBIO conference Immuno-Oncology Europe 2019, 28-29 October 2019, Rotterdam (invited speaker) [https://selectbiosciences.com/conferences/biographies.aspx?speaker=1688375&conf=IOEU2019]
- “Monitoring the effectiveness of lung cancer immunotherapies using droplet digital PCR”, In session: „Applications of digital PCR in oncology and infectious disease detection, diagnosis, monitoring and treatment“. SYNGEN Digital PCR Congress. 7-8 November 2019, London, UK (invited speaker and session chair)
- “NTRK testing: hoe vinden we de juiste patiënt ?” Roche meeting: “Oncologie Update 2019: Predictieve diagnostiek voor immuun- en doelgerichte therapie“, 13 November 2019, Rotterdam/Utrecht [https://oncologieupdate.com/pdfs/2.%20E.%20Schuuring.pdf]
- “NTRK diagnostiek in het lab”, In sessie: “Moleculaire Pathologie”, Pathologendag 2019. 21 November 2019, Arnhem (invited speaker) [https://pathology.nl/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/sessie-Moleculair-pres.-1-E.-Schuuring.pdf]
- “Molecular Pathology in the Netherlands”, In Track 1: “Molecular Diagnostics”, Genomics Live 2019, 4-5 December, Basel, Swiss (invited speaker and session chair)
- “Moleculaire Pathologie in Friesland: Liquid biopsy, Moleculaire Tumor Board, PATH-studie en CPTC”, FROHON vergadering, Tjongerschans, Friesland, 30 januari 2018 (invited speaker)
- “Moleculaire Diagnostiek in de longkanker pathologie”, IKNL Symposium Long “Moleculaire biologie/pathologie en oligometastasen”, regio-avond, Amersfoort, 5 maart 2018 (invited speaker)
- “ctDNA as a biomarker for early tumor response assessment in lung cancer patients treated with immunotherapy”. 2nd Cancer-ID ctDNA working group meeting, Wuppertal, 12-14 March 2018 (invited speaker)
- “Nieuwe anti-tumor therapie: ontwikkelingen in de moleculaire pathologie - therapie op maat” Masterclass voor Verpleegkundigen, Oncowijs, Amersfoort, 19 maart 2018 (invitated speaker)
- “Moleculaire Pathologie in de regio: HPV op indicatie en moleculaire diagnostiek van soliede tumoren”, 28 maart 2018, Treant, Bethesda, Hoogeveen (invited speaker)
- “Moleculaire Pathologie in de regio: HPV op indicatie en moleculaire diagnostiek van soliede tumoren”, 12 April 2018, Pathologie, Leeuwarden (invited speaker)
- “ctDNA as a biomarker for early tumor response assessment in lung cancer patients treated with immunotherapy”, Bio-Rad workshop at AACR 2018, 17th April 2018, Chicago (invited speaker)
- “ctDNA as a biomarker for early tumor response assessment in lung cancer patients treated with immunotherapy”. Cancer-ID 4th General Assembly Meeting. 2nd May 2018, Montpellier, France (invited speaker)
- “Het gebruik van circulerend tumor DNA in bloedplasma (“liquid biopsy”) om de respons op therapie van kankerpatiënten te monitoren”, Gast-college, Hanze Hogeschool Groningen, 31 mei 2018 (invited speaker)
- “Diverse DNA detectie methoden voor de predictie van respons op immunotherapie” tijdens de “Tweede Nederlandse cfDNA dag” (NVVP, NVKC), 14 juni 2018, Utrecht (invited speaker) [www.cfdna.nl/]
- ”Hunting for cancer cells and molecules in the blood”, Session “Advances in Lung Cancer Pathology and Management“,Maastricht Pathology 2018, 19th June 2018, Maastricht (invited speaker)
- ”ctDNA as a biomarker for early tumor response assessment in lung cancer patients treated with immunotherapy”, Two-Day Symposium for Molecular Biologists, Session „Immunotherapy Biomarkers“,30th ECP Bilbao, 10th September 2018, Bilbao (invited speaker)
- ”Molecular testing in thoracic oncology: problems, pitfalls and progress”, Joint Long Course Pulmonary Pathology, Thymic and Mediastinal Pathology and Molecular Pathology, session “Morphology and Genetics in Thoracic Pathology“, 30th ECP Bilbao, 11th September 2018, Bilbao (invited speaker)
- “ALK testing methods, guidelines and quality assessment” Roche symposium: “ALK positive lung cancers: latest clinical data and testing, guidelines for improved patient management, IAP meeting, Dead- See-Jordan, 17th October 2018 (invited speaker) [http://iap-ad.org/Documents/Archieve/Congress/2018/Lung2018/ ALK%20Testing%20Methods,%20Guidelines%20and%20Quality%20Assessment%20-%20Dr.%20Ed%20Schuuring.pdf]
- “Liquid biopsies: toepassingen, mogelijkheden en valkuilen”, UMCG KMBPio dag 2018, Pathologie, UMCG, 29 October 2018 (invited speaker)
- ”Nieuwe biomarkers uit bloed en supergevoelige methoden”, 11de avondsymposium: “Recente ontwikkeling in de moleculaire diagnostiek en behandeling van NSCLC, nu en in de nabije toekomst“, 31 oktober 2018, Groningen-Hoogkerk (invited speaker)
- “ctDNA as a biomarker for early tumor response assessment in lung cancer patients treated with immunotherapy”. Course „Translational Biomarkers in Immuno-Oncology: Liquid-Biopsy based biomarkers”,
- Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s. 3rd Annual World Preclinical Congress Europe. November 29-30, 2018, Sheraton Lisboa Hotel and Spa, Lisbon, Portugal (invited speaker)
- ”Stand van zaken MP in regio Noord: Predictieve moleculaire testing en Rol Moleculaire Tumor Board” Pathologie Friesland, Leeuwarden, 6 december 2018 (invited speaker)
- “Moleculaire Pathologie: historie, huidige diagnostiek, uitdagingen en nieuwe ontwikkelingen” BOP cursus: Moleculaire Pathologie, Papendaal, 19 – 20 december 2018 (speaker/organiser)
- “Liquid biopsies: Wat betekent dit voor de pathologie” BOP cursus: Moleculaire Pathologie, Papendaal, 19 – 20 december 2018 (speaker/organiser)
- “Moleculaire Oncologie in Friesland, Routine moleculaire diagnostiek, PATH-studie en CPTC/HMF”, FROHON vergadering, Sneek, Friesland, 24 januari 2017
- ”Selectie van patiënten en geschikte therapiekeuze, regionale expert-functie, Werkbezoek dhr Rutten (2de kamerlid), overleg dd 27-01-2017, Groningen
- “Predictive testing and monitoring treatment response in cancer patients by detection of circulating tumor DNA in cell free plasma Pathologie”, PA Friesland stafoverleg, Leeuwarden, 11 Mei 2017
- “Gevolgen van PATH project voor NSCLC”, 10de avondsymposium “Nieuwe ontwikkelingen in de behandeling van NSCLC: hoe tillen we Moleculaire Diagnostiek NSCLC naar hoger plan”, Groningen, 1 Nov 2017 (invited speaker) [www.moloncopath.nl; www.umcg.nl/SiteCollectionDocuments/UMCG/Afdelingen/ Pathologie_Medische _Biologie/moleculaire%20diagnostiek/10e%20avondsymposium/presentatie-schuuring.pdf]
- “De detectie van chromosomale afwijkingen mbv DNA in-situ hybridizatie in de moleculaire diagnostiek”, NVVP-BOP-cursus voor AIOS Pathologie “Moleculaire Pathologie”, 15-16 Maart 2017, Papendaal, Arnhem (invited speaker)
- “Historisch perspectief van de Moleculaire Pathologie”, NVVP-BOP-cursus voor AIOS Pathologie “Moleculaire Pathologie”, 15-16 Maart 2017, Papendaal, Arnhem (invited speaker)
- “Predictive testing and monitoring treatment response in cancer patients by detection of circulating tumor DNA in cell free plasma: The UMCG experience” Cancer ID ctDNA meeting, Wuppertal, 16th May 2017 (invited)
- “Immunotherapie en de rol van cfDNA” tijdens de “Eerste Nederlandse cfDNA dag” (NVVP, CMBD, NVKC), 31 mei 2017, Utrecht (invited speaker) [www.cfdna.nl/]
- “Pre-analytische aspecten: welke pittfals te vermijden” tijdens de “Eerste Nederlandse cfDNA dag” (NVVP, CMBD, NVKC), 31 mei 2017, Utrecht (invited speaker) [www.cfdna.nl/]
- “Inventarisatie pre-analytische werkwijzen en standaardisatie van ctDNA in Nederland” tijdens de “Eerste Nederlandse cfDNA dag” (NVVP, CMBD, NVKC), 31 mei 2017, Utrecht (invited speaker) [www.cfdna.nl/]
- “Biomarkers” tijdens “Chicago aan de Wal”, Roche ism Jaap uitgeverij tijdens ASCO, 4th June 2018, Chicago (TV-debat)
- “Lung cancer: beyond EGFR and ALK” 8th Belgian Week of Pathology Ghent, 19-21 October 2017, Ghent (invited speaker)
- “Nieuwe anti-tumor therapie: ontwikkelingen in de moleculaire pathologie - therapie op maat” Masterclass voor Verpleegkundigen, Amersfoort, 10 april 2017 [www.oncowijs.nl/files/mamma-longcarcinoom/ 2017%20Schuring%20nieuwe %20anti%20tumor%20therapie.pdf]
- “Het nieuwe bevolkingsonderzoek naar baarmoederhalskanker”, het vernieuwd BVO voor doktersassistenten, voorlichting BVO-Noord, 21 Feb 2017, Treant, Bethesda (invited speaker)
- “Predictive testing and monitoring treatment response in cancer patients by detection of circulating tumor DNA in cell free plasma, the UMCG experience”, Everest meeting, Vienna, 8th August 2017 (invited)
- “ctDNA extraction methods”, IQNPath ctDNA Workshop “From Sample collection to clinical integration of the results - ensuring quality end to end”. Florence, 23rd June 2017 (invited speaker/organization) [http://www.iqnpath.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Ed-Schuuring-ctDNA-extraction-methods-IQNPath-Florence-23062017-complete-v01.pdf]
- “ALK IHC vs ISH: case study”, Lung education series: “Fundamentals of Lung Cancer”, Ventana/Roche, Poundsbury, 1-2 December 2017 (invited panel speaker)
- “Panel discussion on lung cancer”, Lung education series: “Fundamentals of Lung Cancer”, Ventana/Roche, Poundsbury, 1-2 December 2017 (invited panel discussion)
- “NSCLC 2017”. MedTalks Oncology TV, Paneldiscussie in kader van Nascholing, Quadia, 7 december 2017, Hilversum [www.medtalks.nl/nascholing-nsclc-2017/] (invited TV debat)
- Behandelkeuze voor targeted-therapie aan de hand van mutatie-analyse op cel-vrij plasma DNA, 10de bijeenkomst Werkgroep “Moleculaire Diagnostiek in de Pathologie”, 15 Januari 2016, Utrecht (invited speaker) (geen vergoeding) [https://pathology.nl/wp-content/uploads/PDF/publicaties/presentaties/moleculaire_ diagnostiek/2016-01-15_Mol_Dag_Schuuring.pdf]
- “Personalized Meds from the molecular onco-pathology’s perspective”, Oncologie-bespreking UMCG, 26 Feb 2016 (invited speaker)
- “Next-generation pathologie in de diagnostiek van longkanker”, HLO Van Hal Leeuwarden, June 2016, Groningen (gastcollege)
- “Nieuwe anti-tumor therapie: ontwikkelingen in de moleculaire pathologie, therapie op maat”, Masterclass voor (oncologie) verpleegkundigen, Amersfoort, 10 April 2016 (invited speaker; reiskostenvergoeding) [http://docplayer.nl/17364341-10-4-2016-ontwikkelingen-in-de-moleculaire-pathologie-ed-schuuring-therapie-op-maat-classical-pathology.html]
- “BRAF-V600 mutatie sneldiagnostiek”, Biocartis Symposium: “High precisions diagnostics for personalized medicine”, Week van de Pathologie, Zeist, 12 April 2016 (invited speaker)
- “Genome-wide methylome analysis discovers methylation markers for both adeno- and squamous cell carcinomas”, Eurogin, 15-18 June 2016, Salzburg (speaker)
- “FISH replacement by fusion detection with NGS” , 1st Annual Genomics-in-Oncology Summit, Illumina, 24 May 2016, Barcelona, Spain (invited speaker)
- “Monitoring GIST patients by detection of blood derived ctDNA”, Annual ECP meeting 2016, Two day Symposium for Molecular Biologists involved in Molecular Diagnostic Pathology and Research, Session: “Are liquid biopsies the future ?” 26-27 Sept 2016, Köln (invited speaker)
- “Optimizing access of all patients to personalized cancer therapy”, Biocartis Webinar: “Lowering the Barriers for Practical Implementation of High Precision Medicine”, 3 Oct 2016 Biocartis (invited speaker)
- “Predictive testing and monitoring treatment response in cancer patients by detection of circulating tumor DNA in cell free plasma”, Annual QCMD meeting 2016, Stirling, 5-6th October 2016 (invited speaker)
- “Basis van de verandering van het bevolkingsonderzoek baarmoederhalskanker (BVO): wie, hoe waarop gaan we testen ?” Targon bijeenkomst 7 nov 2016 (invited speaker)
- “Basis van de verandering van het bevolkingsonderzoek baarmoederhalskanker (BVO): wie, hoe waarop gaan we testen ?” Regionaal Microbiologisch infectiologisch symposium (REMIS+),10 october 2016, UMCG, Groningen (invited speaker)
- “Vernieuwing en diagnostiek bij NSCLC”, 9de avondsymposium “Nieuwe ontwikkelingen in de behandeling van NSCLC”, Groningen, 9 nov 2016 (invited speaker) [www.moloncopath.nl]
- “Organisatie van liquid biopsy diagnostiek in Nederland: wie gaat het doen ?” Discussiepanel, Novemberdagen van de Pathologie, “Diagnostics to the next level”,18 november 2016, Amersfoort (invited panellid)
- “Wat is er nieuw onder de zon ? Landelijke afstemming m.b.t. gebruik predictieve markers, verslaglegging, kennis transfer advies over therapiekeuze, bloed versus biopt”. Novemberdagen van de Pathologie, “Diagnostics to the next level”,17 november 2016, Amersfoort (invited speaker)
- “Plasma-testing”, Netherlands Lung Advisory Board Meeting, Pfizer, “NSCLC, diagnostics, treatment and new developments”, 8 dec 2016, Utrecht (invited speaker)
- “Moleculaire diagnostiek bij NSCLC”, Werkgroep Oncologie, Friesland, 6 december 2016 (invited speaker)
Laatst gewijzigd: | 25 juni 2022 02:26 |