prof. dr. E.M.D. (Ed) Schuuring

Awarded grants as projectleader or WP-leader (period 2016 - 2021) (31-12-2021)
KRF UMCG Kanker Researchfonds KRF (2021-2022): “Development of a highly sensitive DNA methylation classifier for the identification of lung cancer in patients in a high-risk screening population and for the early detection of progression in advanced stage lung cancer using ctDNA from plasma” (prof dr E Schuuring)
NKB/KWF 2021-2024 (Infra-projectnr 13363): “FORCE: Infrastructure fOr rare Cancers in the NEtherlands: Towards a comprehensive platform for early detection and treatment of rare cancers” (dr A Wallenkamp, dr R Fehrmann, prof G Valk, prof E Nieveen van Dijkum, prof M Swertz, prof W de Herder, dr M Jalving, prof E Schuuring)
Archer/Bayer/Invitae project (nr NL01882004080N) 2021 (dr L van Kempen, prof dr E Schuuring): “Implementatie Invitae-ArcherDX fusiegendetectie tbv NTRK diagnostiek)
Roche B-IO project (ML41176) 2020-2022 (dr TJN Hiltermann; prof dr E Schuuring; dr AJ van der Wekken; dr R de Vries): “Unraveling tumor response and resistance to combined chemotherapy and PD-L1 inhibition with minimal invasive techniques in patients with advanced NSCLC with targetable disease (B-IO/Biomarkers and IO)”
Roche/NTRK project (nr ovk-20697.2) 2020-2021 (dr L van Kempen, prof dr W Timens, Prof dr E Schuuring): “Validation and implementation of pan-TRK immuno staining (Ventana IVD, clone EPR17341) and RNA-based NTRK-fusion detection (nanoString LDT) in a diagnostic setting”
Astrazeneca project (nr AZNL202000176) 2020-2021 (dr A ter Elst, prof dr E Schuuring): ”De validatie van Illumina’s TSO500 NGS panel voor DNA-analyse van HRD-genen in het kader van diagnostiek van prostaatkanker”
Alpe d’HuZes/KWF (prof dr A Reyners, prof dr R Mathijssen, dr F van Coevorden, prof dr E Schuuring) 2019-2023. GALLOP: “Treatment of gastrointestinal stromal tumors based on serial mutation analysis of circulating tumor DNA”
Siemens PUSH-NEO Imalife 2019-2023: “cfDNA from whole blood to detect lung cancer in high risk group of Imalife patients undergoing ULD-CT screening” (prof dr H Groen, prof dr Ed Schuuring)
Ageno Bioscience 2019: “Agena LiquID IQ WBC contamination validation study” (prof dr Ed Schuuring, prof H Groen, P vd Leest)
Ageno Bioscience 2019-2020: “Agena UltraSEEK analysis of longitudinal plasma cfDNA samples from non-small cell lung cancer patients (Cancer-ID)” (prof dr Ed Schuuring, prof H Groen, P vd Leest)
Ageno Bioscience 2019-2020: Agena UltraSEEK analysis versus COBAS ctEGFR analysis in plasma cfDNA samples from non-small cell lung cancer patients (Cancer-ID)” (prof dr Ed Schuuring, prof H Groen, P vd Leest)
Biocartis 2018-2021: “tDNA BRAF and ctDNA EGFR validation in lung cancer” (prof dr Ed Schuuring)
BioRad 2018-2020: “ctKRAS testing using BioRad kits in cfDNA from plasma as a predictive biomarkers for tumor response to Nivolumab in KRAS-mutated non-small cell lung cancer” (prof dr Ed Schuuring)
BioCartis 2018-2020: “ctKRAS testing using Biocartis kits in cfDNA from plasma as a predictive biomarkers for tumor response to Nivolumab in KRAS-mutated non-small cell lung cancer” (prof dr Ed Schuuring)
Roche/Avenio/Cancer-ID 2018-2020 (prof dr H Groen, prof dr Ed Schuuring, dr Ellen Heitzer): “ctDNA as predictor of treatment response in NSCLC patients treated with immune modulating therapy”
Roche/Avenio 2019-2020 (prof dr H Groen, prof dr Ed Schuuring) “Identification of resistant mechanisms in progressing lung cancer patients with an initial tumor response or with stable disease on immunotherapy using comprehensive ultrasensitive NGS biomarker analysis”
ZonMW – Personalised Medicine (landelijk consortium: projectnr 848101011) (2018-2021): “cfDNA on the way to implementation in the Netherlands, COIN”
CC Diagnostics (contract-study: dr Bea Wisman, prof dr Ed Schuuring) 2018-2021: ”Evaluation of CIN2+ specific methylation markers as triage testing optimizing referral to gynecologist for colposcopy after primary hrHPV-positive test in the new Dutch population-based screening program
Biocartis (dr JTN Hiltermann, prof dr E Schuuring, Prof dr H Groen) (2017-2020): “Blood-borne biomarkers for tumor response to Nivolumab in KRAS-mutated non-small cell lung cancer.”
BMS (CA209-759) (dr JTN Hiltermann, prof dr E Schuuring, Prof dr H Groen) (2017-2019): “Blood-borne biomarkers for tumor response to Nivolumab in KRAS-mutated non-small cell lung cancer.”
Cancer ID 2015-2019 (EU IMI # 115749-1 CANCER-ID): “Cancer treatment and monitoring through identification of circulating tumour cells and tumour relate” (international consortium by Terstappen/Pantel); working group on analysis of circulating nucleic acids ctDNA (prof dr E Schuuring and others)
ZonMW (80-84600-98-1005) (2016-2021): “Predictive Analysis for Therapy: PATH to Optimizing Access to Personalised Cancer Therapy in the Netherlands; from Tissue to Therapy” (WP-leader in Dutch Consortium: RadboudMC penwritee) [www.netwerk-path.nl/]
Alpe d’HuZes/KWF (Prof dr A Reyners, prof dr R Mathijssen, dr F van Coevorden) 2014-2018. GALLOP: Treatment of gastrointestinal stromal tumors based on serial mutation analysis of circulating tumor DNA (prof dr Schuuring as WP-leader responsible for mutation testing in ctDNA in plasma).
Boehringer Ingelheim FGFR1 study (Prof dr H Groen, Prof dr W Timens, Prof dr E Schuuring) 2013-2018: “Phase II study with oral fibroblast growth factor-1 inhibitor BIBF1120 as second line treatment in lung carcinoma patients harboring fibroblast growth factor receptor-1 gene amplification; NVALT-15 study”
The NVALT-17 Study (TJN Hiltermann, JG Aerts, BEEM van den Borne) 2014-2017: “A randomized phase III study of erlotinib compared to intercalated erlotinib with cisplatinum pemetrexed as first-line therapy for advanced EGFR mutated non-small-cell lung cancer”. Translation study (prof dr E Schuuring): “predicting response to TKI using mutation testing in circulating DNA by digital PCR” (budget at dept Pulmonology)
VUMC - ALK-IHC+ studie (2015-2017): “Validatie van ALK-IHC positiviteit by ALK-FISH negatieve cases behandeld met ALK-TKI (dr E Thunnissen, VUMC). Ventana IHC in UMCG (prof dr E Schuuring en Prof dr W Timens)
Roche, Cobas (2015/2016): “Validation/assessment of the Cobas plasma EGFR mutation test for selection of patients for TKI-pharmacotherapy” (prof dr E Schuuring)
QCMD-HPVDNA2015-2019 EQA program (prof dr Ed Schuuring, scientific advisor, organiser and referencelab)
ESP EQA lung 2015-2019: generation and validation of ESP EGFR ALK ROS1 EQA (prof dr Ed Schuuring, scientific advisor, organiser and referencelab)
ESP EQA lung 2018-2019: generation and validation of ESP MET skipping EQA (prof dr Ed Schuuring, scientific advisor, organiser and referencelab)
IQNPATH EQA cell-free plasma lung 2017-2018: generation and validation of IQNPATH EGFR KRAS cfDNA EQA (prof dr Ed Schuuring, ESP/scientific advisor, organiser and referencelab)
Awarded grants (grants at UMCG/RUG) (period 2016 - 2019):
Groningen Joint Graduate Research Training Group on Translational Research (prof dr H Groen, prof dr Frank Griesinger, dr Lukas Heukamp, prof dr Ed Schuuring) (2018-2021): “From Pathological Mechanisms to Therapy” (PhD-student: Hayat Ramdani Oum El Kheir)
University of Groningen: RUG/GUIDE-AGIKO (Prof dr B van de Laan, prof dr E Schuuring) 2017-2021: "Histopathological tumor features and clinical outcome measures in head and neck cancer” (AGIKO/PhD-student; Julius de Vries).
University of Groningen: RUG/GUIDE-AGIKO (Prof dr B van de Laan, prof dr E Schuuring) 2015-2021: "Predictive markers for local control in early stage laryngeal cancer primary treated with radiotherapy only” (AGIKO/PhD-student; Karlijn van den Bovenkamp).
University of Groningen: RUG/CRCG (prof dr A van der Zee, prof dr E Schuuring, dr B Wisman) 2016-2020: “CIN2+-specific methylation markers to improve early detection of high grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in China” (Chinese Sandwich/PhD-student /promovendus: Li Na)
University of Groningen: RUG/GUIDE-AGIKO (Prof dr J Roodenburg, prof dr E Schuuring) 2014-2020: "New molecular biomarker discovery for assessment of lymph node metastasis in oral cancer”. (PhD-student /promovendus: Koos Boeve)
University of Groningen: RUG/GUIDE-AGIKO (Prof dr B van de Laan, dr E Schuuring) 2010-2020: "DNA damage repair as a marker to predict local control in laryngeal cancer treated with radiotherapy” (AGIKO/PhD-student; Leonie Bruine de Bruin).
University of Groningen: RUG/GUIDE-AGIKO (Prof dr B van de Laan, prof dr E Schuuring, dr J van der Wal) 2008-2020: "The identification of new prognosticators in early stage squamous cell carcinoma of the supraglottic larynx treated primarily with radiotherapy" (AGIKO/PhD-student; Jasper Wachters).
University of Groningen: RUG/GUIDE-AGIKO (Prof dr B van de Laan, dr E Schuuring) 2012-2019: "Predictive markers for local control in early stage laryngeal cancer primary treated with radiotherapy only” (AGIKO/PhD-student; Emiel Kop).
University of Groningen: RUG/GUIDE-AGIKO (Prof dr B van de Laan, prof dr E Schuuring, prof dr F. Dikkers) 2010-2016: "The role of HPV in papillomata and carcinomas of the larynx" (AGIKO/PhD-student; Robin Tjon Pian Gi).
University of Groningen: RUG/GUIDE-AGIKO (Prof dr B van de Laan, dr E Schuuring, prof dr F. Dikkers) 2013-2017: "The role of HPV in papillomata and carcinomas of the larynx" (AGIKO/PhD-student; Michel San Giorgi).
University of Groningen: RUG/CRCG (prof dr A van der Zee, prof dr E Schuuring, dr B Wisman) 2014-2020: “Discovery of new methylation markers to improve early detection of high grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CINII/III)” (PhD-student /promovendus: Ronald van Leeuwen)
Laatst gewijzigd: | 25 juni 2022 02:26 |