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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. E.M.D. (Ed) Schuuring


Molecular Testing as Triage in Cervical Cancer Screening: Economic Evaluation Using Headroom Analysis

Vvax001, a Therapeutic Vaccine for Patients with HPV16-positive High-grade Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia: a Phase II Trial

112P Reporting of molecular test results from cell-free DNA analyses: Expert consensus recommendations from the 2023 European Liquid Biopsy Society ctDNA workshop

Addition of tumor microenvironment immune cell composition to improve the performance of a predictive model for oral squamous cell carcinoma

A scenario-drafting study to explore potential future implementation pathways of circulating tumor DNA testing in oncology

AUTHOR CORRECTION to: “Randomised controlled trial of first-line tyrosine-kinase inhibitor (TKI) versus intercalated TKI with chemotherapy for EGFR-mutated nonsmall cell lung cancer” (ERJ Open Res 2022; 8: 00239-2022)

Blood platelet RNA profiles do not enable for nivolumab response prediction at baseline in patients with non-small cell lung cancer

Comparison of Results from Two Commercially Available In-House Tissue-Based Comprehensive Genomic Profiling Solutions: Research-Use Only AVENIO Tumor Tissue Comprehensive Genomic Profiling Kit and TruSight Oncology 500 Assay

Critical Factors in the Analytical Work Flow of Circulating Tumor DNA-Based Molecular Profiling

Developments in predictive biomarker testing and targeted therapy in advanced stage non-small cell lung cancer and their application across European countries


Doelgerichte therapie bij longkanker

Naar een heel nieuw systeem voor kankerzorg en -diagnostiek

Commissie Beoordeling Diagnostiek

Organisatie moleculaire diagnostiek bij mammacarcinoom

At ESMO, Focusing on Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

Longkanker: welke vorm heb ik?

25 jaar Moleculaire Diagnostiek binnen de Pathologie in Nederland

Moleculaire diagnostiek volop in beweging

“Betere diagnostiek verhoogt overlevingskans”