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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. E.M.D. (Ed) Schuuring


Vvax001, a Therapeutic Vaccine for Patients with HPV16-positive High-grade Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia: a Phase II Trial

112P Reporting of molecular test results from cell-free DNA analyses: Expert consensus recommendations from the 2023 European Liquid Biopsy Society ctDNA workshop

Addition of tumor microenvironment immune cell composition to improve the performance of a predictive model for oral squamous cell carcinoma

A scenario-drafting study to explore potential future implementation pathways of circulating tumor DNA testing in oncology

Blood platelet RNA profiles do not enable for nivolumab response prediction at baseline in patients with non-small cell lung cancer

Comparison of Results from Two Commercially Available In-House Tissue-Based Comprehensive Genomic Profiling Solutions: Research-Use Only AVENIO Tumor Tissue Comprehensive Genomic Profiling Kit and TruSight Oncology 500 Assay

Critical Factors in the Analytical Work Flow of Circulating Tumor DNA-Based Molecular Profiling

Developments in predictive biomarker testing and targeted therapy in advanced stage non-small cell lung cancer and their application across European countries

External Quality Assessment on Molecular Tumor Profiling with Circulating Tumor DNA-Based Methodologies Routinely Used in Clinical Pathology within the COIN Consortium

Future perspective for the application of predictive biomarker testing in advanced stage non-small cell lung cancer

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Doelgerichte therapie bij longkanker

Naar een heel nieuw systeem voor kankerzorg en -diagnostiek

Commissie Beoordeling Diagnostiek

Organisatie moleculaire diagnostiek bij mammacarcinoom

At ESMO, Focusing on Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

Longkanker: welke vorm heb ik?

25 jaar Moleculaire Diagnostiek binnen de Pathologie in Nederland

Moleculaire diagnostiek volop in beweging

“Betere diagnostiek verhoogt overlevingskans”

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